OP is full of shit.
>muh looming economic collapse
yeah, it's not like panicmongers been telling the same exact story for the last 10 years or so. Every single year there have been new predictions, literally just go on YT and search for 'economic collapse 2015', 'economic collapse 2016' and so on.
>Oil prices are already reaching crisis levels over Iran, set to reach 100 dollars a barrel this summer.
Bullshit, it's not going to happen, there's too much supply on the market to warrant such drastic price increase.
>Wargames indicate 40k dead US casualties are possible within 48 hours of a invasion.
This is even more ridiculous bs, bordering on delusion.
if you didn't know Iran was invaded at least twice in the previous century, during both world wars, both times by the UK and Russia.
Guess what, both times there was barely any resistance at all. And neither the UK not Russia/USSR possessed the kind of military tech the US has right now.
>The IRanians have literally been preparing to be invaded since the end of the Iran-Iraq war. They have insane missiles anti ship missiles and anti aircraft systems that havnt been tested
Missiles that barely fly and will be easily intercepted by Iron Dome/Aegis/Patriot systems, because antiquated NK/Soviet tech used in Iranian so-called 'missiles' is no match for the state of the art US tech.
>Yeah basically something like that may be more like 35k. Simulated war games show US carriers are sunk, logistics are bad, utility ships are lost, aircraft is lost, and high numbers of men are lost.
Lmao, this is absolute bs.
US and NATO allies can occupy Iran within 1-2 months will little or no casualties.