Climate Hoax: It's All Bullshit

Make us a believer. Post those science facts that you diligently researched to believe in Man-Made Climate Change. What? All you have to say is "Muh 97%" and "Muh local weather." So sad. Guess it was all bullshit.

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Pay kikes money
Pay kikes money


Carbon Dioxide is way down on the list of things we should be giving a fuck about

Less plastic in the oceans would be nice

Sure. Everyone wants less plastic (except the end user who controls it). Is it causing global climate change? No.

I don't understand why the elites allow the micro plastic problem to continue. They eat and drink too and there's no escaping this stuff. It's in the most luxurious products.

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Whats it to me if you want to seem like a abject retard to every remotely educated person you meet?

>not an argument

It was hot as fuck today.
Because jews.
>anthropogenic global warming proven

I'm starting to think the argument over if climate change is man made or not is a Hebrew trick to keep the goyim so busy shit flinging over climate change they never realise that most, if not all of the green alternatives and climate action plans are giant memes that do nothing beyond moving more of your money into state coffers and into Africa to buy the local warlord a new APC.

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My state has been getting more than average rainfall. Which is good because it fills up the aquifers. So, thanks Global Warming?

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Turn the argument into a pollution one and not a warming climate one.

How much plastic did you buy this week? This year? Why don't you just stop blaming others and stop buying it.

This is your chance to shine little genius. Enlighten us all.


some elite fuckfaces scam together to extort ridiculous amounts of money through from the populous through taxes?

you dont fucking say

ever heard of kikes btw ???

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It's not my fault when all the shampoos are filled with micro-beads.

Ever cut open a bird? There bellies are full of rocks and coral and shit, because that is how they digest things. Not that a picture of a bird means fuckall anyway.

Here’s some fun facts:

The earth is surrounded by enormous amounts of space debris, but let’s simply ignore that when talking about global warming. Let’s blame everyday people.

Let’s also ask scientists if they think humans effect climate. And when they say “sure, everything effects it”, we can say “SEE, HUMANS CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE”. This is literally the “97%” claim. Scientists sued the publisher of the article for being disingenuous, but there wasn’t much they could do.

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Classic liberal move. Forget the science, that is not work.

Are you suggesting there is no other way to wash your hair? How weak are you?

where is the real photo of it? Not artist rendition.

'Murica proof

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Shouldn't people be more worried about 5G killing all the bees and birds? seems like more of an immediate impact than climate change.

Kek, classic.

Companies are shitting platic cause they'r evil as you

As you clank away angrily on your plastic keyboard, drinking water from a plastic bottle - these purchases you make signal to the company to make more. If you buy another product they will make that product. Classic Greenpeace BS, "target the evil corporations" never blame the end user.

see it. good stuff.

you probably use a wooden computer.

I am not bitching about things that I consume now am I? I like plastic, saves a lot of trees.

you like to be tard

Classic leftie shitlord, cannot make an argument or present a single fact supporting their cultish belief.

So I'm from Texas. We grow Trees in Texas to make paper products. If you don't use paper we don't grow trees. So by using plastic as an alternative you are in fact decreasing the tree population on Earth.

Well either they have access to untainted products, which they probably do for a lot of things, think KOSHER. but also... what if micro plastics arent really that big a deal? and the hype about it killing stuff is total bullshit.

The ultimate goal is population control.
Think about it, they really want to control specifically CARBON, when there's supposedly hundreds of terrible chemicals but carbon is somehow the big one. Humans are made of carbon, carbon is the most important element to life and basically everything.
If they can get every government paying a "carbon tax" they can effectively control who can and cant have children, they could even take things away from you if you "use too much"
it's fucking diabolical and it cannot be allowed to keep going

Sure and you can create a bunch of jobs for window repair people by breaking all the windows. You are aware before there was plastic, everything came wrapped in cardboard and before that everything came boxed in wood. I feel confident the number of net planted trees in Texas is much better off today because of plastics.

You're truly a fucking retard.

>before there was plastic, everything came wrapped in cardboard

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yes. labeling opposition evil and calling them names will surely make your cult follower fearful of being treated the same way if they ever disagree and challenge the retarded narrative.

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not sure what this is about? some sort of misplaced superiority complex. Just explain yourself without the crybaby dramatics.

you are projecting so hard

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You are just talking a bunch of bullshit is all. You're talking in circles without actually making any point,

This thread is a blank slate awaiting your facts and science. Feel free to begin anytime.

Just waiting for juicy facts on climate change.

So far all we have established is that liberals like to place blame to ease their guilty consciences for the choices they make.

It's definitely not causing global climate change, but it's certainly causing global ecological changes which are worth worrying about considering how much of the human food supply is reliant on fishing (including in ways you may not necessarily directly connect to eating fish like the many fish based fertilizers).

