The economic collapse 2019 is happening officially.
The bubble has been growing since 2015, excessively so, quantitive crunching only delayed the inevitable. Chinese are buying US bonds and everyone is dumping money into the property market (AGAIN) but it's worthless. No one can buy houses.
Add into that the fact that bad credit levels are about 10 times as much as 2008. The country is broke, unemployment is 23% and millions are about to lose their jobs.

Oil prices are already reaching crisis levels over Iran, set to reach 100 dollars a barrel this summer. Factor in the trade war with China and you're about to see an economic collapse that makes the great depression look like a cakewalk!

>A ‘second Great Depression is coming’

>Oil Markets Are Stuck

Attached: Untitled.png (706x579, 294K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not 100 dollars this summer, 70 by the end of the Summer.

What country you talking about?? Unemployment in the US is less then 4%

In fact, the people who are trying to panick the world are wall street henchmen of China. Most of the wealth of USA is local, by most it's like 90 plus percent. The only people in a panic right now are local bubble holders... People who deserve it.

The real unemployment number, is over 20%

Trump used to call this out himself all the time back in the campaign.

>Trump himself used to complain about just this issue. Bashing the official unemployment stat was one of his bigger campaign trail themes. Back in June 2015, he made this remark about the official unemployment rate (which was then 5.5%): “Our labor participation rate was the worst since 1978…. Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20%. Don’t believe the 5.6. Don’t believe it. That’s right. A lot of people out there can’t get jobs.” And in May 2016: ”You hear a 5% unemployment rate. It’s such a phony number. That number was put in for presidents and for politicians so that they look good to the people.” A month after his victory in the US presidential elections, he was still sticking to his guns: “The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction.”

Then quote labor participation rate. I'm waiting because I don't give a shit and I don't believe you.

There's no way this isn't a bot. It even used an ad for the thumbnail

>He doesn't know about how unemployment stats are calculated.
It's far higher than 4%
If you are jobless for over some amount of time they remove you from the stats by labeling you as a "discouraged worker".

Google it


I wasn't responding to you retard.
Or are you samefagging using different IPs?

Good, can't wait for it to happen. Might as well start World War III while we're at it! DESTROY, PURGE, KILL!

Attached: wycyj.jpg (360x250, 49K)

Ah, yes.

All for you I guess

>I don't give a shit and I don't believe you.
No one's stopping you from being an ignorant faggot, but you'll have no one to blame but yourself when you're stuck holding the bag.

>Good economy
>prices are high
>more people
>more cars

What's so good about good economy? It only benefits the rich.

I've been waiting for this for a while, let go!

Attached: dunununu.gif (480x352, 500K)

You actually believe that

Just look around at society you really think only 4% are not working? It should be obvious whats going on.

US Labor force participation rate is hovering around 63%. It looks like it is down from 2010 by around 2-3% points. Make of that what you will.

This is retarded. Iran oil is high because of sanctions. We have enough oil to last the next hundred years.

>Investor Alert: A new breakthrough - known by only a handful of scientists, researchers and insiders - is about to turn the energy world upside down. And one small company is at the center of it all. Get the full report here.

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True but Iran has the ability if they wanted to crash world markets and cause global chaos practically now.

Then they get bombed and we replace Iran's leadership.

This ffs

Then why the fuck is gas here $1.30/L

Why is the fuel here anywhere from $1.30-$1.80 depending on the cycle?

The petrodollar is the main factor though, not just having the oil.
The US is an empire, and as such there are multipolar aspects to oil prices back home

Youd have to bomb Iraq and do the same, Yemen and do the same, Syria and do the Same, and Lebanon and do the same.

You'd have to rebuild a few lost carriers and placate the civilians in the US that would be rebelling due to unacceptable losses. And holding the moral low ground on the international stage.

Wargames indicate 40k dead US casualties are possible within 48 hours of a invasion. These losses are considered catastrophic and unacceptable by the brass. China and Russia would be on their side, and Turkey maybe also. Not to mention DPRK. Make no mistake it will be ww3. With all kinds of bad things like emps, stuxnet, sleeper cells, flashpoints erupting world wide, changing global opinion. Extreme instability in the USA, and most likely global economic collapse.

Only people to benefit would be ISrael and the Jews , who would displace the levant and take the oil forming Eratz ISrael. the Muslims will be sent to Europe and the Goyim all round lose.

because you're a canadian faggot who's country places excessive taxes on gas. It's less than $2.50 per GALLON here, that's like 4 liters. If it was prices per liter it'd be like 70 cents per liter

Fuck it, let it happen.

>40k in 48 hours
Wtf I thought you were mutts, not Italians.

In the case of such a massive onslaught, I don't think Israel would survive long. It's basically all US goodies (given or stolen in the case of nuclear capability) and very little else.

Yeah basically something like that may be more like 35k. Simulated war games show US carriers are sunk, logistics are bad, utility ships are lost, aircraft is lost, and high numbers of men are lost.

