What the FUCK is wrong with society? Look at this tin can, conveniently labeled "100" as in 100 dollar bills, as its stolen by a COMPLETELY RANDOM person.

How can society be this cruel?

Attached: can1.jpg (798x481, 119K)

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All this POOR LADY wanted was to save her kids education money in a tin can next to her window labeled "100" filled with THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and some RANDOM person steals it.

See how distraught she is? Her go fundme is already ready for kind souls to donate


Attached: can2.jpg (802x486, 97K)

Look at her poor daughter, who just wanted to go to college to become a doctor and save lives!

Attached: can3.jpg (804x503, 67K)

>large amount of money
>lets just put it in a can
fucking deserved it

how could you be so CRUEL to this poor minority? She just had a tin can with THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, enough to put a kid through med school, stolen from her window

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He looks like a wh*te american. Shame, many such cases

Sheeeeit Tyrone all you gotta do is take the tin with the $100s an sheeeit, then I go on TV n sheeeeit and someone makes a gofundme n sheeeeit, nigga free money sheeeeeit

what's wrong with her brows?

>be nigger
>live around niggers
>don't put money in bank where it will be relatively safe from niggers
>surprised when other niggers steal it because fuck dat bitch she stingy n college is fo wypipo n sheeit keepin it real bitch!

I don't even know what they expected, do black people genuinely not realize other black people are the ones nigging?

Nigger stole them too

What the FUCK is wrong with you RACIST BIGOTS? Do you automatically assume black people lie all the time?

Attached: 1541261559398s.jpg (250x213, 5K)

keked and checked

nigs gonna nig at any chance even on other nigs

>keeping thousands of dollars in a can

Attached: 1542376170149.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

she put her real ones in the can for safekeeping

it's electrical tape

It's eithe a inside job, or nigger forgotten the golden rule.

Is this a trick question? Well you people do lack credibility.

are you some kind of conspiracy theorist, who thinks its impossible to keep thousands of dollars in a tin can, and subsequently lift said tin can with your finger tips despite having thousands upon thousands of dollars inside?

I cri everytime digits are wasted on such newfag

Sheeeit, put a seethru container wirh $100s on tge counter, put in a couole fake $100s to get things rolling, remove the real $100s every night, replace with fakes, wait til some fuck steals it, sheeeeit perfect scheme and troll

Based. Don't leave money laying around in a multicultural society. We don't care about your mutt bastard children.

print a large 100 dollar bill on a bucket that says 100s within grabbing distance in the bronx mmhmmm not putting the money in a CD oh well I guess she deserves the money people are dumb enough to give her through go fund me for not realizing this is a scam

are you assuming that the black person that steals it won't be able to differentiate between counterfeit bills and real ones, would try buying malt liquor with the bills, and end up going to jail? Then he wouldn't be able to report how he came by the bills because he would be admitting to theft?

That's awfully racist of you sir

>around blacks never relax

If I hear it correctly, she left thousands of dollars unattended in a liquor store?

Attached: outlawfluoridation.jpg (1191x463, 109K)

Gonna be the asshole that says it. Pretty decent chance this is a hoax she is orchestrating to claim theft insurance or have a "gofundme" set up to receive much much more in pity donations.

This would be an amazing scam.

>steal a box money labelled "money" from yourself
> gofundme



yes my friend, and within clear line of sight from the counter, labeled "100" as well so observers would know only 100$ dollar bills are inside, which explains how THOUSANDS could fit inside

Attached: 1541392211911s[1].jpg (250x223, 7K)

this a hoax? surely you jest; unless you're some kind of racist bigot?

Well... I had to give these 80 IQ simians the benefit of the doubt. At a second glance, it's evident.

hey faggot, can you prove that those "donation cans" actually go to what they claim and not into pockets of store owens? I too can hang a can outside of my door and claim that it goes to feed poor children.

to assume otherwise is racist, as well as doubting the can held enough money to put a kid through college in New York

Then the man who stole the money was thwarted by two Nigerian bodybuilders in BLM hats, and he suddenly felt such remorse that he went back and returned the stolen money.
That man's name? Albert Einstein.

Attached: 45q4w0837955723981.jpg (700x466, 62K)

>How can society be this cruel?

Attached: Never Relax.webm (1002x568, 1.94M)

wrong one

Attached: Relaxed 1.webm (704x480, 1.64M)

Can doesn't just say 100 it has a fucking decal of a 100 dollar bill on it.

Attached: literalcanof100s.png (799x457, 764K)

how observant, but do you honestly doubt the veracity of this story?


This smells staged. How can we trust someone with drawn on eybrows

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Attached: jamarvelous-crimerate-99-ovr-1559084384189.png (246x450, 138K)

Fuck "white people" and fuck drumpf.

Wait just a goddamn minute

I doubt it heavily the only thing that keeps me from thinking its a scam is how blatantly obvious it looks set up. If it is and they are that dumb they will probably be related or linked to the guy who took it.

>those fucking eyebrows

Attached: 1356650071156.gif (246x238, 143K)

I work at a non-profit, our donation jars are stolen weekly at all of our locations. Surprisingly, all very urban locations.

I feel for her. Someone recently stole my original Van Gogh off my wall. The worst part is that my Faberge egg was sitting on it at the time. Clearly I have been wronged by the world and must recoup my devastating loss through the kindness of others.

I am so sorry for your loss friend, hopefully the culprits will be caught and brought to justice

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Good? Keep away from the indoctrination jew

My Renters do this shit.
It so fucking tiring. Just put the money is fucking checking account and save yourself 5% over the check cashing scam. So frustrating.

Attached: DirectDepositHood.jpg (480x562, 30K)