For me it was when Drumpf said "grab 'em by the pussy." Touching an adult woman like that is a crime called rape. Why do MIGA supporters like rapists? Moral Uncle Joe Biden would never do something like that. That's why I jumped on the Biden bus, and like the movie Speed, the Biden bus has no brakes! Watch out Drumpf!
When did you stop supporting Drumpf, and start supporting Moral Joe Biden?
Other urls found in this thread:
Drumpf Is-real
>posting the same thread every day
Watch out MIGA drones, Moral Joe Biden is coming for you and your kike masters.
Also reminder we should have all voted for Hillary in the first place. She is far closer to Hitler than Trump will ever be.
nice edited images, MIGA kike supporter
who's waiting for Moral Uncle Joe Biden to put MIGA and their jew masters in their place?
look at this guy, you can just tell he won't put up with any of Israel's shit
Biden has a better track record at telling Israel to fuck off. Compared to Trump who would suffer from jewjew cum withdrawls. Also the MIGA salt would outweigh the great Hilldawg salt mine of 2016.
When he started to kiss kike-ass from the beginning. As for supporting pedo-Joe. Not a fucking chance! I will be pledging my support to Richard Spencer. WP! 1488! 202041488!
Welcome aboard the Biden bus, fellow, Biden Br!. Yeah you tell those MIGA tards. There's no one the kikes hate more than the Democratic Party.
Biden Bro*
As a Jew I support Biden. He has been attending AIPAC for decades, since the 1980s, and has voted for over two hundred billion in aid to Israel.
That's true. Hmm... nah still voting Trump faggot
Leave my waifus alone bastard
no thanks I'll be voting for Yang
nice gas lighting though, kike..
I don't really see a significant difference between the two sans an abstained UN vote about Palestine. Both are pro immigration gun grabbers with Epstein ties that won't put America first. I think the popular candidate on Jow Forums will come down to the amount of potential salt.
Do I want the pedophile elite to keep profiteering off of us with Bidens crack head son making billions or do I want that and $1,000?
>being a blatant pedo is considered moral
>uncle touch n sniff joe thinks he can get through as the moral candidate
Yang isn't a real candidate. He will give the money to Pedo Joe.
Odd, Bill Clinton grabbed everyone by the pussy, and you re-elected him.
What happened, you found religion? LMAO
Trump is such a fucking useless faggot.
The 9th Circuit Court said he can keep asylum seekers in Mexico while they waited their court date. Instead of tweeting and enforcing this victory, Trump ignored it and it now sending these people into America.
Record numbers every caravan gets through.
Amazing. You guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. So, impersonating Storm Front niggers isn't helping your "personas" anymore, eh? Fucking spamming worthless motherfucking niggers. Trump's getting reelected and your asses are going to be puckered as prunes by the end of it all.
>yet another brapbarf screencap
I am suspecting that those articles are made specifically for you to screen and paste here. How much do they pay you?
So you're denying that the DHS is just flying illegals in and dumping them into American cities?
At the rate you guys post the same title, in every format imaginable, in every thread not talking shit about Trump, yeah. But mostly because identitarianism and identitarians have been monopolized by the left.
>Rep. Raul Grijalva is asking the Department of Homeland Security to explain why the Border Patrol is releasing large numbers of migrant families in Yuma, overwhelming the city's one shelter
>>May 07, 2019 · EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to process and receive unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens entering the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector.. On Saturday, agents from Brownsville to Roma apprehended over 2,400 illegal aliens, the majority of which consist of family units and unaccompanied children who readily turn themselves in to agents.
>If the DHS chief’s numbers are accurate, then roughly 250,000 Hondurans and Guatemalans have left for the U.S. in the past eight months. The population size is nearly equivalent to that of Buffalo, New York. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) announced in April that 418,000 nationwide apprehensions have occurred this fiscal year to date. A total ...
>1% Of Honduran And Guatemalan Population Left For US Since
These countries are EMPTYING OUT coming here and you're just in max cope mode because at least we don't have to listen to HRC cackle so it's somehow better.
Lots of bullshit words, not a lot of denial.
Face the facts. Trump could keep ALL of those asylum seekers in Mexico (can't blame the courts, they approve), instead he's putting them ALL in America.
How about you get up off your ass and solve the border problem yourselves? Seeing as how you are so passionate about it, go do something about it.
I voted for Trump. What else can I do? Go Texas and do what, faggot? Trump will just put me in jail for trying to stop anything.
