Why does Google do this?

Attached: christ myth theory.jpg (833x336, 55K)

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Because they sacrificed their search engine for an AI based emotional mind control tool.

Google was made by a kike

The answer to most questions, Jews.


Google owns Wikipedia? Also wonder what would happen if a certain middle eastern pedophile was called a myth.

Didnt the inventor of Wikipedia just talk about how fucked it has become?

>born: 4 BC

Attached: 1462629721727.jpg (186x208, 6K)

These "Jump to" sitelinks are automatically generated whenever the website uses "anchors" (hashtags, pound symbol) on their URL.
In this particular case: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus#Christ_myth_theory
But, for this page there are at least 11 sections with 21 subsections, meaning this particular fetch is very unlikely, unless deliberately manipulated.

Probably because Christianity is fictional and god is a myth