Cucks of France how does it feel that the Arab man is taking over and making your women submit to them?

Cucks of France how does it feel that the Arab man is taking over and making your women submit to them?

Attached: immigration.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

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Rangeban India

he looks like an average french

he probably is

threadly reminder that the same nigger uses the same memeflag and variations of the same demoralization technique everyday, and the same retards are baited into bumping his threads without posting s*ge in the options field

>implying we don't know this
Shitposting and memes is all Jow Forums's actually good for.

Frenchmen are feminized materialistic pussies . I don’t care.

Uhhh that’s ice Poseidon an American streamer. And he’s mostly Italian.

damn she is smoking hot wow

Desktop andy

Kek, isn't that a dead see ex streamer?

IP2 ruined the poor guy

yeah hees french

Shes in playboy


he looks like he peed in his pants

whats it like to have sex with a perfect 10/10?


never had a 10 (dont exist imo) but I've had a few 8 and 9s, they look amazing when you're fucking them but are generally lazy lovers and bitch a lot or otherwise high maintenance. You've got to flex out in public to keep other guys away. Generally a pain in the ass desu.

You can tell from her eyes that bitch is psychotic

He's a jew

This is actually the jew named ice poseidon so not the arabs but the kikes

Ice Poseidon is a jew lmao

Attached: 11-ted-cruz-lede.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 86K)

Ice Poseidon is doing well for himself

2k faggot. IP2 killed him.

why do you post this fucking thread every day? spamming nigger

>that face
>perfect 10/10


>lazy lovers
fucking this Jesus Christ. for the single anons out there that want a tip, go for an 8/10 thats self conscious or a cute 7/10 that maybe had a slight flaw. Perfect girls never have to work for anything including guys or sex, so they don't have to be good or passionate at it, nor nearly as fun. Also when a guy gets a 9 or 10 they tend to put the chick on a pedestal and are constantly worried about pleasing her, where as fucking someone that you can be yourself around actually makes sex fun af.

I've only ever had sex with literally two 9+ chicks. The sex is really cool but I never really got along with them long term.
Not sure that's about their looks, my attitude or their personality - probably some combination.
Current wife is a 5-7 depending on her weight. Her personality is a solid 9+ though and she's given me a white child and I'm a lot happier this way.
To be honest tho, while I'd never cheat, hot babes still catch my eye.
