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>oilabs make their hourly posts
Trump isn't a dictator sadly, he needs to abide by the rulings handed down by the libtard judges on the 9th Circuit.

All he needs to do is use the Insurrection Act to deport spics. It’s legal and nobody can stop him. Any legal challenges will take effect after the job is done.

Wonder why he’s not doing it.

Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

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Did the courts force him to say this too?

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Obama deported millions.

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Tired of winning, yet?

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Haha, you will probably see the signs "2 children for $100" on your borders soon

Oh, really? That's all? He just needs to use the obscure power in a dubiously legal and completely unprecedented way, and order our military of ~2 million to deport the ~30 million illegal spics, and it's all just going to magically work out? It's really that simple? Interesting take.

We do love our beaners but not near as much as you Europoors love your muzzie nogs.

Ever wonder why you're the only person saying this?



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that's a pretty inefficient way of draining the swamp

Yes, it is inefficient. It's almost like our government was designed to be multifaceted and compartmentalized so that major changes had to be achieved slowly and with broad consensus, rather than by edicts and proclamations of lone individuals. Like the people who designed it had had a recent bad experience with some kind of king, or something.

It’s not dubiously legal. It’s totally legally sound. He just likes cheap brown labor, and is essentially a Democrat.
I’m not the only one saying it. Read the news.

LOL NAZI BTFO. But seriously! Why are we rewarding law breakers? Al;so, why are we tolerating democrats?

It's been over for us for awhile now. Let us burgers join in a circle, embrace, and shart in unison. We lost our country because boomers enjoyed tacos. :(

but I thought hillary was going to go to prison and the shills were going to hang and all the mexicans would get kicked out. what changed?

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Isn't this creating an incentive for traffickers to kidnap random Mexican kids to use them to get across scott free?

data log... its week 3 and they are still shilling this pathetic bait... at this point, only retarded newfags are taking it seriously. suicide watch is recommended

>Article from may 24
>"its week 3"

They're given work permits within 30 days of arrival

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>It’s totally legally sound.
Because you say it is? Suppose our next Democratic president decides that gun homicides are a threat that civilian law enforcement has proven itself incapable of dealing with, and uses the Insurrection Act to send the military to enforce gun control laws. Would that also be totally legally sound?

Just make your own country

But the melting pot is beautiful

I didn't say that shit. Don't look to me to back up lbgtQanon memes, I did not take part in that alternate reality game.

See how the US has a rapid rate of population growth? Similar to a third world country like Mexico and much faster than the UK?
Its because the US only pretends not to have open borders. The US has open borders.

All of their laws are not stop people moving there are working there illegally. The laws are designed to allow almost anyone to move to the US in an uncontrolled way but to make them second or maybe third class citizens of the US. Blacks are probably second class I guess. Poor immigrants are third class.

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and saved billions

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to be fair the mall is owned by a jew these days anyway.

>The laws are designed to allow almost anyone to move to the US in an uncontrolled way but to make them second or maybe third class citizens of the US.
yes, because business owns congress

90% of Syria lives in Europe now... eat shit

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only if part of a tax play. malls are money-losers

We will make sure the cheap labor is well equipped when it find your gated community. (You are running out of white men to keep you safe from the darkie slaves and you know it.)

Thats not even an exaggeration.

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>to enforce gun control laws
Which ones exactly? Illegal entry is pretty cut and dry.


fuck off shill Q is legit

>comparing cut and dry illegal immigration to unconstitutional laws
You better be letting Juan and lupe stay in your house

90% of the men you mean

Honestly these middle eastern countries are ripe for sexual conquest. The men keep leaving and they're repressed.

We should fund a mercenary army to go there get rid of the clerics and distribute concubines.

Imagine 100,000's of these disgusting, uneducated, disease ridden, ungrateful, murderous, useless, thieving, unskilled, criminal leeches roaming around. The smell alone. I hope it's a hot summer.

A whole lot of issues preventing the military from detaining civilians for civil infractions seem cut and dry, but you're just handwaving that shit away and asserting "it would be legal".

