Why do rural retards vote against their own interests?
Why do rural retards vote against their own interests?
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horseshoe theory confirmed yet again
thank you based sarg*n
You dumbass
Handle things
because we wont vote for fags, sjws, niggers, feminists, and worst of all, faux marxist "progressives" in their ivory jew towers.
I'll vote bankers over liberals ANY DAY
lol this edit is retarded, there is no common goal between commies and trump
maybe campaign trump with american workers but whoops he through that out the window with haha so many jobs so we need immigrants for cheap labor
Why do you? Importing poverty migrants isn't in your interest.
>I know the best interests of rural people
>haha wow, they coincide with my ideological preconceptions that I picked up from the media and academia
>what a crazy coincidence
What a dumb faggot. He didn't even understand that the meme perfectly illustrates rural retards voting against their own interests.
Voting for your own interests will lead to the destruction of a country
You should vote for the prosperity of the nation, not your own selfish interests
I know you are trying to troll, but my man, look at the second panel
>in anyone's best interest
no, you didn't understand it. poor you.
Is this Stonetoss mod the beginning of NazBol?
Why do you presume to know what everyone's best interests are?
>giving niggers money is in my best interest
good bait
in the last 100 years can you name a president that ever cared about the prosperity of this nation? jw
What a fucking supreme cuck to make that statement.
>He actually believes in the two-party system
Why are commies so fucking stupid?
Why do Communists not recognize the National Problem? They cling to materialism like the capitlaists they hate.
Commies do nothing for white workers, zero. In fact, commies aren't even real, at least the ones who cared about class and workers. All commies are now about race, and making races equal. White people of all classes are the enemy to modern commies
Like theyd ever help a working man
Dipshit commie
>You're a corporate shill. I'm supporting complete government control. They've never fucked anyone over.
Show flag, Ukraine.
If you weren't pushing gender queer anti-white PC censorship garbage I'd be on your side
And, yes, you communist fucks ARE the ones pushing that shit.
>hates jews
>votes bankers
die faggot
>believes in
Regardless of whether or not I like it, I believe in it, because it certainly exists.
Who the fuck are you to tell a grown ass man what's in his best interest? You're a fucking elitist piece of shit that's who.
Communists and rural workers are both pro worker, while trump and the rich elite are anti-worker. I guess you're just a trump supporter and couldn't understand.
Why do rich liberal faggots do the same?
They don't, you're retarded.
Communism is a post-capitalist system invebted by the man who coined the term capitalism. Communism is about as not-capitalism as feudalism is not-monarchy.
>Why do rural retards vote against their own interests?
Dems and Republicans both became pro corporate. Who else is there?
Modern communists arent pro worker, theyre pro authoritarian
poor dumb faggot.
Voting at all is against their interest. Their problems can only be fixed by picking up a gun.
Because they consider the interests and betterment of society more important than their personal ones.
Trump won by telling beautiful lies to desperate people.
Communism is the workers ideology.
idk man, in a leftist city I wouldnt even have a job
They vote for what they are told to vote for. My shul votes as a singular block even if some don't like bibi, the Rabbi is wise and knows what is best.
>Look Mom, I posted it again!
Does it hurt when you dilate?
>exclusive authoritarian wonders why libertarians vote for people who pass some libertarian laws as opposed to his authoritarian candidates
I dunno shitheel you tell me
Just admit it, you're a selfish prick who only wants to vote for his own power
People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You just vote to take things from other people and give it to yourself.
>modern communists
you mean americans
>import millions of Third Worlders to displace working class
>degrade traditional working class culture
>attack working class for not getting bullshit education
>attack working class at an ethnic level
Pro tip you bourgeois cunt only wealthy internationalists identity with class. Working class identity with culture and ethnicity, they are voting in their interests.
Prove it, prove to me where it has benefited the works and continues to benefit the workers without showing men that kill off entire mass groups of people indiscriminately.
Also Chavez there hated niggers
Modern communists, from all over the world
>You're a corporate shill.
Fucking kek. Delusional.
trump passed a libertarian law?????
