Give up, Jow Forums

As of May 28th, 2019, Jow Forums has finally embraced the blackpill. There is nothing that can be done to stop the Jews' conquest for eternal supremacy. We lost before the war even begun. There is nothing that can be done except surrendering and going into hiding forever. Maybe write suicide notes, even.

>Jews won.
>Embrace the blackpill
>Ashes and echoes

Attached: pink wojak.jpg (226x223, 9K)


>meme flag
>meme name
>meme proposal

Nobody gives a fuck nigger

OP is a cuck

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>yiddle me this
>If the kikes won... they why the need for desperate MSM lies and insane manipulation of Big Tech?
Oh... wait, you've lost every single day since Brexit

Normally I'd think this was a shill post but it's a leaf so it checks out

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Censoring the web is nothing but dick waving. They know that Whites, awake or not, would never revolt so long as they have their bread and circuses. The only Whites would ever survive is if something like the solar minimum happened, or climate change got so bad it made most of the world uninhabitable. This would make food scarce and Whites tribal. However, the solar minimum and climate change theories are both bunk, so it's eternal shit abyss.

Only a natural disaster or plague can save the West. Get over it.

I left 8/pol/ because they called me a shill.

Attached: Lahey Drunk.gif (240x135, 2.73M)


Fuck off Rabbi we will never give up
As long as there is one White Man left, there is still hope

The final blackpill is a redpill. When you have lost everything, you have no need to follow any rules. No need to think about repercussions. You can do anything for revenge, because they can take nothing left from you. But you can take everything from them.
>your car is hijacked by a madman with a gun to your head and says drive
>you know he will kill you
>slam into a wall going 90
Remember the jet brought down in the field during the Israeli attack on 9/11?