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I think it is safe to say we should always be trying to improve our world and the way we live. Definitely a conservative statement.

How about you just tell us a target CO2 level in PPM for the atmosphere? We are at 400+ ppm, where should we be and why?

the rich elite whatever, don't care about the ocean.
they recycle all the plastic by shipping it to china, and they dump it into the ocean.

whoa trips of truth

"rich elite" yawn.... USA better than all paris accord signers. Try blaming China and India

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Where are all the adamant believers? Fucking lame. Climate Hoax is officially over I guess.

>duhhh carbon dioxide die now
yea ignore what i say that makes you feel better fucking nigger but i dont care about the rich i just mean cocksuckers who own the companies that odes it and the cocksuckers that pays off the politicians/cops whatever that lets tehm do that(pollute)
notice i didnt say law. just faggots

so edgy hating the corporations and not the people who consume the products. Companies will make any product you will buy. Know why companies quit making buggy whips? Then you would have to hate yourself, so I guess that is hard on your psyche.

whats yoru fucking godamn problem did i hit a nerve kike? noone needs that shit that can be mass manufactured by the chinese. you just always try to take a cut of everything.
i would rather live with pure chinese quality everything becuase white men always figure out how to make things better than a bunch of you faggots shitting all over everything stealing everything with copyrights. u fucking nigger at least we could band togther and make it better if there was no corporations stealing shit.
wtf is a corporation anyway? another name for a ceo nigger who takes a bunch of money for donig nothing but being a face to sue everyone with, for muh copyright or some shit. noone steals from you

>aka 2% air conentration
>we shouldnt stop polluting the atmosphere until we're literally dying of CO2 toxicity
KYS. Dumbfucks like you are why people think climate skeptics are retards.

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lasers will fix that user

>implying the human body can't handle some extra carbon
How else would we have survived this long with you faggots blowing hot gas all the time.

It’s all part of the deceit, terrify the population with fake global warming even though there’s nothing the average person can do to stop Chinese emissions, but ignore basic pollution like plastics in the ocean, synthetic hormones in the water supply etc. that’s how you can tell it’s a scam, point at the big awful fake thing, ignore reality. Cleaning up peoples immediate environments would genuinely improve the health of millions of people. That’s why they don’t do it

America is not even in the top 10 plastic polluters.
China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are the top three polluters iirc.

>implying the human body can't handle some extra lead
>implying the human body can't handle some extra mercury
>implying the human body can't handle some extra arsenic
>implying the human body can't handle some extra cyanide
>poison is a spook created by the jews to keep the white man down

gee what we ever gon do think the gubmint can juggle this delicate balance of oh say 1800 ppms u call deadly?
oh woh is me. lets micro manage this and not let the earth and the world sort it out, blame the CLIMATE.
stupid fucking nigger monkey

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Global warming is bullshit, but you're right. We need to do much more to protect the ecosystems our animal friends live in. Every time I finish a 6'r of Diet Coke I make sure to cut the can holes with a pair of scissors. That way if any small animal is dumb enough to get the thing stuck around his neck there's a slit to allow him to slip out. I challenge everyone in this thread to do more, like I do, in protecting Mother Gaia.

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Without Co2 in your bloodstream you are dead, read about the function of fucking Co2 and then come again

what you do is cut two slits in the bottom of the can and cut the entire top off. then you cut vertical slits around the top and push them inward a bit and put some lettuce or something inside. put some twine through the two slits, tie it around a tree, and leave it overnight for a rabbit to stick it's hand in. wake up early or something bigger might come and get it first

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Fuck planet Earth!

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Nature’s retard. They’ll eat anything, apparently.

Tie it around a tree? Is that really necessary or can I just toss them? I don't want to have to climb down the embankment to the small stream I recycle my rubbish in. Really muddy down there.

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>without moisture in your lungs, youre fucking dead
>thats why we should breath water instead of air
you dumbfuck, all I was doing was pointing out some nigger's retarded idea that we could let co2 levels climb to 4% without any problems. I never said they are a problem at current ~0.4%

2,000ppm is perfectly safe and great for plants. We breathe out 40,000 ppm CO2. In a car with the windows up and one person it is about 4,000 ppm CO2 - do you see a bunch of hunched over drivers dead from their commute every day?

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lettuce all I am catching is rat. It may be cliche but they sure do love carots.

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If any of you really believe the climate alarmist bullshit, please tell us how you have prepared. If you are a true believer you should be preparing.

