*destroy capitalism and transphobia*

*destroy capitalism and transphobia*
*trap beats intensify*

Attached: CirBrKT.jpg (900x1200, 699K)

One solution to communists
Kill them all

Attached: 9E32CADD-1DEB-4E72-81E6-BE0458BBCD9C.png (500x651, 471K)

*while making big bank out of it

have sex

Why is he dressed like a toddler?

Bodyshape of a sack of potatoes, clothes to match his shapeless form. Always wearing a stupid grin without any reason, clutching his capitalist prullaria like the good commie that he is.

Is this the Chapo dude


>that Torso:Legs ratio

Why are these people always freaks

Christman's hairline is what inspired me to shave my head. I woke up one day and realized my hair was looking like his and then it was Bic time.

I never watched that shit. Should i even bother? Is it like lefty Jow Forums? Or like retarded Somethingawful users from that LF board

toddler giganticus

Attached: 884a9de1-75d7-4b99-8d6f-13b9f52c419e..jpg (450x699, 41K)

What's this body type called?

Average in america

Communists despise gays, this moron would have been beaten up & sent to straight camps if he was in the Soviet Union

>Christman's hairline
What a Jewish thing to say, rabbi

Attached: Capitalism.png (872x914, 1.27M)

This guy looks like he's taken in lots of pozzed nigger loads.

bend over

>he doesn't realize that trans ideology is promoted by and for the bourgeoisie
>he doesn't realize that trans ideology and other social justice issues are a product of liberalism
>he doesn't realize that trannies, SJWs, etc. would be lined up and shot if communists actually get into power

Attached: 1543205526678.jpg (362x298, 32K)

>that pic
that family has the right idea, fatten up before communism.

His name is Matt Christman but if you don't know that you haven't been missing out on much, besides that time he got extremely drunk/more likely shot up heroin and yelled out KILL YOURSELF AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU then mimed shooting himself on election night 2018 because he was sad that the democrats didn't win the senate.


Why is the little kid in the same clothes?

Attached: mhm laugh.gif (430x215, 2.01M)

Today's Communists have been drowned in lumprenprols and bourgeoise sympathies that they no longer practice Communism.

It's sad, because I might have joined communist groups if they weren't so disgustingly degenerate.

Attached: communist left stalin.jpg (552x692, 51K)

Bolsa de las patatas.

I'm sure you look better for it.