User is ready, Are you?!

user is ready, Are you?!

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Nah because you're all kike shills and declass is coming this week

they aren't taking my home away from me, i'd grab my gun and shoot them all dead!

>I'm a follower with no initiative
Why did he admit that with such bravado?

He's ready for something that won't happen. There's no one with an army and there never will be. The bad orange man is the best we'll get


Why isn't he the one knocking on the doors?

This is a sign that the final straw to an all-out rebellion against the current global order is charismatic leadership that can disseminate a unifying message widely. A movement must begin that is impervious to nullification tactics by the CIA et al. Grassroots, neighborhood to neighborhood kind of 'cellular' organizing based on a simple, self evident list of tenets.

>someone knocked on my front door
>with an army behind them
>I'd join in a heartbeat.

Yea but here's the problem... you're totally unwilling to be the guy who creates the army, or who knocks on anybody's door. And so is every last person on this cancerous larp site. Everybody's waiting for some magical fantasy to happen so they can join it. And if you don't do it yourself, then who will? ... The republicans? The boomers?

You all are just scared out of your fucking wits to even meet each other and say hi. Meanwhile, the clock is running down to zero while your feverishly wring your hands about the possibility of losing your wagecuck job that you've always hated doing.

Based retard. The hard (read: impossible) part of taking it back is the forming of a militia. You would end up in Gitmo for the rest of your life within a week of organising a disestablishmentarianist militia. The FBI has eyes and ears everywhere.

The problem is getting other people to actually give a fuck about anything other than maintaining. People are more worried about just going to work and making ends meet than actually caring about any higher calling.

Ready and waiting.
Literally have been ready and waiting for the last 35 years.
Still waiting.
Still ready

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Typical cuckservatice stance
Will always bend his ass up and wait for the cock
Never does anything
Just keeps on waiting

That's why they're heroes. You can't get mad at someone for being unremarkable. We will continue to wait.

because he's a coward and a mindless bootlicker

I'm down.

typical burguer waiting for someone else to start the revolution then come to his door for his convenience and inviting him to join in lmao you guys are lost
we need that wall pronto


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The first person to have the charisma of Reagan, and not be an optics cuck, is pretty much guaranteed to be the next Hitler

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i've been ready.

we need leadership and communication.

we don't even have to take it back per say , just amass enough people that aren't afraid to speak truthfully and show the others to not be afraid as well and it will be over fairly quick.

the one big problem though are the blacks. at this point if we are going all the way we need to go all the way, offer 50k a head to get on the boat and leave. no exceptions.

sympathizers have to be dealt with

One day it will come and you will be too old to join the fight. You'll think back to this post and laugh at the irony of life. Then you'll honk a few times and die from uncontrollable laughter. The person who finds your body will have very large feet.

Imagine the smell!

desu, breathing in chicken shit particles does lead to some really nasty diseases, enjoy the early grave

I'd tell them to fuck off as theyre more than likely fbi cointelpro ops.

This is a 4th generational international civil war between globalists and pan-ethno-nationalists -primarily of european stock. It cannot and will not be fought with standing armies on a battlefield. It will be fought through information,propaganda and when it occasionally or increasingly frequently moves over to the physical realm,it will be fought asymmetrically
Protip - we're already in this war and have been for quite some time. Only now are certain people beginning to realise it.

I would leave to do to every Communist in America what Indonesia did to them in 1965.

we need someone who is truly an alpha and has the resume and looks to back it up to self anoint themselves the leader and start going door to door

someone who literally any true American would follow into battle, regardless if they have military experience or not

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More likely scenarios is someone knocks on his door with an army behind his back and says: "we're taking your guns"

Strategy! Cryonics due to inner cell mass stem cell resurrection

>He's ready for something that won't happen
he must be a based accelerationist lmao

In your wet dreams you retarded faggot. The first boomer will report him to the cops after closing the door and that "hero" will get shot 20 times and then someone will upload the video from body cam here and you will cheer in pig thread, saying he should have just got on his head and crawl backwards like a good civilized citizen.

Pro Tip: People who talk like this cringe at the sight of a real bloody fight. Hell, most of them cringe at the sight of the recruiters (because the recruiters don't look like the ideal man in their heads. Oh, God! What if they just start killing people? What if they are trying to trick me? This has to be a trap. Nobody but a dangerous psycho or Fed would show up at my door and ask me to fight.")

no you wouldnt faggot

This. The idealized man doesn't exist. And even if he does, he's most certainly be the Antichrist.


