Why are Americans so obsessed with guns? What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?

Why are Americans so obsessed with guns? What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?

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>Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
Because they're based
>What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?
Remove all gun laws

>What kind of legislation can be passed

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>What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?

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>What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?
Outlaw poofters like you.

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Someone has to protect your family and your faggy little ass.


>Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
America was founded on rebellion and we know that you can't rebel without proper weaponry to do so. Not that it would happen nowadays with how cucked modern Americans are.

if you don't like guns, you're a faggot

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Ever shot a gun faglord? Get back to me

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Kill yourself faggot

>Why are Americans so obsessed with guns? What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?
Abolishing all gun restrictions should solve this. Making artillery legal would also help, so that they start buying and putting some energy into those.

Low T faggot with smol pp

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None. Fuck you.

Now edit that to make it look like hes browsing on Jow Forums

>What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?
The Removal of Minorities Act
The Segregated Schooling Act
The Abolishment of Minority Rights Act

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I've only shot a bb gun, but you can't massacre a school with those

we could pass a law like France had in the middle ages requiring all citizens be armed with military grade weapons at nearly all times

checked and fuck yes

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>burgers have 100 times as many firearms as the armed forces

And that's a good thing

fuck this school shooting dog whistle you could use a knife a bat a god damn brick for fucks sake. you want to stop school shootings? arm everyone and if for some reason some nut still gets away with it its straight to the gallows for you live hanging broadcast put on tv and social media will cure these faggots

My nigga. Ms Devon disagrees. Get your platform straight first.

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Gun grabbers will be shot.
This is not a negotiation.

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Also love the leftcuck argument of
>do you really think your guns are going to stop the runaway military industrial complex???
>why do civilians need an AR15?!?! LOL
Thus, defeating themselves.
The 2nd amendment is literally one of the most important things in the world.

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We the People
>The largest, most armed, democratic group in the world

This is a bad thing

A bb gun? No. A air gun? Absolutely. There are precharged pneumatics that can kill buffalo.
Better yet, why not just use a fucking sword? Do you have any idea how many children you could slay before anyone even had a chance of stopping you?

Cause freedom ain't free commie!

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How about legislation that bans Judaism and Islam you kike

>time to change classes
>from the safest room on campus to an unknown quantity


fuckin based

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Fuck yeah.

Because they are cool

>be American
>own lots of guns
>leave one in the trunk of my car and forget about it
>go to change tire and find it, had to remember when I even bought it
Life’s good


I love our country.

You need to put in that that it only works with the SP1 cut bolt


"Guns" is how leftists say "niggers." It's a euphemism they like to use because they're intellectually dishonest.

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I have no idea why but as a kid I was fucking obsessed with the G36 Models. I have since then matured. Wooden Furniture looks aesthetic as fuck

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Brings a tear to me eye

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>American citizens have more guns than the police
Why is this a bad thing?

proud to be murican

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Cope liberal faggot.
>pic is me

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Anti antifa strong

Same here user, they always looked aesthetic as fuck to me, and I'm not really sure why. Nowadays I think they look a bit 'plastic-y' for some reason. I guess I think they look too modern and I am truly becoming a boomer.
Pic related is and always shall be the coolest looking gun, in my opinion.

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>mfw these threads

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Fuck off OP, I'm too busy making them.

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>keep comparing gun numbers to police and military
It's like they're planning for the military to attack against the american populace or something.

>tfw had whataburger just this afternoon

What really gets me about this is that more often than not, if someone has one gun, they have many more. That skews the number of people who are armed, but not the number of arms. I own like 10 guns or so myself.

BRB, gotta buy a new gun. Mexico and their cartels are less than 3 hours away.

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The passage of We can look up what ever the fuck we want.

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Legislation sending OP back to Faggotland.

>thinking his golden guns can withstand the might of the emperor's own
But no seriously every $ I spend on funs is a $ I don't spend on drinking or smoking or fast food you should be happy OP I get to go outside and be healthy you should try it sometime instead of staying inside.

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careful you dont get taken to funky town dealing with those niggers

You either have 2 or 20+, guns are fun

Fear us you communist jew faggots. We are legend.

Why are faggots like you so dumb? What legislation can be passed to do something about that?

I was thinking of printing the BOLTER conversion for the ar15 that's sitting on thingiverse.
Pic related.

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Only a faggot would post this.

Wow that's beautiful and what a lot of no guns people don't understand is that guns are cheap. You could make that for what $1,000 or less I'm guessing? I know you can get a .22 for $200 or less that's so cheap compared to a lot of entertainment these days. Now that ammo has gone back down it's cheap as well and is a nice investment ammo can easily triple in prices under Democrat administrations and can last for decades a rly good investment.

