When did you realize that our economy is inevitably going to crash?

When did you realize that our economy is inevitably going to crash?

Attached: yield curve.webm (480x480, 1.25M)

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When krautniggers took over. It was guaranteed to crash

when researching it a bit myself, realizing all fiat currencies are backed by debt and military force. Thats why will never be debtfree with our current monetary systems. Soon (((they))) will deman payback for our massive debt, since then papermoney will be worthless, we will have to pay with everything else we own, aswell with our time and blood.

>When did you realize that our economy is inevitably going to crash?
When I first understood how much the national debt really was.

>what is capitalism and why did it get bailed out
tame your autism, ahmed

blaming others as always, why is this so common among "südländern"

Shocker. Started just about when we started rebuilding China

Will it ever get back to 10 again?

When all my tax money went to some shithole at the Aegean see

when I see the domographys of my continent + debt of med countries

i dunno dude, maybe the banks got "bailed" out in 2008 because it was to early for them kikes. They will crash the economy with no survivors. Learn from 1929


Can an economicsfag explain to me why we cant delcare our debt null and cease making payments on it


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When i saw your debt clock

The (((federal reserve))) prints our money
For every 10 dollars we print we owe something like lets say 13 dollars in debt
>we will never be debt free no matter how much of our current monopoly money we print

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I'm not an econfag but here's a list of who would get screwed (many of them are U.S. citizen retirees with bond-heavy portfolios).

Attached: FY2016-A-ownership-US-government-national-debt.png (911x662, 57K)

>Can an economicsfag explain to me why we cant delcare our debt null and cease making payments on it
Imagine you have a massive debt.
Then you tell everyone who has loaned money to you that you're not going to pay that debt back.
Then imagine that you don't change your spending/saving habits.
One day due to mismanagement/accident/desire you go back to those same people and ask for more money..

What do you think their answer would be?

And also, how much do you think people will trust you with money or business or anything when they know you wiped your debt clean ie: essentially admitting retroactively that you stole all that money you were loaned?

a few years ago. now I have a ton a food and water sitting in my cellar now. Along with a gun and a ton of books.

Attached: FY2016-B-ownership-US-government-national-debt-public.png (911x662, 51K)

banks lend money from fed with interest
bank has to payback more
fed prints new money and lends to banks with interest
in europe replace fed with ezb. On another note, all countries need us dollars from fed to trade with oil, its the petrodollar. Try to play your own rules and USA will bomb the shit out of you. Prime example was gaddafis attempt to trade his oil with gold instead,


Attached: 1559074471144.jpg (566x933, 160K)

When I realized it crashes every 15-25 years.

What will trigger the next crash?

Democrat strategists.

>What will trigger the next crash?
Market instability. War. Real estate bubble popping again when it becomes unmanageable again. Something like that.

Everything dies on a long enough time line.

It will. Hard. in Trumps second term. He is already laying the groundwork to blame it on the Fed. He is going to push for an audit

I'm banking on it because I'm going to buy a house when shit hits rock bottom.

Trump talks a lot of shit but he won't touch the Fed. His handlers will ensure that.

>I'm banking on it because I'm going to buy a house when shit hits rock bottom.
better hope your dollar value isn't touched in such a case.

It's becoming increasingly apparent Trump isn't gonna do shit.

This is actually a good question. I wonder if betting houses are also thinking the same.

I go for climate change fucking up farms and a general trade collapse when the US comes under attack by the chinks

two years ago

And yet it's amazing how there's still people that trust the political system to save them.

Explain to me what the 'yield curve' in the OP is.

>Mr. Entire country only existed in the latter half of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st because of loans from Germany

Here's a good starter resource:

>Explain to me what the 'yield curve' in the OP is.
five seconds on google


A yield curve is a way to measure bond investors' feelings about risk, and can have a tremendous impact on the returns you receive on your investments.

>We are the richest nation on the planet.
>We have the best economy in the world.
>People aged 30 and younger somehow unable to get homes and start families.
>Parking lots at many companies both big and small getting smaller.
>College debt bubble going up.
>L..look at the graphs everyone! Look at the GDP! Loook! We are m-much better now!
>Another global recession.
>It's ok, this happens, we will recover!
>Entire generation unable to carry on and have kids because of jew economy that fucks with the cost of living and wages.
>Middle class is shrinking and so is the upper class.
>People hoarding cash to have control over their assets.
>Big banks want to phase out paper dollars and force us to have an account and use our phones to pay.
>People are called bumpkins for being against ludicrous control of their own money.
>But we are the richest country in the world, nothing could go wrong.

Fuck arbitrary values.

Was reading this when you posted it.

These simple facts
>Resources are limited
>Population increasing
>War is inevitable
>Thanos did nothing wrong

why the fuck are belgium and ireland a joint category?

You are quite dumb really, everyone was borrowing money to Germany when they re-united, even Greece, krauts were taking in loans in the ninneties but they were the only ones to actually invest it rather than spending

Excellent question Joseph.

Attached: 1499969696352.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>why the fuck are belgium and ireland a joint category?
Save space on the pie graph?

Is the economic cycle a inevitable feature of capitalism? I ask this because is kind of hard to defend a system where many people lose their jobs and everything they have every ten years or so

That's how every boom and bust cycle has worked since the creation of banking, it's a scheme to steal property from people

>Fuck arbitrary values.
You look at what a single income used to be able to provide in the past and what a single income can provide in the present and anyone can see this economy is only doing "great" when compared to itself rather recently.