How is that based? All it would take is the right person...

lol who actually owns guns anymore?

it takes way more than that you clueless brainlet, just shut the fuck up and follow orders when the time comes

How would you even know? It's worked before, and it hasn't been tried in decades. Maybe the time isn't now, but eventually we will get to that point and the people are going to have to do something.

Why do you act so arrogant?

Are you weak from typing, canacuck? I heard food is too expensive to eat where you live.

Can't organize. What will happen if it ever does would be that everyone would just do it out of frustration and despair. Its going to have to get way way worse for anything to happen. First guy to shoot alone is the faggot

ready to keep the Afghanistan war or lose the Vietnams again?
How come you guys can't finish one war?
I know you guys are not weak, but its been too long just lose or win.

I remember seeing this post a god damn hero we need to brainwash a nigger into a fascist to commit a “holocaust” on whites it’s the only way to even the playing field.

have you considered that it isn't actually the intention of the government to win?

>How come you guys can't finish one war?
We're not allowed to do the necessary scorched earth plan that'd ensure victory, because, well, all those civilians.
Give us the green light to obliterate everything and not give two fucks about civvies, and both wars would have ended in a matter of days.

>implying an army could make it to my front door
The trick is to set your pressure plates so that anything smaller than a van wont trigger them

That's how ALL revolutions work, beaner frog.

What a worthless post from a worthless moron.

Depends on what I see in front of my eyes. Could go either way.

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Americans should exercise their God given rights. Now please don't shoot my dog, ATF.

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You can always feed on my semen, canacuck. It's high in protein and I know protein is expensive these days.

Fuck off loser. We can do both you dumb cunt.

Then why don't just stop?
It is not sad to seeing your own people die in battlefield during this peace period?

I never eat my food. It's too expensive.

I frame it and keep it on the walls. Or sometimes I store it in formaldehyde in a jar on the mantel.

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Muh boomer Red Dawn jerk off fantasy.

I would. I have a bugout bag and all my guns on standby for such a case. It'll never happen, but a man can dream.

The jewish media tricks the public into agreeing with these infinite wars. It's not working well anymore though, that's why the American public resisted their push to involve us in the Syrian war further.

The most advanced and well funded military in the world has been defeated time and time again by dudes with AK-47s and a few improvised explosives.

A lot of these "blackpill" (((shilling))) threads these days.
Truth is, DJT and Q fucked up by letting the likes of kushner dictate and direct the immigration policy and letting that rat fuck slip in "protect muzzies and jews" talk in the criminal reform bill.
(((shills))) took that ran the whole 100 yards to the endzone.
How do either of those things help America?
How do either of those things help white/traditional REAL America?
Where is DJT and Q from the poland speech?
It doesn't. It was straight treason.

World isn't built around the fucking NYC sensibilities and jewy outlook that the likes of kushner is slipping into the admin. We didn't fucking elect that little shit and neither did anyone who voted for DJT.
If Q wants to regain some sensibility and credibliity in the meme sphere, they might want to confine kushner and that fucking sick globalist faction within the admin to caring about the middle eastern affairs. Why are they allowing these hostile assets who hold average americans, especially white americans, in contempt, essentially democrats in charge of immigration and going around protecting muzzies and jews?
I admit, the sheer contempt and incompetence of good number of these fuckers in DC is seriously doing harm to our people.

that nigga is russian/ukranian, he is gonna die early anyway

Taking what back? The term "porch monkey"?

Drust da blan :D:D:D

No one here is ready until they watch this entire video.

This user gets it

>start a militia
>FBI first 100 recruits

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Yes, Join Patriot Front

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yep. The six gorrilion guarantees no whites will ever form an army ever again. Guilt and fear controls the goyim.

You'd be killed immediately

>follower with no initiative
"Cuckservitives" are law abiding people and as such need a go ahead sign from an authority figure (like Trump) that its OK to do something thats normally illegal .

How many militaries have been defeated by boomers who are too busy worshipping Israel to stop a decades long invasion of their homeland?

After giving it serious consideration, I have no choice but to vote for Tulsi. After hearing her stance on quackable peckerwoods in addition to their corresponding cock fucks, I can't help but opt to stand behind her with my weenerschnitzel poking on her tight wet little who hah nigguh.

So when it comes to her geoeconomic policies, I find it self contentious perforation waggadoodle faggot. And that's primarily because if you reinvest into the federal reserves asshole, then you're left with noodle soup. And we all know that with compounding interests there are a lot of farts to pass the reticulated pyfuck.