The only respectable answer ITT

"In court for the first time on May 8, Erickson bowed his head, his purple hair dangling over his face. He’s facing more than two dozen charges. He shook his head to answer some of the judge’s questions. At one point, he answered “no” when asked whether he had questions."
What a pussy

PSA Upper for less than 300.
I already have the printer, so each lower is 4 bucks. The shroud, probably another 10 bucks in plastic depending on infill.
I brand some of my rifles the printer mfg name just get puzzled looks from FUDD's.

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Why all the silver screws/bolts? It makes your gun look like it was made from 10 other guns.

>buys Israeli shit
A-user we should talk. About the Jews. Maybe have a seat. Sit down right there. Right over there have a seat. Right there

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Do you have a link for files? I can't find anything online anymore and I'm finally confident enough in my printing ability to make something. Everything for washbear and songbird have been removed or are available.

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We won our freedom in a bloody guerilla war, user. It wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking.

it's not that we're obsessed with guns; we're obsessed with politicians disarming us

There's too many gun laws on the books as it is. Tacking more on isn't going to do shit unless you make that allows ATF to go door to door and start grabbing them all.

A lot of those guns are owned by gun collectors who have 20+ guns each, but I think the number of guns owned by people who own just one or two exceeds the number of guns owned by collectors. I might be wrong, though. Fudds are considered casual gun owners for a reason.

Legalize murder.

1. Disarm everyone who isn’t American.
2. Disarm American government.
3. Give everyone access to 3D gun printing tech and reloading tech.
4. Then let’s see where we stand.

Well even gun collectors aside, there's probably a really, really small minority of people who only own one or two guns. I'd imagine two is really the cutoff point - some long gun and a handgun.

Do we HAVE to...?

>One post by this ID:

Give everyone over 12 an M4 Carbine and an M9 Beretta as well as 500 rounds of ammo for each.

Petg or abs?

Because they are stainless steel and I have shit loads of them.

none, our constitutional admendments need to be ratified by 2/3 of states

ABS. Treat every part with MEK (not acetone) if you want to preserve the color and make it shinny. Once all parts are assembled sans the buffer tube tower, dip the whole thing in MEK for a solid bond that will not break (even when run over with a truck). Then attach the buffer tower. Put you trigger, hammer, mag release and buffer tube in the lower. No other parts are needed, I don't use a safety, that's what proper trigger discipline is for.
Look up FOSSCAD and use the bolt together model for maximum strength. Use 90 percent infill, alternating infill wall, 4 perimeters at .2mm layer height on all parts. Mine is a little different than rolltroll's version as I want it to survive .50 Beowulf. I'm not releasing the CAD files. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever, Blender is easy to use.

>Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
Look at every instance of injustice perpetrated by a government against unarmed citizens throughout history. We like guns because if you have a gun you can set the tyrant who would step all over you in the express lane to hell.
>What kind of legislation can be passed to solve this?
There is no legislation to "solve" this, as that would imply it is a problem. Furthermore, Americans will never surrender the right to bear arms. The second the government actually tries to round up all civilian firearms will be the moment in which the second Civil War begins, and we remind the world that this country was born in violent revolution, and by the same means we will cleanse it.

Same reason you're obsessed with dicks.

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If you have a drill press and mill (CNC mill if you aren't poor), you are set for making ANY weapon.

You're doing Gods work

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Alright thanks man I'll get to it and hopefully post a finished lower soon. Good luck on the .50 beo and stay safe

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If you cast your own, buy some DU rods and insert them into your molds. Will stop any vehicle.



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why would i shoot a gun? they're fairly expensive and i think shooting one would damage it, surely you can find better targets to fire a gun at than guns.

America doesn´t have a gun problem. it has a nigger and 'spic' problem.
I like you you lead with that idiot fearmongering pic that is not based on statistical and mathematical reality. But is 100% solely based on demonization of european americans. Wheras people like yourself let niggers get away with having a statistic of 50% of the homocides in the USA.
The guns aren´t running around doing anything by themselves. It´s just a tool. Like a hammer or a wrench.
USA is founded on rebellion against the british crown who were trying to disarm them. Pretty obvious why they like guns. If you don´t like guns and you are an american, you´re a fucking weirdo.
If you have an irrational fear of guns. You are the problem not the legal gun owners, who you can feel completely safe near. Probably not anywhere safer than around people who know how to handle weapons. Not exactly the place anyone chooses to rob or do such things to.