This doesnt even count Saudi Arabias decimated oil fields, or the damage done to the UAE. What people who are brainlets also fail to realize is that just the invasion of Iran. The occupation would be a absolute nightmare. Places like Iraq and Syria and Lebanon would also literally have to be invaded because they are dependent allies of Iran. Then you have to take in global public opinion if we did that, and what China and Russia would do. The IRanians have literally been preparing to be invaded since the end of the Iran-Iraq war. They have insane missiles anti ship missiles and anti aircraft systems that havnt been tested, Israelis in wargames estimate crippling aerial losses if they where to bomb Iran which is why they havnt. This isnt a game, its a damn pandoras box.

Think of this, the opposition we back in Iran has even went on the record and stated they will fight the US and Israel along side the mullahs in the event of war.

Yeah i think Israel figured something like 70% aircraft losses of those sent to bomb Iran. I remember seeing that years ago and that would be due to the S300 system if they had it, which they do.

Saudis will pump out more oil like the good client state they are.

Im ready Freddy

Attached: Skellys.jpg (553x936, 195K)

The Saudis are running very low on oil and they're deeply concerned about that.
That's why Venezeula is happening, partly.

You seem like you know your shit

>tfw lost my job 3 weeks ago
>2 year degree industrial maintenance
>PLC programming certification
>2.5 years experience
>for lift license
>arc flash certificate
>welding certificate
>multiple placement firms still can’t place me
Got laid off because the printing factory downsized. I bought my house 4 months ago too.

This is what i think will happen of we actually do invade, purple is contested. The rest is self explanatory.

Attached: Armageddonv2 - Copy2.jpg (1070x1196, 574K)

They said the same thing about desert Storm and Iraq. No one wants to get caught up in another middle eastern regime change except the US and Israel. Syria and Crimea has nearly bankrupted Russia like Afghanistan did.

Also just a fyi this map includes end times prophecy, from Christians Sunnis and Shiites.

Got a legend? Just making sure I understand what I’m seeing

Saddam had no allies, Iran does. Russia isnt investing that much in Syria, yet going to stand aside in the event of war with Iran.

I plan on visiting Georgia to see a few monasteries. I hope I can before this happens

Dark Green Shiite backed alliances
Light Green Sunni Saudi UAE backed alliance
Red Israel
Purple Contested either militarily or politically
Yellow Kurds

I work in oil and gas so I hope to god it goes to 100+ a barrel

Stocks are turning downwards again. A double top.

Oil is following. Less money means less buying power. Less speculation. Less consumption.

>Israel nearly completely wiped off the map
It’s a risk I think we should take. If that happens the Middle East could finally restabilize

Saudis have 2nd largest known oil reserves in the world behind Venezuela. every country is concerned about their reserves, it's a finite resource. Bin Salman wants to make Saudi oil a publicly trade commodity so they can diversify their economy and spread the risk of petroleum investment internationally. they fear climate change will devalue oil more and more going into the future.


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Their own numbers have them vastly over maximum capacity as predictions in the 70s, it's a state secret on how much they have left but look at this.

Saudis are running very low.

shit better run out an kill all niggers jews and leftists i can before the collapse happens...

Additionally, the terrain of Iran itself sets any invader up for failure. I see an issue with some weapons overlooking this and assuming that weapons/defenses of the US are similar to opposition forces.
EMP for instance might knock out most electronics, but it won't do anything to harm an army ready to go guerilla overnight.

Don't be a fag, show your flag.

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A crash is the only thing that will save white countries in long run

I'm relatively up to date on this stuff. I'm just saying that they're not "very" low on reserves. everyone is running out obviously. I simply believe they'll increase production if that's what the United States requests as a quid pro quo. they'll almost definitely try to go public in the future when there's less global attention on them. both the united states and Saudis seem more concerned about containing Iran more than anything else right now.

>40k dead US casualties are possible within 48 hours of a invasion
Just fucking glass the fucking place

Imagine if the confederacy was established again during the collapse of america. Would be insane

True unemployment is always 4 to 5 x higher than the number reported because once you're unemployed for 6 mos in the US you're essentially unemployable and therefore not calculated. About 1 in 5 Americans isn't working.

Checked and sad hope it gets better

>idlib is going to fall in the near future
I haven't been following syria lately, what is your scenario for that actually happening?

>is always 4 to 5 x higher than the number reported
i dont think so

Syrian army is advancing in the Idlib rebel zone as we speak

lets go already. this collapse is looming for some time now.
Tired of waiting. Lets go!!

Iran is four times bigger than Iraq with a capitol city hundreds of miles from any border and surrounded by mountain ranges. Not an easy place to invade

EU and US sanctions almost bankrupted Russia for Crimea. Yeah it was costly, but the sanctions crippled them.

And in turn, they started rebuilding their own industries to become less dependent on outside markets.
It's still going, but sanctions will only be less effective as a result.

It's only natural.
The first sign of economic decline is when service-industry businesses begin to fail because the sectors became bloated. What follows after are business loans default, then housing loans, then car loans. While all of this is happening, service sector jobs are also getting demolished, causing more tumble-effects.

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Has happened before and will happen again. The west have money and will be fine. It last a few months and some companies go broke. Then it reboots again. And again. And again.

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does it? is that what happened 1929?

