What I need to do as a victim of gang stalking ? I have no money and no job and I'm lonely. They are torturing me right now when I write this.
What I need to do as a victim of gang stalking ? I have no money and no job and I'm lonely...
Other urls found in this thread:
You need to see a doctor. There is no such thing as gang-stalking. You're a paranoid schizophrenic, my friend.
If you have no money and you're alone then you have all the reason to violent with your gangstalkers. Especially if you're getting V2K. I know someone that deals with that shit and I know the Hell they're going through. God help you user and I hope you do what needs to be done.
To be violent*
Don't let them gaslight you user. Live your life and be happy, try and find other people that are like you. If there is a god, he's sending them to hell first.
You need a psychiatrist, you're paranoid
You are jewish, visit an euthanasia specialist
There are dozens of sites like this one.
This thread is just jewish bait, but:
find one of them and rape them