Are you an American? Are you a citizen? Then you get $1000. No strings attached,
$1000 will not lie to you or get your hopes up
$1000 will not disappoint you and cuck for Israel
$1000 does not care who you are or what you look like
"How do I secure this opportunity?" You may be asking. The answer is simple. One word: Yanggang
Yeah, and we're going to build the wall, too. Uh-huh.
We can build the wall out of all the empty bags after people take the cash out.
I have a couple of bags marked as property of JP Morgan that are not to leave the bank's possession. They're full of 90% silver. They're pretty sturdy bags.
As a Trump supporter I would rather the money be given to Israel than to US citizens
sounds about right
Yang is the New Führer who will save the White Race!
#ail #itler
#ail Yang#
But I thought trump was an antisemitc nazi fascist. That’s what CNN keeps telling me
Now we're cooking with gas!
Who ever said he was antisemetic, Jews love him, he only targets shitskins because the Jews don't mind a good scapegoat. A real aryan would vote for a candidate that spreads money to aryans instead of keeping it in the hands of plutocratic kikes
Fuck you asian Jew
It was actually a Portuguese cartoonist who drew that, and you bet he got a lot of shit for it
A UK geo flag pushing for a socialist chink who wants to give EVERYONE in the USA (even Muslims) $1000 a month thereby devaluing the US dollar further.
>"Free" money
>Inflation goes on
>Why my rent is more expensive? Why everything is more expensive?
>What is offer/demand?
in all fields
The worst shit is this discord tranny spam is just going to get worse going into the election.
If everyone gets $1k it'll be worthless
Imagine if everyone was a millionaire, would it still be impressive?
>No strings attached
Imagine being this fucking stupid
He was fucking based but the Ben Garrison edit is a good meme
That's what people say about minimum wage and yet prices and unemployment barely change when it gets raised meanwhile the rural christcuck states that insist on muh capitalism with shitty wage laws have poorer people as a result
Don lemon from cnn called him an amtisemite and a bigot, and a racist. But the New York Times says he’s Israel’s bitch. Which is it? Only one of those statements can be true
Well in that case the New York Times is right and Don Lemon is a brainlet. Happy?
Only mutts and degenerates would care about a measly thousand dollars. These people would sell their only kid for less.
Hooray for hyperinflation!
>No strings attached
There’s no such thing as free anything
>muh inflaytion
Fuck off Charlie Kirk
No. But I support public hangings.
How about to do public hangings instead and you can save that 1000 dollars for the rope.
Tell em MIGApede! We gotta protect Israel from these antisemetic yangtards!