Nikolai II

Was Tsar Nikolai II based?


Attached: NicholasII.jpg (422x576, 29K)

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If the jews went out of their way to kill him, rape his family, murder them all and throw them down the well, he was doing something right.

No. He was a complacent faggot who didn't give a shit about the "commoners".
His family definitely didn't deserve to die though.

>didn't give a shit about the "commoners"
he was loved by the russian people. he was missled by his wife and the aristrocracy, the ones who made the bloody sunday, not him

He got cucked by pic related. Started a war he couldn't win. Forced into abdication by his own mongol general and then got killed by bolshevik jews. And his only son was a hemophiliac due to inbreeding. You tell me.

Attached: h706y9pigr7akk6tjobj.jpg (880x495, 110K)

>You tell me.
he didn't started the war, your friends did you backstaber Bulgarian cunt. The Tsar was helping his fellow slavs, unlike you you sack of shit

they are saints now.

Attached: saints.jpg (561x740, 89K)

honestly... as army colonel he'd be perfect. he was brilliantly mannered, good father, good husbund, but pretty weak Emperor. He could have easily whipe out all those bolshevicks fuckers just by click. But he was too kind. Inexcusable for a leader.

He was highly incompetent.

a bold statement for a nigger to make

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