Truly powerful message

Same woman. Same place. 40 years apart.

Attached: Capture.jpg (508x428, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Clown world


>contributing nothing of value to society for 40 solid years

The cat-urine stench must be overwhelming.


Attached: Kids these days.jpg (500x372, 40K)

Get a life


And men STILL wont fuck her.

cut this shit out autist


>tRuMp Is NiXoN!!!!!!!

they've been trying this meme for four years and it still hasn't stuck. are they running out of ideas?

Lol like she's more fuckable looking now? No boner would dare.

>a literate woman
Wow op I am impressed!

>Honk honk

Meme magic strikes again

Attached: thats-not-a-woman-thats-a-man-baby.jpg (400x400, 47K)

>old boomer cunt gives her last medicare funded breath to ensure the US is destroyed

Women. Getting it right since like forever. Men, sit up and pay attention. Say it louder for those in the back.

They had ideas?

Attached: creep 5.jpg (449x449, 43K)

Not only is she literate but she is also strong and independent. Oppressive men, back off.


>if you only knew how bayyyyd things really are, earthling

>The truly eternal roastie
Also Nixon did nothing wrong. Unlike Trump

Attached: (((Western Civilization))).jpg (1796x1504, 901K)

40 years wasted

Is just me or the sign looks shooped?

WOW!! That blow to your head was a lot harder than we thought.

Attached: huh.jpg (1080x985, 241K)

Attached: AD4B5746-9E17-4EEC-AEF3-C735E1570CAF.jpg (960x960, 153K)

Fuck that old bitch and fuck op

attention seeking whore, even at old age. probably posted this proudly on her fb with some gay quote. seething old roasties always looking for attention


Photoshop. Look at the lines surrounding honk.

Nixon tried to steal “black book” (60s version of pizzagate) from DNC

It is


>Nixon didn’t go to jail
>trump won’t go to jail
Imagine being WRONG for 4 decades lmao

It also appears that Putin is adept at shooting journalists. Could he please visit cnn and msnbc?

Attached: woof.jpg (499x600, 83K)

Tits and time stamp

Attached: 535D39E9-DD93-4DB2-AED7-B69AF9A950E6.jpg (1024x768, 157K)


Attached: 8077DADF-CAF3-4C41-B3C3-550D5AB5850E.jpg (552x531, 43K)

Why? Let them make fools out of them selves.

Attached: 5702399F-DDCE-4D3B-B98F-BE9863FD5FE1.jpg (1340x498, 57K)

And neither of them happened

Attached: 78B5F2E6-1A9F-4506-ADFE-9D0B179C5844.jpg (594x435, 159K)

amazing how the honk is a pixel perfect match

>a roastie is worthless
Imagine my shark

Honk if you need an internet loicense

Attached: 1558137067006.jpg (720x960, 110K)

Go back
In all fields

40 years and she's STILL a fucking idiot. Once "They" hit the wall theres no turning back.