>calling greeks southerners as if they were your own countrymen
gee wiz you truly are the center of EUrope

The problem with a flattening/inverted yield curve as an indicator of a coming recession, is that the yield curve is an aggregate of market expectations. The market is pricing in the very real possibility of a recession, but they can and will be wrong at times.

>That's how every boom and bust cycle has worked since the creation of banking, it's a scheme to steal property from people
and which singular group is responsible for interest, usury, the Fed and banking...


This is an excellent animation. It demonstrates every time the yield curve inverts, it soon plummets

this, dont get confused with the tail wagging the dog

hmmm i pretty sure only way to fix this is get more refugees and illegal immigrants in the country

This. Wages are currently way too high, and houses are too cheap. The only way to fix this is add a ton of people.

lose the USA-proxy, israel.

You know what the one thing all those illegal immigrants and refugees don't have when they come to White countries?

Massive debt.

Really makes you think, huh?

no, in germany, people from greece, italy, even spain call themselve "südlander". And from some expirience I've seen all of them either not admitting their wrongs or blaming others in a fashion of "look i did something bad, but this guy over there did something worse, therefore im innocent". That is their logic

>And from some expirience I've seen all of them either not admitting their wrongs or blaming others in a fashion of "look i did something bad, but this guy over there did something worse, therefore im innocent"
Literally Brazil. Every time anyone do something wrong an you call them out they say "but X has done it too and nothing happened to them! Why are you calling me out but not X?!"

Aren't Brazilians basically the niggers of south america?

So you make a new money system and use that instead!

No, we're white

Hopefully. Artificially low rates is why so many fools are invested in the casino of Wall St

>So you make a new money system and use that instead!
and no one wants to use your new money system because they don't trust you not to abandon it when you fuck it up beyond repair like you did with the old money system!

"pls sir. forget my past actions and let me try again with your money. i promise to do good with it."

>think of the boomers

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yup most of their population is mulatto

EXACTLY! i swear it has something todo with heat or something. In germany you are thaught at a young age to admit what you did wrong or else ita gonna be even worse if you dont spill the beans. Atleast it used to be like this.

"Wir haben es nicht gewußt"

When I saw a crack shack in the middle of niggerville USA running for a cool half million. When I realised the powers that be are betting the future of the country on niggers and beaners

t. Shitskins

>that 0% yield for the entirety of king nigger's reign
>Trump still outgrew that negro's ass

you know what you learn in kindergarten here "Unwissenheit schützt nicht vor Strafe". Seriously, you are supposed to know that very soon.
in english he says a common phrase used in defence, wie didnt know (that it was illegal to do x), i wrote, not knowing any better doesnt protect you from the law

it could be any number of things
but if the rest of the world ever stops using US currency as the dominant reserve currency (i.e. Russia, China, oil producing nations, etc stop doing exchanges based on dollar values) then the US economy will suffer tremendously. We are not at all ready for that to happen. And every day it becomes more and more likely that it will.
We've been in an extremely favorable position relative to the rest of the world since the end of WWII, but those factors are one at a time disappearing. And we have weakened ourselves so much that if the playing field becomes more even we will not be able to compete.

The federal reserve controls the interest rate though, doesn't it? Can't they just keep lowering the interest rate forever so that it remains affordable for the United States to pay interest, no matter how big the debt gets?

Trump won’t do shit. We’re all fucked and probably gonna die some terrible deaths, most likely starvation.

Well not me because I am good gardener. Fuck this gay earth though. I’m so sick of everyone trying to control me. Just let me smoke herbs and work the land. That’s all I want.

An actual interesting thread. Well done user.

Based burgers will burn once again

>people who dont understand the economy bitching about the economy
Gunna skip this episode lads

i see several places in that animation with a flattened yield curve that did not result in a recession

They did that during Obama era until it was so low it couldn't go much lower.

>Can't they just keep lowering the interest rate forever
0 is the lowest. if they start doing a negative interest rate watch the value of the dollar plummet.

>Military force
You answered your own question. The people know the systems are a scam created by the very banks we are allegedly indebted to. They can pack up and forgive themselves or we can make them.

Your heart is filled with hate, and you blame boomers for your own sins.

No, because that would lead to hyperinflation

Come to biz
Buy chainlink

You will not be allowed to sit out the race war. your skin color is your uniform.

>>We are the richest nation on the planet.
>>We have the best economy in the world.
>>People aged 30 and younger somehow unable to get homes and start families
What does that tell you about the world

WHUT?! BTC $12k imminent. If you bought in Jan you’d have DOUBLED YOUR MONEY! Now economic weakness means investors (esp Chinese) are parking in the SAFEST out there ... CRYPTO. derivative breakthroughs will spark new highs ..$25k. $50k.


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>our economy is inevitably going to crash

aaaaany day now.

Try looking at the financers. In Brazil, whites are the jews. The white minority runs the country while the mutt majority works to pay for endless debt.

uhm... i didnt ask a question tho?


Nice digits.
You're not wrong.

Attached: 1542598181419.gif (499x341, 1.01M)

I want a Sminemcoin.

>Listen to ourboi. MASSIVE GAINS IMMINENT.
massive losses imminent as well.

it's an unstable currency.

Dubtrips or truth

If the debt is enormous (as it is), even an interest rate really close to 0 will still provide payments. Why don't they just keep adding to the debt, and simultaneously decrease the interest rate, so the overall money paid out stays about the same?
That seems like a good deal for everyone, no?

Now you realize sanctioning Iran has been the nail in your death coffin.