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>plants like it when the whole planet has the climate of a fucking rainforest.
No shit, retard. Thing is Im not a fucking plant. Im a human and Id rather not get constant headaches from the fucking troposphere being full of injurious amounts of carbon dioxide.
>We breathe out 40,000 ppm CO2.
This is irrelevant because of diffusion and the fact that hot air (like your exhalant) rises. Meaning you dont breath it in again immediately.
>In a car with the windows up and one person it is about 4,000 ppm
Wrong. Modern vehicles are designed to keep co2 levels in cars below 3%.
"Automobile manufacturers are aware of this data too, and that's why modern automobile cabins are engineered to continually provide enough fresh air to keep CO2 levels at or below 2,500ppm with a single driver."
>do you see a bunch of hunched over drivers dead from their commute every day?
No, but driving for long periods of time tends to make people cranky and tired (ie exactly the symptoms of low level co2 toxicity).

Sitting in traffic makes people tired and cranky. Must be the CO2 from climate change! You got me, I am a believer now.

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did you post an ad from a company that is capitalizing on CO2 fears as proof, that is hysterical..

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>2000 parts per MILLION
Wrong it's .2% dumbass.

your aretarded nigger for posting that image and saying that somehow that what you say really matters. calling it poison is bullshit.
>implying we just need a little bit of mercury
is this also true too? relaly you went off and arent makin gsense. im saying that he or someone im sure he is on that reply in his reply said, 150ppm and plants die. thats death. co2 isnt poison since it is required for life. lead i dont think unless im wrong. at least at those types of levels. maybe its becasue its a gas. how much lead is in the air in gas form? how else would we get our daily intake of lead cyanide mercury and arsenic?

400 ppm is .04%

I don't think you understand the previous post.

did you post a graph with no source whatsoever? Thats hysterical.
>Wow. Swimming makes people tired. Must have been the H2O they breathed in from drowning!


>implying we just need a little bit of mercury, arsenic, lead, ect
I dont think any of those are nessecary for human life processes, but we do have them in our bodies and are constantly intaking them from our environment through air and food.
>co2 isnt poison since it is required for life
Water and salt are also required for life, but too much of either will kill you. Too much of pretty much anything will kill you. Just because you need a small amount to live doesnt mean you can tolerate an indefinite amount of it.

Definitely a Progressive statement but you do you friend.

>freaking out about current level of .04% CO2
>getting the math wrong by a order of magnitude
>providing no evidence to support anything
>bitching like a loud jackass anyways

>freaking out about current level of .04% CO2
I literally said that I didnt think current co2 levels were a major concern.
>getting the math wrong by a order of magnitude
Yeah, I forgot to carry the 1. Sorry but ppm to % isnt a conversion I usually perform.
>providing no evidence to support anything
I actually did, unlike everyone who responded to me.
>bitching like a loud jackass anyways
making posts defending my viewpoint in a thread about that topic, on a board specifically for discussing politics is "bitching"? Okay, reddit. Sorry I disturbed your echochamber.
Im not a liberal, dumbass cuckservative. Not everyone who cares about the environment is a leftist.

.04% CO2 is a arbitrary number that means nothing and is fine and perfectly in line with a healthy planetary ecosystem. The planet is warming because of the cycle of the sun, just like its always done. There isn't shit we could do about it anyways and sun cycles are about as natural a phenomena as there could be. The proposed solutions for this nothingburger problem? That is pretty interesting.

My biggest gripe with the theory of population control is political correctness and mass migration going against it. They are literally facilitating overbreeding and dysgenics.

Are you aware that your post responds to exactly nothing I said in my post? Is this some new JIDF spambot?

I think the plan is for us to fuck some sense into these populations so they get smart enough not be functionally retarded. Meanwhile white countries get stupider and easier to manage while the elites rule over us, occasionally upping the gibs to keep us from open revolt as we wake up every day in a socialist dystopian hellhole.

You really haven't said anything this whole thread except "climate change bad, like and subscribe if you agree!"

It would appear to be a spambot, as it has no ability to read posts.

>thinks the elites eat normal people food

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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

― H.L. Mencken

In other words, drop the bullshit about intangible climate change, which has barely any truth in it whatsoever, and focus on an actual problem that we can realistically solve. Trad environmentalism is agreeable for everyone except corporate Jews.

Alright dude, I'm still not sure what your point is except for CC is bad and people are doing it. Its fine that you believe that, plant some trees or go off grid to negate your carbon footprint. My issue is how climate believers scream about the sky falling and it never does but somehow we all have to suck the dick of this funding-for-righthink pseudo science that literally changed its name from global warming to climate change since the hokey models they used couldn't guarantee it would keep getting warmer and they need a catchall name. Al Gore said we'd all be suffering by now, in the 80s they said we'd all be dead by 2000 because of acid rain. You know what I see when I open my door? Trees, grass, pleasant sunshine and birds chirping. My only regret is I now know California won't actually be under water any time soon.