I've been dating this pic related girl for 6 weeks. Several days ago she told me she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I haven't looked into this much but should I leave her?
I've been dating this pic related girl for 6 weeks...
Trust me it will sort itself out.
Also the game
Why bother? She'll be dead in weeks if that's true. You'd just be an asshole if you left now. No one survives stage IV pancreatic cancer.
Enioy the ride while it lasts brother and take solace in the fact she chose to live out her final days with your faggoty ass.
Keep plowing that field, user. Real men don’t bail like that. Enjoy the time she has left.
pol gassing live
Why does she have 8 toes
Take a bunch of selfies with her, bitches will crawl all over you when she's gone.
>Leave her
Why? She's about to die anyway.
That shits a death sentence and aggressive.
Do something nice and stick it out.
Don't be so insensitive user.
You should leave her for having no titties fuckin lmao
Well if it is stage IV then just wait it out, she'll have a year at most. Then you can get loads of pity sex and still remain a man of honor who does not abandon his woman.
Bitch looks 45
>You'd just be an asshole if you left now
Well she'd be dead soon so it's not like she'll remember you leaving her.
stage 4 is “treatable”
i used to have that same wicker foot stool 30 years ago
>8 toes
>no breasts
this shooped?
People with terminal illness are a pain in the ass. There's always something you have to do for them. I'd bail if you can do it without her telling your family / friends what a scumbag you are.
>shits in the street
wait I thought this was the girl who sent you nudes after you moved in to the apartment next door. Are you some sort of a faggot OP?
She's dying, the world isn't. Everyone who knows OP would know what he did if he left. Also why be an asshole to a dying woman?
This is just like 'A Walk to Remember'
OP Need more pics
show bobs and vagene
You should fuck a baby into her, user. She has some nice genes.
If you want her to stop whining stop bringing her to the doctor. Doctors will only give scare tactics, no actual help or decent advice. They want her to buy their meds. Go to acupuncturist or chinese medical practitioner or nutritionist or ayurvedic doctor or even your plumber. Just stop punishing yourselves with these fucking "doctors" jesus
that's a dude
you're a coon
this is pasta
drink bleach
she'll be dead in weeks. Enjoy fucking her brains out bareback because its irrelevant if she gets pregnant.
Also, try to get some anal from her, this is the ideal situation for it. She'll be up for every kinky bit of shit. Setup a threesome for her
are you gonna impregnate her OP?
This is what RBG has; she'll live forever.
sexy hands and hips over tiddies any day
if she is a natural blonde, stay with her
if not, unplug her
You have the ability to make an unfortunate individual live amazing final days and all you can do is think about yourself. Pathetic.
>Also the game
Idk if i believe you user, pretty sure i saw this pic on /b/ the other day posted in a cuck thread lol
She old
Nah just wait a while, she’ll leave you.
She needs you, user. Don't leave her in her time of need, unless you are a self absorbed asshole. Love her.
>no tits
should have dropped her long ago
I guess she is just checking your reaction for whatever reason she has. Have you been given any proof?
>people this stupid are procreating
>Go to acupuncturist or chinese medical practitioner or nutritionist or ayurvedic doctor
Yeah, right
Pic related
>Well she'd be dead soon so it's not like she'll remember you leaving her.
No but her friends and relatives will and you never know who your next boss/lecturer/hr munchkin will be...
Also being a nasty cunt to a dying woman is a shitty thing to do.
If she has money you should marry her.
Im sorry user, but can we get more upskirt shots?
oh fuck off
why? its not like she has long left
This sort of selfishness is why relationships are a joke now. What good is a high trust society when everyone scrounges around like rats and treats people like disposable products? We're too far gone.
leaving someone when they are dying its SO FUCKING BAD wtf fuck you nigger
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>1 Post by this ID
Just stick it out for a few weeks, that's as long as she'll be here, I'm afraid
t. guy who lost an acquaintance to same thing a few years ago, 6 weeks from diagnosis to death
100% evil
You stay to the end, OP. Then you can grab her leftover meds.
>1 post by this ID
What did he mean by this?
Thanks for providing the much needed thread quality, ackmed
LARP thread.
Hope OP gets cancer for this.
This isn't an advice column retard.
Thats a man babbby...
This is sad...be nice to her OP she is almost dead....poor woman I feel bad for her I havent felt on Jow Forums in fucking years..
See and
Stage 4 = terminal = she's going to fucking die.
Don't get attached, but have fun with her. You could probably use 'yolo' to persuade her into doing kinky shit, which you can upload to the internet once she dies.
6 weeks? If I didn’t have many social circle connections with her I’d bail. She’s gonna die and it will take a year. Once it progresses you’re stuck with her because you’ll look even jerkier leaving. Now maybe people don’t all know her diagnoses.
Steve Jobs' personality was so overbearing that even his family and friends were afraid of telling him his choice of treatment was wrong.
He was such an asshole.
His cancer was actually a rare kid of pancreatic cancer that has a very big survival and cure rate.
He won the cancer lotto and then fucked it up!
Wasn't he big on colloidal gold, too? Really had the Midas touch, that one.
Well user, I hope you stay with her until the bitter end. My deepest regret in life is not spending more time with my dying girlfriend. While she was in treatment, I decided that I would rather remember her for what she was rather than what she became. I regret this for many reasons. For one, I regret not getting to say goodbye and spending more time with her. But more importantly, I feel guilty. I feel guilty because I let her die alone. No one should have to die lonely and sad on top of the painful reality of cancer. user, please, even if you've no feeling for her, stay with her, comfort her and try your best to brighten her last days.
Just a ruse to trick you into paying child support faget
Nice joke. Women don't have pancreas, she is actually a he
lol blue pill faggot. he died of aids.
what the hell why did OP do this?
Stick it out!
You can milk this for so much pussy.
Make sure she dies in your arms.
I had an aquatintence in High School who’s GF died of leukemia IN HIS ARMS and he milked that for a decade.
Epic win!
This is a gift.
First rhymes better with worst than best anyway.
Also, you cunt.
I had a fuck buddy who died of cancer. The wig was weird, but the bald pussy was alright.
>much pussy
I remember when Jow Forums had people over 12 on it
Chemo-Anal for the win!
Must be like one of those people who like to make up "woe is me" stories to get a rush.
You pathetic fuck.
I thought aids wasn't real?
Apple is a faggot company. Why did Steve Jobs put a(nother) faggot in charge of the company? Really makes you think.
>implying being a fake manipulative cunt for some cheap casual sex isn't pathetic
It definately is pathetic to manipulate a dying woman for sex.
Gerson Therapy
Stay with till the end and when other women try their luck with after she is gone, treat them all like shit and remind them they don't come close to the woman you are caring for now.