It is a point of contention with regard to her stance on Iran. Personally, I would like to see her take a more solid stance on Iran, like lubing up her tight little fuck toy and shoving it directly into anal opening. After all, unless we show a strong jelly bean to Iran, who will compute the number of pedophiles it takes to screw in a lightbulb. Seriously BoBo Fay, do you know what I am saying.

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>MFW Sarah Sanders mentioned taking Comey into custody today.... it's coming faggots

>Trust muh plan

You faggots will believe anything and only serve to enable Kushner

>giving a woman power
That's what go us into this mess you kike shill
We'll be ending that shit too

So quick to turn to faggotry.

Kill yourself. No (You).

Notice how the gutless coward requirements is the guy having an army behind him. If he was the first to be recruited he would go "LOL NAH" and call the cops for his good rat points.

Fucking baaased. But yeah, 9/11 was a wakeup call for me, it was my initiation into the psychic war at a young age. Scroll down the front page on Jow Forums and see what's become of our little haven. The board is fucking pozzed these days. Our time has come to open up new fronts in this info war. We can NEVER accomplish anything through physical force, they are invincible in that sense, but the source of their power is the consent of the brainwashed masses. Our destiny is tied to theirs. The redpill is our best weapon and people are getting hungry for it. They're using women as a weapon against us, we need to have iron will in our dedication to this fight.

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There will likely be no knock on the door, and if there is there will certainly be no army behind them. The decision to fight back is one every man will have to make for themselves. This is what is means to be a man, to make life-or-death decisions about right and wrong with nothing but your conscience and your faith to guide you. There will be no authority figure to tell you what to do, no societal customs to guide you, for both our authorities and our society has been subverted against our interests.

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I gotta be honest, I'm nowhere near believing out issues can't be solved democratically. My life is also too good to want to risk it over what? some degeneracy or something?

Call me when they start real gun confiscations.

main problem being they are growing armies of hussein, comey, brennan, lynch, holder, ohr, etc etc.
and of course our "patriots" care more about optics of those who are out to rape and kill their women and children than our own.
Always ready to cast out, degrade, laugh at, and spit on their own kids and children. After 70 years of that failure they expect people to be whole and sane? Do they have any clue how badly the people have been put under pressure?
How about caring for the optics of their own for a change? 2016 didn't happen because people cared about fucking optics. We won it by screaming nigger and jew on and off this board.
We won it because people stopped giving a fuck.
>inb4 im falling into (((shill))) line about kushner

maybe it would be easier to handle people's frustrations (who are already under attack and constant shilling from rest of the fucking nigger filled world), IF THE FUCKING GENIUSES WEREN'T SUCH BLIND SHITS AND REALIZE THEY ARE FUCKING THE NATIONS OVER AS MUCH AS ANY KUSHNER OR JEW OR MOSSAD. By being contemptuous when they should be rushing in along to fight. By rushing into fight when their own house is burning and instead of bringing in water they fucking douse the place with oil.
By not realizing the "REALITY" that people are under contains REAL and POSTIVE threats to their very dignity, life, and threats to their basic sense of security as people and families, by being all too ready to spit on everyone no different than the likes of those democrats or jews.
By being the same fucking rotten fruits of the same fucking shit tree that allowed all this to happen in the first place, yet the moment they feel a bit more confident they leave and bail and let everything that really matters to be victimized, raped, and taken advantage of.
People did not vote for DJT because they minded being called nigger or spic. They voted for the hope of someone strong and team that is strong to bring down power and order on these subhumans.

been hearing that since September

>i can use big words

I’m ready. 4PM EST.

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>with an army behind them.

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>If somebody else did all the work, I'd join in!
Jow Forums in a nutshell

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>most of Jow Forums are INTP or INTJ
>becoming a charismatic leader who can raise an army

Tarrant exposed the T level of the board.


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Trust the plan, goy! *rubs hands, eats foreskin, checks pocket to make sure loose change hasn't fallen out* declass is coming!

You're either a nigger or white trash.

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>admitting you're up and ready to overthrow the government
thats a big yikes from me bud. they are always watching, especially on this website. admitting you'd do something like this will get you put on a list and will more than likely end up with you being followed by an agent. eventually you will become so paranoid that you'll either kill yourself, or end up taking the specially modified pills they provide you to control you into thinking and acting the way they want you to. pretty much your life will be forever ruined. don't get baited, retards.

Fuck off Kushner shill

>with an army
and herein lies the fundamental problem. if someone shows up "with an army" then the risk you face joining it is lower than starting the army in the first place.

Debased and blackpilled

Am I wrong?