This 100%.
Commies hate the working class, they despise anyone who does actual work.
You god damn right we are pro-worker!
Gee I wonder?
Okay prove it to me.
Are you pro or anti immigration?
Youre a deluded fool. I am a glass plant worker, what would you do to improve my life?
what are those marks on its stomach?
I'm convinced communists don't actually exist and it's just people wanting to appear more interesting than they actually are.
They love the cock. Its also the scare from conservatives that the communists and socialists would snatch their miniscule 40 square metre land and give it to city slickers or some shit. Though you could appeal to them for better internet, phone lines and electricity. Just lay off the collectivisation unless its big agricultural firms infringing on the community.
Get your eyes checked
False, Communists/Socialists are not liberals. European Communism/Socialism is Christianity, East Asian Communism/Socialism like Vietnam is Buddhism. Neoliberal capitalism has strong jewish overtones.
Then the nazis became victims of communism
>against their own interests
Commies want to (either directly or indirectly) racemix up all white "rural retards" with non-whites.
Trump promised policies during his election campaign that would have benefited white gene propagation.
Oh the poor Koch brothers.............
Culture war bullshit. Bring class struggle to the forefront and you will be able to organize on a larger scale.
Come with us, we are the working party
No, this is.
Your nation was better communist. Now it is a fucker over mess. Russians as a people have went to shit, and are a disgrace from their once proud nation.
Which interests are those? The ones that subsidize niggers or the ones that subsidize spics? With respect to the interests that subsidize kikes, I guess you are right.
Yep the nazis are dead, good thing Communists are wining the counter culture
>European Communism/Socialism is Christianity,
And thats a big problem
was that picture before he got sent to a Penal unit or after he was lined up for the firing squad?
Capitalism is white genocide.
Shitskins can fuck off.
If you're anti-idpol, you aren't NazBol, you're just Bol.
>Russians are now shit
Up until about 150 years ago we were literal slaves as a nation. Russia was always to various degrees shit and no the soviet era when people ate children to stay alive was not great
Billionaires invest in the economy. That's why we had growth after the tax cuts. There's only one thing to do with a commie parasite that can't grasp that.
Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.
MMMM i wonder what caused the population to be so low at the start
>there weren't stupid fucktards before today
The global population in 1950 was much smaller than it is today.
This is, without a doubt, the dumbest fucking post I've read all day.
God damn right we are the working party.
Mmmm I wonder why?
Could it be because a bunch of people were executed and killed off in large wars and acts of genocide in the soviet states?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards. City people all voted for Hillary.
>He believes in trickle-down economics
>He believes kike corporations and benevolent
Peak university republican club member
I get where he's coming from, though. If you look at a graph of population growth in China, there's a big dip during the Great Leap Forward.
Is this the commie version of "democrats are the REAL racists"?
Why do left wing retards always rip off stonetoss?
The US population was also smaller then than it is now.
Lol you bourgeois soibois get wrecked by the white proles every time you try to pretend your tough
the only reason the population dropped is because people started going abroad to do cheap construction jobs
These freaks actually think they'll be a worker's revolution and none of them will have to work.
He's the hottest item on the internet these days, I say that a lefty youtuber made a whole video about him.
This guy gets it. the soviet states did a lot that ended up killing their own people
Great Leap Forward, the Purges
Whens the last time the US tried exterminating several million people for political disobedience within our borders?
Meanwhile in the Soviet Union
Is there?
Imagine finding this concept difficult
I'm not really a nationalist ideologue, but see the current outlook of the far left as far too utopian and idealistically internationalist (open borders, etc). I accept the nation-state on purely pragmatic grounds.
NazBol is a meme ideology, not a real movement, certainly not in the US. I use the flag to basically mean shitlord leftist who doesn't shy away from giving credit to science, reason, the progressive (in the historic sense) aspects of European and East Asian culture, violence, strength, hereditary differences between groups, etc.
>I hate capitalism
>I love capitalism
Make up your fucking mind, schizo.
But they aren't voting demshits.