What would be the morally righteous decision in this situation, Jow Forums?

What would be the morally righteous decision in this situation, Jow Forums?

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He starts whoopin her ass right then and there for being a prostitute, and then when the police come they hang both of them for adultery.

Disown the daughter, change your name, and move to Thailand

If you were such a pathetic lesser men that your daughters grow to become whores, then I'm glad such perils happen to your life.

Honor killing

kill myself for failing so hard

Demand a family discount.

Honour killing then righteous sepuku



this is viral marketing

I already paid for the service. I fully expect for my daughter to fuck me.

Degenerate man raises degenerate daughter. Why is that a surprise to them or anyone else?

Fucking my daughter

This is a scam website and a marketing thread. MODS DO YOUR JOB.

>What would be the morally righteous decision in this situation, Jow Forums?
Obviously you have to get on the phone to the local paper and sell them the story.

I'll add your pic to my list of things that literally never happened.

Fuck the whore out of your dauther then kill her and yourself for adultery.

Like father, like daughter. Needless to say u.u

How about not calling the fucking newspaper?


Fuck her but instead of your dick it's a bullet and instead of her pussy it's her skull. No daughter of mine becomes a whore. Not on my watch

>viral marketing
This. Fake story to generate publicity.


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Do your fucking jobs janny filth. Fucking spambots

Based and redpilled.

I smell publicity stunt.

Depends if he paid in advance

Did he smash?

Fuck her lol

How did the media ever get wind of this shit? I don’t have a kid but if I hired a pro and my sister came over we would never ever discuss it again

There’s nothing wrong with a daughter providing consensual relief to her father. Handy/Bjs, not procreative sex.

Based and logicpilled

My name is not important...

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temporarily convert to islam so you can commit an honor killing and get away with it

>Demand a family discount.
Not sure why everyone else is morally posturing like kikes.

Jew approved slide thread. Blue check mark.

Cover face, pay her, get her naked and fuck the shit out of her, cum on her face, fist her asshole and slap those titties.
And as she's leaving, tell her you know her dad and you're going to show him this video of you completely debasing her unless she pays you 10 grand in 2 hours. Give personal details.

Now you've won twice today.

For extra butthurt, call her up (as her dad) and tell her you just got this emailed video of her but you haven't watched it yet. Enjoy the panic.

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I hope he fucked her.
>If I'm payin', I'm playin'!!

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>morally righteous decision in this situation
For whom?
Make sure you give her a tip for the service?

everyone replying below this post is a kike and a nigger at the same time.__________________________________________________

>he thinks he can sage here

stupid fag

I'd fuck my daughter and leave her money. I'd reorder her every week until she either became my sex slave or kills herself in shame.

>I want to complain about Israel some more!!!!
Fuck off faggot. The only thing sliding is muh dik in yo aass

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Wait, I've seen this before.


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