Trump complains ‘The Jews always flip’

Trump was so upset that he vented, “The Jews always flip,” journalist Michael Wolff wrote in his new book, a sequel to his earlier book Fire and Fury.

Although Mueller’s report did not indict Trump, it led to Trump's associate Cohen pleading guilty to campaign finance violations, tax fraud and bank fraud, as well as Weisselberg and Pecker reaching immunity deals in exchange for testimonies.

Cohen, Weisselberg and Pecker are all Jewish. While on his press tour to promote “Fire and Fury” last year, Wolff said that Trump was not anti-Semitic but was ““aware of who is Jewish in a way that feels creepy.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

More like Trump plays 4D chess.

Even MSNBC wiped their hands of Wolff. No one cares what he says.

If you know this, then employing them in any capacity is surely a bad idea.

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Still, even if it were true, Donald Trump is in bed with the Jews, Netanyahu, and the Jewish-Russian Mafia.

Wolff is jewish and probably getting paid to write propoganda that gives Trump an appearance of being distant from the jews so that they can trick Trump’s voters again.

The fact is, Trump is more of a jew than most jews.

Daily reminder, Jews are Ridin' with Biden. Old Pedo Joe's interests compliment them.

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Nice flag faggot. How long have you been on this site?

Jews are ridin’ with every politician, that’s the sole reason America is fucked and that there is class warfare. Jews push for communism, Jews push for socialism, Jews push for capitalism, meanwhile they inflate and destroy the economy and steal our tax money to profit from their race wars. Whenever things get really bad, they make up stories about how oppressed they are and steal more money.

Ever wonder why Israel constantly needs 10 million a day from the US? Why we just gave them another 40 billion dollars? And why our military is controlled by Israel?

Ever wonder why their economy sucks so bad? Because jews don’t do labor. And they hardly do military.

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1 day
1 thousand years
who knows?

you, on the other hand, trumpcuck, are obviously a 2015-2016 reddit refugee. go back.

>Aware of who is jewish
>Acts like trying to mascarade as a white person isn't creepy.

Ohno not someone who can find you out that easily shlomo. Its almost like you changed your name for nothing.

When Trump wins in 2020 how will you cope? David Brock was murdered by his sponsors for lying about how effective his shilling was.

that isn't something trump would say. totally made up.

>a sequel to his earlier book Fire and Fury.

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Well he's probably happy now that he's getting a settlement named after him in the Golan Heights.


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Yeah better vote for Biden, he'll surely stick it to those Zionists. He's been infiltrating AIPAC since the 1980s in his long term plot to epically own the Jews.

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>“aware of who is Jewish in a way that feels creepy.”
Meaning he can spot the shapeshifters. Jews hate that shit.

Trump told us he was the smartest guy in America.
So how come he didn't already know this before?
He's either a retard or a fraud.

I honestly don't think he'll win. He's become less popular, not more popular since 2016. Who has he won over who he didn't already win over in 2016? No one. Who has he lost? A significant portion of his fanbase. Sure he'll keep 'The Base', i.w. the Republican base of Zionist Warmonger Boomers. But McCain had them, Romney had them. They alone are not enough to win the presidency. Trump has alienated everyone else. He is bound to lose.

However on the off chance I'm wrong and he's does win, I will be scared. Because after re-election, when he isn't accountable to the people any more, that's when the real president emerges. I feel like Trump would start a big war in a second term. The only reason he's holding back now is because it would be electoral suicide. But when he no longer needs the people, the real Trump will emerge, and I think his heart is with Israel.
Obama, interestingly, used his last two years, when he didn't need votes for even his party any more, after the midterms, 2015-2016, to stick 2 knives in Israel's back. Far form lethal, but they were a good start. I think Trump would do the opposite when he no longer has a leash around his neck. We know he has a big ego, he likes to act macho. I bet he wants to be a war president. I geniuinely fear a Trump second term.









