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She looks like a donkey wearing a 30 year old, rubber Velma mask.
Fightclub era Meatloaf
Her teeth are fucking brown. Who voted for this cunt? How can she run a country if she can't even manage her own mouth?
tele must be in a right state
who's that fat jew with the extremely punchable face? Seth something
Birmingham is full of muslims. Labor panders to them
do people in britain regard him as a lolcow or did some of you guys vote for him?
Listen leaf - shut the fuck up. Your shit country is imploding. It is a failed state. You can't even afford food. Why the fuck don't you shut your mouth you fucking nigger. You are a failed human being of a failed nation. Take your bullshit elsewhere and shut the fuck up faggot
>Her teeth are fucking brown.
>Sargon says woman is too ugly to rape
>kikes use taxpayer money to make this into a drama
"She" looks like a fucking man
>30 years old
Today a college girl treated me like she thought I was younger than her, even though I graduated college a while ago. I wonder what causes so many women to age so badly compared to men.
wow, he just keeps winning
jims hateboner for sargon is really fucking pathetic
He is not wrong. Carl is a lolcow.
fuck me sideways...she is in her thirties?
Johnny Vegas
he was right about everything though.
Notin mor' bri-ish, brung a tear to me eye, salute the union jack I did.
Idris Elba
Look another leaf. Fucking faggot.
kek unironically meme this into reality
Why not? She's a 10/10 in the UK.
Arrrl drink to that, guvna! Eyaa, av ya seen me poype loycense? I fink i left it up me arrse, oy did!
Richard Spencer destroyed Sarg'n. You can never take that feat from him.
>movie climax is her getting raped by a sargon lookalike
So gay
An extremely hard 37
>looks as old/older than my 60 year old mother
>he cant handle even the slightest criticism of his surrogate daddy
Your dad's a race mixer
Her surviving a non-rape is empowering?
Her teeth are so....British
True. you can tell its not just making fun and he just hates basedgoy
Metokur and Farage to play leading male roles: two faggots who comfort the horse leftie cunt after being (((raped))) by words on Twitter. Premiers on BBC and Channel 4. You heard it here first.
>be Metokur
>side with the faggot UK media
>le epic trolololo
>keep asking for gibs
Fucking kys
I wouldn't even rape her
You're angry.
He didn't side with the media. He point out how retarded e-beggar Carl Benjamin is. Retard.
birth control pills and recreational drugs
I just plainly have nothing but contempt for both jim and sargon's opinions on the other.
Who the fuck is this 'jim' faggot anyway? I've been hearing his name here for over a year but I don't ever care to delve deeper into this eceleb shit.
Sargoy is alright enough, I guess.
>He can't handle his saviour of the west being told to he is a lolcow.
Your Stepfather is a rapist.
I voted for him because I wanted vee to get british cintezenship, and fulfill his dream of licking sargoys arse.
Modern day Haley Joel Osmont but he would need a lot of dialect coaching.
Idris Elba
Idris Elba
god save teh queen
some youtuber called mister metokur who makes drama vids. like a ghetto keemstar. Hes an edgy moralfag
Provide proof of your claim please
I would not even proof you.
Sargon unironically stopped me from voting UKIP
Face it Sargon is "RAPE" man to normies now.
Even niggers know how to play the media, how come Carl does not? He has a black granddad don't he?
someone with that 'special something'.