How can people accept these clowns as spiritual leaders?
Soyim of the Cloth
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>Love thy neighbor as thy self.
WTF does that even mean Jesus?
What a tard
Kill him
>The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
treating them as if they were native born does not mean giving them citizenship
So powerful.
>"Love the immigrant as yourself"
That's the whole point. I wouldn't be trying to mooch off others and pander for gibs like a piece of shit.
I'd expect to be killed if I crossed into another country, too.
These are the standards I hold myself to, so it better be alright for the assholes trying to move here.
Thanks Protestants
I wear a yarmulke daily, just to remind me of the horrors of the holocaust.