I began when he said he would eat jewish babies, I was sorely disappointed when he decided it was better to deport the brown ones instead of enslaving them. I think the final and ultimate point where I decided to hate him was when he started to respect women and give them jobs. A womans job is to be a decent punching bag, potential target practice if she gets mouthy, and children. Those were his talking points, now......its all Israel is good and legal immigration. I wanted smoke stacks, all I got was flap jacks.
A private company just built a mile of border on the wall but they're affiliated with Bannon and Breitbart so I'm sure that's just a psy op right? I am doing something about it by not voting in 2020 I refuse to cast my vote and rubber stamp a broken uniparty. You know those 53% of people who are apathetic and don't vote? What if they're the smart ones? How much time and energy have you dumped into Trump and this non existent wall in the last 3 years? I could have got a 2 year degree in this time I was shilling for that fucker 8 hours a day in 2016 worked my ass off in the meme mines.
this. the fact he doesn't have 100% support on pol just proves this place is full of retards
>meanwhile in reality
What a massive excuse. No, you did not vote for Trump. Use your imagination, do research and solve your problem. If you can't, then don't complain. Bitching about something you can't help is pointless and annoying unless you are a d&c faggot.
I can't figure out of this place is full of boomers that don't understand how the primary system works and how you should want to pick your opposition, pro Biden and Kamala shills who are scared of Yang or just low IQ Metokur edgy contrarian to anything types I think it's mostly the latter.
When was the last time Trump even brought up the white working class? Last I saw him mention white working males was chiding them saying they better "catch up and compete" with his historic affirmative action of giving more jobs to women and niggers
Yes, in an entire weekend. Maybe you and your buttboi could JOIN THEM.
why is there no candidate that appeals to me, the average antisymmetric joe?
>Bitching about something you can't help
You don't understand migapede we have the power not old man donnie.
Okay, then use that power and do something about it.
yeah there are lots of easy low IQ arguments against yang. it takes some amount of critical thinking to understand why he is clearly the best choice.
very hard for people to break through the 'mindset of scarcity' we have been brainwashed into our whole lives. i have seen people literally argue that Amazon should continue to pay no taxes because it's 'pro-business'
oh shit, is that a crime? do it to the wife all the time. she loves it, Trump 2020! excited
You are so low IQ it's hilarious
Doesn't matter what you think about Yang - he has no chance. He's a Democrat and Democrats will never vote for him. In fact his white nationalist support just hurts his campaign even more.
The dems will never let him win the primary because they control it and their muh super delegates but Yang is in the debates and he's going to make all of the Stalwells who apologize for being white look like shit. He's not there to win so much as to crash their party with no survivors and I think he can do that with his Ben Shapiro style FACTS and LOGIC. Who do you want the Dem front runner to be Harris? Biden like OP? Bernie?
He's boring as fuck, talks like a nerd, no charisma.
He's a gimmick candidate, a complete failure, whose failure will just be solidified after the debates.
You still don't get it - it doesn't matter who we want the Dem front runner to be because Dem voters just vote for whoever the TV tells them to. The TV says vote Biden, so they will.
Yang is a pied piper candidate.
Biden asks for permissions and consents before sniffing. He only rapes when allowed. Trump should follow in his footsteps and bow.
> When did you stop supporting Trump
When he pussied out on withdrawing from Syria
> When did you start supporting Biden
Never. Never have, never will
be honest, you're voting for Biden
I'm more likely to vote for Trump than Biden lmao
holy fuck is that picture real?
Only one is edited, retard.
promises made, promises kept!
You misspelled "pedo", tranny.
everyone on Jow Forums supports Biden now, you kike
I don’t give a fuck who supports what. I don’t identify with Jow Forums
i just anonymously donated $100 to the trump campaign by proxy and i am poor.
actually it was about $95 but i gave extra $5 to other trump supporter so i would not have to identify.
if you don't support Moral Joe for president, then why are you here?
I cannot tell if CIA shill or 23D chess based user with this type of posting. It's clear that Biden has no riches but is also a golem. I have no idea how he spent 8 years with Oboongwe and made no real money.
>Moral Uncle Joe Biden
lol no unless he pull a obongo and fucks over israel
the trump supporters want Biden or Harris to go up against Trump for the easy win. It's obvious it's them shilling those two around here.
OP is a faggot as usual.
Biden is Israel Trump is Israel get it?
omg yeah right he for 8 years did Israel's shit while lighting menorahs on the WH house lawn with the same baby dick sucking child fucking rebbes Trump hangs out with
Biden is based, you miga kike
you never supported trump dont lie
I’m here for the hair sniffs and the shoulder massages
I did support Trump, that's why I post the potato drumpf meme, you miga kike