Germans urged to be good goyims

Cant wait for this to backfire badly.

Attached: Screenshot_20190529-084751~2.png (1080x1406, 460K)

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We need to employ other methods of identifying members of the group

There such a small percentage of the population why does it matter so much?

Yes goyim, die in our place.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-29 at 2.57.51 AM.png (812x265, 56K)


>Of course they show white men
Because in the last few years anti-semitism has risen due to them.
Abdul and Karim from Apefrica sure as hell aren't the ones that are sadly the actual source of the countersemitism.

We're you forced to wear a kippah?

You know exactly what I am referring to, pesterous kike.

Make the turks wear them top kek

then spray them with roach repellent


Kek, heck off lad.

>Kosher open borders/refugee advocate activism
>newcomers are mainly Muslim origin
>wonders why anti-antisemitism is on the rise

Attached: 1556842751891.png (1000x667, 957K)

Attached: Jews_admit_Merkel_destroyed_Germany_to_pander_to_jews.jpg (1050x4060, 1.21M)

>literally the next day
try to make it a little more obvious

Encourage them to wear it. Perhaps then they'll see it's the peaceful refugees doing the attacks and the media been lying to them.

Fingers crossed for mass slaughter of Jews.

>goy = singular
>goyim = plural
i expect this shit from usa posters. croatia, youve let me down

Pesterous huh? Allah will soon teach you how to treat minorities you psycho.

the BILD cut out one? two men at work wear these and seen about twenty people wearing it in the street.

isnt there something in the talmud or torah about goys wearing sacred garments?
If they want to kill us for having jew money, whats the punishment for wearing the skullcap?

Gas the kikes. Fucking parasitic race.

It was plural. He said Germans (plural) urged to be good goyim (plural) learn to read perhaps nigger?

Europeans are the reason why Whites need to die off so Asians can take over. Empathy breeds stupidity and stagnation. When enough Whites die off, Empathy will be greatly diminished enough to push Mankind forward again. A man with no empathy will kill the Jew.

The kikes aren't even trying anymore.

Attached: 151041089.png (600x600, 195K)

Fuck off kike.

>About one in four people in Germany said Jews had too much influence on wars and conflicts, and one in five said Jews had too much influence in the media.

Its going to get higher because its true

Fuck you kid

Jew nigger lover

Dyou see what im dealin with?

Have you tried not being a vile cancerous piece of debatably human waste and teaching that strategy to your people

>national anti-semitism commissioner

Attached: 1557940436342.png (128x125, 14K)

>germany has an anti-semitism commissioner
Holy shit

>Implying you aren't an Abdoul Alachmed yourself
Face it, either way, you will never be a cultured white people.

Lol im not, i swear: P

Youre wrong, and if yoy people are so cultured and polite, why cant you hold a simple conversation? Only curses and nonesense