>He's become less popular, not more popular since 2016.
From what I see, that's only true here. Folks I know on the right in the real world that were on the fence are more firmly behind him than in 2016, and he hasn't lost anyone I know. It's anecdotal, sure, but I give it more credit than someone who hides behind a flaggot.

Even (((MSNBC))).

>being aware of who is Jewish is “antisemitic”

Jews marry into almost every royalty around the world.

There was a fellow whos name slipping my mind who wrote a great book on it that is basically blackballed.

Anyone know the name?

>“The Jews always flip,”

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You’re not even close to blending in. Stop trying so hard with all the buzzwords. Is that you Mr. Brock?

As he spaces like a complete faggot

More like with Jews you lose.

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>The Jews always flip
Wow, that's surprising.

>He's either a retard or a fraud.

Brock's dead. He was killed for lying about how effective his shill game was and taking the money anyway even though he knew he wasn't actually helping and may have been hurting Hillary's chances with his inept over-shilling.

>Trump claims Jews flip claims flipping Jew

I listen to american rightwing hardcore boomer talk radio and most callers and presenters vow not to vote for him again.

Yeah let's vote Biden so we can be rid of Zionist influences in government!

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Polls say the opposite, he entered office with a 29% approval rating and is at 54% now.

Who the fuck here is suporting Biden? You Trumpshills are like Jews, you use all the same rhetorical tricks.

>if u criticize Trump, ur a Hill Shill!
>if u criticize Trump, ur ridin with Biden!
>if u criticize Trump, ur a tranny!
>if u criticize Trump and Israel, ur a jew!

What do you listen to?

>this is the book that's gonna take down Drumpf!
I hate reruns. How many has it been now? 20?

So do I, and I'm not hearing it. So who are you voting for, blackpill guy?

>sequel to Fire and Fury

its fiction then. man, this guy really writing his LOTR here!

So it’s just a matter of time till Trump flips

How's the world-building compare?

Even though that book is 99% bullshit, I would assume anyone who works with big businesses knows about kikes.

Don't know how to react yet? But Drumpf's a kike puppet, surely the one man who we're supposed to vote for instead isn't! I look forward to your counter-messaging because Biden at AIPAC is going to be a big meme for the next year and a half. Almost as big of a meme as him inappropriately touching small children in a sexual manner, on tape, on CSPAN, many times. He's also a Saudi shill, so we can get him that way too.

Have fun brainstorming!

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Nope. Tulsi.

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The same guy who wrote a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit for money is back with more unsubstantiated bullshit for money

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As the useful idiots on here may still not have realized: this is a hasbara shill thread for Trump. Their best goy. The meme flag might have given it away.
>chosing the Jihadi one, so subversive and clever
But indeed it's likely Trump will win again. Anglin spelled out why. The USA is thoroughly fucked. Your last chances were Pat and Ron. Now go gently into the night.

what polls say 54

Fucking hell, shut up.

>implying that Biden hasn't been anointed
They need a cabal member. This isn't up for debate and the primaries will be rigged just like they were for Hillary.

If you can find me the approval ratings for;
>Obama in May 2011
>Bush in May 2003
>Clinton in May 1995
>Bush in May 1991
>Reagan in May 1983
and so on, every incumbent president at this point before he runs for re-election, and you can show me significant correlation with the eventual winner of the race, then maybe I'll admit it's relevant. Until then, it's irrelevant. Approval ratings go up, they go down. It's not an accurate gague for re-election this far out.

RBN. It's like GCN except they're not Zio-controlled puppets.
Obama and Trump have both been big redpills for me. Before them I was still idealistic, I thought as long as we can elect the good people rather than the evil people, it can make a difference. But look at them both. They both largley caved to the system. It doesn't matter who the president is right now. As much as I love Tulsi, and as much as I like Rand for a future run, I think they would end up the same in the Oval Office. To become a Democrat president or a Republican president, you have to bend to the party. They own you, there's no way around it. Got to break the 2-party system (which is a monoparty really) - it's too easy for THEM to control right now. So I would vote for a third party or an independent. I just don't have faith in Democrat Tulsi or GOP Rand.

you're so delusional it's sad. Enjoy your madness. No one likes Biden except the MSM. They're pushing him. I don't believe for a fucking second that he's way otu in fornt with 30+%. They have to be making that shit up. No real person wants Biden in. They must be fakign polls. To discourage/demoralize Berniebros and whoever else.
>Give up goyim, Biden has it in the bag!
complete fuckign horseshit.
lol. pic related is you.