Kinda. But it came back again. Hopefully it wont be as bad as that was.

FUCKIN CRASH THE MARKET ALREADY!!!!! I have half a bag of tendies I’m saving for the great new depression

it came back because a war was coming, the final reboot


Kinda. Will the speed of the modern world matter thought? Everything is so different today. Will it be worse? Will it be less so? I dont think it will end in WW3, yet. That will come about from toher factors I imagine. Time will tell.

What's the unemployment rate with people that can't physically work?


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The US is almost 50% non-White, and eventually their economy will steer towards thirdworld levels.

Eventually. So will all of Europe. By then I am hopefully dead.

Faggots like you have been talking shit about economic collapse for over a year and all the stats you cite are fabricated bullshit. Unemployment is at an all-time low and the economy in the US seems to be moving right along. Trade and commerce is still booming, the shit is just coming through Mexico instead.

Nobody's gonna believe you when it's actually HAPPENING if you keep lying, glownigger.


>Wargames indicate 40k dead US casualties are possible within 48 hours of a invasion
Which war games?

>over Iran
you mean over US/Israeli war on Iran

Ah here we go nao

I believe the intention is to break the US as a superpower leaving it vulnerable to a civil invasion from the south

Unemployment stops countingbaftervpeople have been unemployed for over 6 months theres likely 50% unemployed people in the USA.

It's almost as if U-3 or U-5 never existed. Nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to unemployment, Trump is either in on the Hoover reenactment or being led to the slaughter.

Being this delusional

OP is full of shit.

>muh looming economic collapse

yeah, it's not like panicmongers been telling the same exact story for the last 10 years or so. Every single year there have been new predictions, literally just go on YT and search for 'economic collapse 2015', 'economic collapse 2016' and so on.

>Oil prices are already reaching crisis levels over Iran, set to reach 100 dollars a barrel this summer.

Bullshit, it's not going to happen, there's too much supply on the market to warrant such drastic price increase.

>Wargames indicate 40k dead US casualties are possible within 48 hours of a invasion.

This is even more ridiculous bs, bordering on delusion.
if you didn't know Iran was invaded at least twice in the previous century, during both world wars, both times by the UK and Russia.
Guess what, both times there was barely any resistance at all. And neither the UK not Russia/USSR possessed the kind of military tech the US has right now.

>The IRanians have literally been preparing to be invaded since the end of the Iran-Iraq war. They have insane missiles anti ship missiles and anti aircraft systems that havnt been tested

Missiles that barely fly and will be easily intercepted by Iron Dome/Aegis/Patriot systems, because antiquated NK/Soviet tech used in Iranian so-called 'missiles' is no match for the state of the art US tech.

>Yeah basically something like that may be more like 35k. Simulated war games show US carriers are sunk, logistics are bad, utility ships are lost, aircraft is lost, and high numbers of men are lost.

Lmao, this is absolute bs.
US and NATO allies can occupy Iran within 1-2 months will little or no casualties.

>This is even more ridiculous bs, bordering on delusion.
>if you didn't know Iran was invaded at least twice in the previous century, during both world wars, both times by the UK and Russia.
>Guess what, both times there was barely any resistance at all. And neither the UK not Russia/USSR possessed the kind of military tech the US has right now.
Do you like putting your head in the sand or are you just a fucktard? The iranians have a fuckton of missiles that can hit all over the middle east. You can boast about your egis and iron dome all you want, but the fact is, those defences are not designed to shoot down a series of missiles launched at the same time. Tech does not matter here, you're at a point where the most modern tech can no longer defend you from others, even if they have lower tech than you. You might be able to shoot 3 anti-ship missiles that the iranians fire, but you sure as hell can't shoot 300. The israelis learned that literally 2 weeks ago when they begged for a truce with hamas. The reason? Their AA systems for so fucking overwhelmed, they couldn't reload them in time and on top of that, ran out of missiles to load them with. So assuming you got a shit ton of missiles, and each of those missiles are 100% effective, taking 1 missile to destroy 1 enemy missile,, you'll run out of them pretty quickly. You know why? Because there is no limit on the amount of missiles you can store and carry on land. There is a limit to the amount of missiles you can carry on ships. Add that with the 40 or so submarines they have, and you're fucked.

>Oil prices are already reaching crisis levels over Iran, set to reach 100 dollars a barrel this summer
I work in the oilfield. I pray this is true.

>Just fucking glass the fucking place
Glass America to rid the world of the boomer menace

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>Chinese are buying US bonds
No they aren't
fuck off shill

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>True but Iran has the ability if they wanted to crash world markets and cause global chaos practically now.
No they don't.
You money is worthless, and you cucked into paying for a 'carbon tax'

Can you elaborate? I'm unfamilar with this idea


Dude, most placement firms suck. You have the internet and zero obligations. Take your resume and certifications, find any place that welds or has fork lifts, pick yourself off your ass, and go and talk to them? Placement orgs supplement a job search. You're not going to find shit if you wait for some idiot communications major to find a job for you.

I vote we befriend Iran and bomb Israel instead. Problem solved.

Fuck off boomer, learn to do your own research