Thats what will happen when more and more shitskins will come to your country and republicans will never win another election and democrats will rewrite your constitution and whites will be niggers slaves
but hey, as long Donald being good goy thats ok!

>A whole lot of issues preventing the military from detaining civilians for civil infractions seem cut and dry
Which ones? Illegals aren't protected by the constitution by the way.

>but hey, as long Donald being good goy thats ok!
Well, what bad goy solution do we want Omnipotent Dictator Trump to enact? Say he cites the Insurrection Act and orders the military to deport the spics. The Pentagon tells him it's an illegal order and refuses. What then?
>Which ones? Illegals aren't protected by the constitution by the way.
That is patently false.

Which ones? Still waiting.

make it stop

I-I'm a PTG shill and youre all d-discord trannies.

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There is literally no time left to stop the invasion and overrun of America unless Trump does something. We're going to have a single-party system starting in 2020 or 2024 at the latest. That means Trump is literally the last shot we have. If he has to do illegal shit to get the spics to leave, then that's what he has to do. If generals refuse, fire them and put in new generals. Obama did that, and there's nothing stopping Trump from doing it. He is literally the last shot we have, so if he does not pull out all the stops, this joke "country" is done forever.

Trump is a Zionist shill, America is doomed to become a third world mestizo shit hole.

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based, that's why the kushner org makes 50 racemixing threads/hour on Jow Forums with dat latina azz

bump, miga

Jesus christ that is next level cuckoldry. At least it would be fucking trying, unlike the jack shit we're getting now.
Coulter was right. This is just a useless cult of personality now with no regard for results. No better than the boomers who got cheated by Reagan but continue to sing his praises.

Circumventing a border control point is a misdemeanor.

Being in America without proper identification is not a criminal offense.

So I guess he just blew smoke up everyone's ass when he said he would do x, y, and z. Truly a man of strong moral character to promise shit has can't deliver to get elected. Not a politician though, right faggot

Hey speaking of the 9th Circuit, what about that decision that said Trump could make the migrants wait in Mexico? Yet Trump continues to resettle them around the country. Why is he doing that?

>reading Coulter
Buchanan was warning us long before that whore could even talk.

Giving them work visas allows appropriate taxes to be collected. They are no longer illegal or undocumented. Forcing them to have a work visa is probably the best thing that can be done. Now we can track where they live and where they work in an appropriate, legal manner.

They are still border crossers that were caught crossing illegally, but we are forcing them to be documented.

You're a retard. The Insurrection Act can be used in very specific circumstances where local law enforcement is unable to uphold laws, thus it can be used to round up people illegally residing within the United States. Congress would have to make guns illegal for the Insurrection Act to be used to enforce gun control laws, which isn't going to happen. Illegal immigration is already against the law.

Tubby the Grifter and President Kushner at their con artist best.
MAGA? More like FAGA.

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>It's okay if you're replaced LEGALLY.
Fuck off, boomer cunt.

Zion Don is a kikesucking shlomosexual

kill yourself you reddit faggot


It's almost as if Trump had no intention of stopping illegal immigration and was only lying to his base for votes

Threadly reminder
Identitarians and wall shills are all niggers.
Trump was voted for economic reasons.
>inB4 your retarded
Commies, neets and non-burger flags can't have an opinion on burger politics because they are more useless than literal niggers. At least they contribute to society by killing their own.

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>Trump was voted for economic reasons.
Not true, but he has failed to deliver that as well.

That is the exact opposite of reality. Go get a fucking job.

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>All he needs to do
>is doing something.
He fails miserably at such

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Lol look at this faggot

No way it's 88D chess! Based and redpilled MAGA MIGA

bump get a load of this boomer

Exterminate the jews/shi t-skins or perish. The only way the white race can survive is via a CIVIL war.

Fuck off cuck. Trump is 100% a Zionist stooge.

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I heard the illegals get fast tracked to Trump's properties so he doesn't have to hire American workers.

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>Wonder why he’s not doing it.


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I guess we will pretend most of the border crossers with children are DNA tested and separated because instead of being family they are scumbag human traffickers.