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wtf i love Trump now!

Aren't you supposed to have a 95 IQ

But I’m not tired

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>except they're not Zio-controlled puppets
Well I seriously doubt that if they call themselves Republicans

They don't call themselves Republicans. They're rightwing conservative boomers redpilled on the JQ.

Did Obama really give you hope? Serious question, but it makes me think you're really young, and you do sound quite a bit like someone that just comes here to demoralize everyone, although I haven't yet accused you of being a leftist shill. Don't call me a boomer and confirm the lefty shilling; I'm not that old.

>meme flag
>assigns homework rather than jewgling for data and facts so xhe can know them for xerself
>goes right to the mental illness speak
What happens when all your little scheming gambits become so overused that you're turning into a walking meme? Yee.

Old Pedo Joe is now your man. You shill for him like a good little cuck. Never mind the fact that he's been video taped molesting children by the official US Government video archive organization. You shill on.

You have no choice but to lose hard this time, it's even worse than Hillary. Pedo Joe hasn't even managed to get more than 200 people to show up at any of his rallies.

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Sorry I misread. I don't trust anyone with a camera in their face though.

>‘The Jews always flip’
sounds legit

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>apologizing to a shill
Fucking faggot

I'm not old but I'm not a zoomer either. I didn't have a great deal of hope for Obama, but I was cautiously optimistic. Look at his opponents - Hillary and McCain. I was glad it was neither of them. I liked Obama, but even then thought he was too shiny, too slick. I thought he was capable of great scandal. Before that, I hated Bush. Too young to have known what was really going on during Clinton's presidency, although I did find it ridiculous they were trying to impeach him over cheating on his wife.
I'm 33.
lol you're mental. I tell you I hate Biden and your takeaway from that is that I love Biden? Good lord.
I'll refrain from calling oyu a schizo or telling you to 'take your meds' though because that is a slimy jewish tactic. I won't stoop to that level. I'll leave that to you every time someone legitimately criticizes Trump.

This. Fuck Donberg Trumpstein.

You're a coping inbred retard. We got it.

>I hate Biden
That's irrelevant. You will shill for him for your shekel.

I don't get the cautious optimism about Obama, but whatever, optimism is usually a good thing. When it comes to picking someone who is going to represent 300+ million people, you are never going to get a person who represents your views 100%. Never. The Presidency is always a compromise, and while in the past I have voted third party for POTUS, I haven't done it in quite a while (Bush years and earlier, stayed home instead of voting for Romney and McCain). I have plenty of criticism for Trump, but there isn't anyone on the left I would rather have in his place, including Tulsi gun-grabber Gabbard. I also don't look to politicians as heroes or saviors because they're not, and I don't want them to be. You seem pretty blackpilled for 33, and I'm not saying you blame politicians for your lot in life, but you shouldn't. Better to expect them to disappoint you and live your life as independently from government as you can.

>Did Obama really give you hope?
He gave me a lot more than hope

Obama gave us bump stocks, binary triggers, pistol braces and actually made getting a NFA trust to own machine guns and suppressors easier by only having to notify chief LEO instead of asking.

Trump made 500,000 gun owners felons and doesn't believe in due process when it comes to gun owners

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Wolff is a kike whose books are full of lies. Discarded

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As funny as it would be for this to be true this is the guy that literally had a disclaimer at the beginning admitting he made it all up.

It's not a wedge issue, the polls done by the NRA reflect this. Gun owners also failed to care when trigger cranks were banned.

Do a flip.

>but was ““aware of who is Jewish in a way that feels creepy.”
How quickly he recoils and shrinks back, "I've been found out"

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