>global warming isn't re-
Global warming isn't re-
Other urls found in this thread:
Tornadoes aren't warm, stupid! It would be global winding if there was more of them
>planet over 4 billion years old
>only ~140 years of weather data
>records are broken
>omg omg omg climate change guise serious loookieeeee
Its like you genuinely believe your own lies. Pathetic.
Tornadoes happen almost daily in the plains the time of year. How do people fall for this shit of every little thing can be attributable to climate change as well as don’t have any kids because of climate change but we need to import people because you aren’t having kids
the largest greenhouse gas
is evaporated ocean water, user.
man-made climate change is a lie.
if it weren't a lie, we'd be going to war to force china, india, and the rest of the worst polluters to stop them and save the planet.
as we're not doing that... you know it's complete bullshit.
Look at the sun, it affects the earth by weakening or strengthening Earth's magnetic field which is our shield to 'cosmic rays'which can cause crazy weather, earth quakes, volcanoes.
tornado season, dipshit.
Can't wait to see AOC reaction.
tornados in a place called tornado alley?
surely you jest.
>literally ANYTHING happens with the weather
Hasn't we been consistently cooling since 2016 year over year? Something something most dramatic shift in average temperatures in 20 years.
Earth's climate has always been changing. But it changed a lot in the last 100 years because boomers.
We deserve what’s in store for us. It’s apathetic fuckers, like yourself, that make the world shit.
>approaching/not there yet
>Global warming
Nigger how high are you right now
yes, what the H is going on here
I know it goes against every instinct you have but seriously, try to stop being so fucking stupid.
Kansasbro here. I don't even notice the sirens anymore. If you don't know you're under attack by the skygod from March to November then you're as stupid as the people that build houses on the side of cliffs in California.
So that's why people in flyover states are obese, tornado adaptation
Tornadoes only occur in areas with large cold air masses. Thus why they're essentially unheard of in tropic zones. Al Gore is still a liar.
>calling people apathetic because they don't buy into your doomsday cult
Exactly. If it takes you more than two years to get used to storm season then you need to go back. Fuck hail though.
>Tornadoes happen almost daily in the plains the time of year. How do people fall for this shit...
Dont care even of it is
The sky is falling
This. Midwestbros deal with this shit everyday this time of year
>muh (((scientific consensus)))
how about a repeatable hypotheses first
>weather is not an indication of climate
>weather is an indication of climate
>about 1800 tornadoes per year
>loses mind over 11 consecutive days
You are blatantly misinformed. We've got climate data for as long as the ice is old from some of the pole's icecaps. Which is also why we can estimate that we are on our way to terrible times if we do not stop it. I have no idea why anyone would ever want hundreds of Millions of refugees to be created by mere loss of coastal lands in certain regions.
>you can tell exactly how many tornadoes were in Kansas from ice in Antarctica
And it wasn't until recently they we've had Doplar radar capable of detecting touchdowns on remote areas.
Back as late as the 80's visual confirmation was the only way to know whether or not a tornado touched down.
If a tornado touches in the plains what evidence is there that it actually there? Grass will stay in the ground but trees get uprooted. Surface area is weird that way.
You are blatantly misreading what your'e responding to. They did not make mention of climate data. If your stipulation is that climate and weather are separate things, then why are you misreading what you've responded to? Why are they only separate when it benefits you? Why do people like you point at weather and say "see, climate change!" yet when the weather doesn't conform to your agenda you tout "b-b-but.. weather isn't climate!!!111oneone"
Don't worry about responding. I won't read it.
Never said that, didn't question that. Practice reading comprehension and consider the post I originally answered to to get a better understanding of the context, beastly mutt creature.
The original post I replied to denied climate change which I was getting at. I was merely humouring this creature while giving just one example of how climate change is measurable and predictable. I was never arguing about OPs faggotry.
That shed is decent.
Global warming is the best thing to happen to the world
This same shit happens at the same time of year EVERY FUCKING YEAR, you DUMB FUCKING NIGGERS
>the irresponsible logging of trees is proof climate change
>Nothing happens for a couple years
>No mention of "climate change"
>Bunch of bad weather hits
>OMG climate change!! Passed the point of no return!! We have to act now!!!!!! TAX COMPANIES MORE!!! THE PLANET IS LITERALLY ON FIRE!!!!!!
Fuck off.
>assuming this isn't a part of an earth cycle that humans have zero control over.
You'll never learn. This shit ties directly into secret societies and their end games. Keep in mind they aren't causing these catastrophes, but they are aware of the inevitable outcomes. Imagine for a second being aware of a 5000 year cycle that no one will survive without the proper precautions. Do you allow the information to stay public when populations show the potential for becoming unsustainable even before the event? Or do you keep that shit locked up tight in order to ensure your own safety and the safety of those you believe will be important to restart life after the cycle completes? Think about it.
Global warming threads belong in with flat earth, anti-vaxxers, and 5g conspiracists.
The fact of the matter is, there is a limited number of people that can and will be allowed to survive the cycle. If you're a multi-billionaire you're can buy in if you are granted the knowledge. If you're privy to knowledge or skills that will be important for sustaining infrastructure and resources you will be approached.
It’s called Weather
You know they can manipulate the weather and create these, right?
anyone that knowingly lives in a known tornado zone deserves to have their house torn off their foundation
and they should get no government support
same for retards that live in flood zones and areas hit by hurricanes
There's nothing anyone can do, even if these groups with the knowledge and resources to survive the cycle are outed, it won't matter. If these groups are outed it will only increase the likelihood that the human race is destroyed for good.
Good gooy
If they can sustain the secret, the likelihood of ensuring the survival of the human race increases.
Fact: niggers weren't supposed to survive the cycle.
Let me introduce you to a new concept. A new type of war. I present to you Geowar. They won’t tell the cattle now. Maybe around 2025, just maybe you’ll be informed.
Okie here, can confirm that tornados around here are no scarcity. The amount of flooding going on is unusual though.
You say that like it's a bad thing.