You lost. Seriously, you can’t win

You lost. Seriously, you can’t win.

White women will never be on your side, what are you gonna do then? All male ethnostate? Then the white race will die anyway since you cant breed with anyone

White women would rather die in a pleasureble gang rape of 10 BBCs then have to be stuck in some incel ethnostate #TrueStory

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fake and gay

White birth rates aren't even that bad considering how rich we are. IDK wtf you are talking about, too much BBC in your ass.

Reminder to kill all Jews

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oy vey

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>christian zionists

>These dumb cunts not realizing that they're only alive today because of white men
Only the minorities in the back have the right of wielding those anti-white male signs.

well if you believe that go ahead and suckstart a shotgun faggot, dibs on your whore.

Reminder that white women are the natural allies of the brown and black man.

>t. never read the Bible