Dark Overlord

What the fuck happened to this LARP? Did he go the way of the dodo bird and Qanon?

Attached: 056c026d-1c66-4d42-9fae-a8e96df290c5-1020x1123.jpg (831x510, 37K)

No Qtards got triggered? I was expecting some Qcud caviar to be regurgitated. Too bad

I remember the day this shit hit the press and I checked Twitter and saw "TheDankOverlord" was already taken. I thought I had a lulzy new handle. They still confirmed Flight 93 was shot down though which was pretty big info

Anybody who knows is just waiting for the Israel information to drop. Every thing else is trivial

was just insurance payouts im pretty sure. highly doubt mossad and wetworks itemized a receipt for the explosives used to wire the buildings.


Insurance companies do insane amounts of investigation and litigation for payouts like this. They don't just say "oh well the buildings went bye bye, time to give Lucky Larry TWO payouts!"

Going after the insurers was actually a genius angle. Always except Jews to try to outjew other Jews when there is billions in insurance money on the line. They'll literally spend $999 million on private investigators if they think they can avoid a $1 billion payout by doing so.

maybe someone paid the ransom

yeah i was hoping for something juicy too. was in that fags original thread.
still dont know why he came here if he just wanted money. you come here for fire, not money.
qrd=gay larp wasnt a larp, but was still kinda gay.

any rundown? What buildings?