Why is this rejected by normies these days and considered to be a counterculture?

Why is this rejected by normies these days and considered to be a counterculture?

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Because normies hate God.

Cucked pacifist conservatism does not work when the enemy has breached your gates and are having their way with your women, despite your unenforced laws - and all of modern cuckstianity is inherently cucked pacifist conservatism.

Cuckstianity is the religion of lies, the religion who invited in the invaders in the first place, who insists all are one, that race does not exist. There is no salvation in it, only slavery for the jews until extinction.

>inbefore synagogue of satan
no. sicut judaeis.

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Jesus Christ isn't really a favorite of those programing the normies.

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cuz society if fucked up and dying

It's a mystery

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absolutely everyone i have ever broached the topic of religion to has reacted with steadfast, animal brained hostility. even just getting embroiled in a conversation about it against my will, normalfags absolutely fucking hate these concepts except for shit like buddhism that they don't understand at all and perceive as some vegetative peace loving weed smoking hippy commune religion, which it isn't

All of those who do not accept, support and are not part of the One True faith -- Christianity, are bounds to fail and perish. The Day of Judgement will come and they shall answer for all their sins in front of God.

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>checks flag

Makes sense.

because its outdated and gay. stop larping as cowboys from the 50s you retards shit is different now

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Religion was the old way normies were brainwashed.
The elites have moved on to brainwashing with MSM instead.

Remember when that meant "are you going to marry her"

Now, nobody wants to marry any of these bitches. That's why they probably don't ask anymore. Cause they know the answer is going to be "my intentions are to pump and dump that hoe"

because normies hate pedophile cults

It is the counterculture but normies think they're the counterculture

No. I won't let God die.

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Normies are starting to reject NPCism, that's why.
NPChristianity is dying, Schlomo.

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It's literally hipster.

Cassette tapes
Game boy phone cases
Straight razors
Blue ribbon
Facial hair

Now traditional family.

And Islam isn't? Christianity is the most up to date

Because the pretentious stepford's wives lifestyle you think you have never existed, you're too hateful to bring it to fruition anyway, and too stupid to recognize it.

Not to mention, that bullshit family image invented by 1950s television is all that ever was, no time in history or since has society ever looked like that. Everyone has problems and life is far more complex than your oversimplified fantasies of how life should be could ever envisage with that tiny brain of yours.


because its retarded and you're obnoxious

English teachers out