Greatest nations,empires,men,women,warriors,culture.
It took the rest of the world 1900+ years after the christ to reach the same political regime as the Greeks 400 BC.
The Mediterranean sea is the most important place on our planet FACT
Greatest nations,empires,men,women,warriors,culture.
It took the rest of the world 1900+ years after the christ to reach the same political regime as the Greeks 400 BC.
The Mediterranean sea is the most important place on our planet FACT
Other urls found in this thread:
Well it is the middle of the earth as the name says and it separates niggers form humans.
North africans are basically spics,a mutt race in between,bleached by romans and others and yet blacked by nogs and Arabs, a mutt race with religion that keeps them down.its a pity
The Phoenician shadow government has ruled all of mankind for 4,500 years.
Eustace Mullins
Friendly reminder that France is not a med civilization
You're totally right however you're Spanish lmao, you're the exact same cause they fked your women after establishing a califate in your lands for century
I Dont give a fuck about France, my family came from Italy, baka I don't even know more than 10 ethnic French in that country, It's full of Spanish,Portuguese,Italian,Polish and blablabla
It's an interesting place, and the Greeks did well.
Until the were raped first by Arabs and then by Mongols, hasn't really been the same since, strangely enough.
>took the rest of the world 1900+ years after the christ to reach the same political regime as the Greeks 400 BC.
are you talking about democracy? because only some greek city states practiced that, and they talked a lot of shit about it as being easily corruptible by oligarchs.
Kill yourself already, you slavic mongrelised nigger. Your kind only ever came to the mediterrannean 1200 years ago, from the russian steppes, you insufferable mutt.
>Your kind only ever came to the mediterrannean 1200 years ago, from the russian steppes,
I wonder where the Greeks were from, 1200 years before their apex.
Huge swaths of france were greek colonies for literally centuries. They are phylogenetically mediterrannean in southern france, snownigger.
>It took the rest of the world 1900+ years after the christ to reach the same political regime as the Greeks 400 BC.
Implying that's a good thing...the Greeks themselves hated democracy at least most non brainlets did knowing people ain't responsible enough not to fall for charlatans
This is probably true.
You guys should reconsider it and unify the meds. It would only benefit mankind.
Athenians did not hate democracy, but it was representative democracy. Only male citizens that were landowners were allowed to vote in the Eclessia. Ergo, 30000 males to 80000 males depending on the period. Helots did not vote, Perioeci did not vote, women did not vote, felons did not vote.
Other city-states either hated democracy due to how the system worked or were indifferent to it.
doesn't matter, still 2500 years ahead of the rest of the world.
But weren't Mediterraneans supposed to be niggers?
Pol/ is filled with contradictions, and that's why I love it. Guaranteed fun.
>t.armenoid larping as greek
Was until whites caught up with your technology.
You are literally slavic, you idiot. There were no slavs in the mediterrannean until 800 AD.
You even had to put down your LARP statues and change your history books, just let it go already.
It's embarrassing.
> lives in france
> doesn't give a fuck about france
you should be hung to the nearst tree. probably you are not even italian, but a jew or a sandnigger.
yes it is, moron. every single great french author regarded himself as a med - and that was a given, even for germanophiles like henri-frederic amiel and actual germans (of french descent) like theodor fontane. paul valery even founded a university of the mediterranean culture in nice.
>if he speaks slavic, he must be a slav
>if a black speaks english, he must be anglo saxon
You are literally an amalgemation of serbs, albanians and bulgarians. You were literally serbians until 1991. You are phylogenetically slavic.
What sort of brainwashing are they subjecting you to? It's uncanny.
Fake news
Ancient macedonians were slavicised and modern g*eekoids have nothing to do with them
Well, keep drinking your faux state's koolaid. You are a proxy state with fabricated history and as with most proxy states, they are dismantled in wars.
You are poking on a nation with the largest military in europe, I don't know what's the rationale, but it doesn't look good for you.
The moment we have a carte blanche, be it due to war or dissolution of treaties, we are going to genocide you. It's well within our rights and interests. So, enjoy this charade while it lasts.
>Ancient Macedonians were slavicised
wew lad, that's some level of we wuzzing I ain't seen for a while
Stay mad debt monkey
Yeah, all the balkaniggers want a piece of greece, larp maps "from the bulgarian-point-of-view" do not mean much. It was been known for ages. Just how Tito created your proxy state to infringe on greek rights, just how Soros bought your proxy state in 1991 in order to weaken greek interests and ready the grounds for the migration scheme.
At the end of the day, you are a slavic mongrel, you came from the steppes in 800AD - a millennium after alexander lived and died, and you mixed with albanians and bulgarians in the process. You lead a sad and empty existence.
They were, seeModern day 'greeks' that live in macedonia are pontic greeks and armenian ottoman refugees, both from anatolia, that got deported there after the greco turkish population excange
I used to hate Macedonia and how they deny their Bulgarian purity. But after reading posts on Jow Forums, I understand why they deny it: Macedonians are the ultimate Bulgarians, the apex Balkanite. They are free to shitpost and troll everyone, anyone around them is perma butthurt. A true admiration.
t. Bulgar diaspora
You are disallowed to teach this propaganda in your schools now, what does it say about its validity?
I pity you, mongrel, I can't even imagine how frustrating your life is. Devoid of an indentity, roots. You have to engage in cognitive dissonance to cope with it all.
What italian region are you from
>inb4 calabrian
>t. τουρkόφωνος Καππαδόkος
>89% Western European
>10% Syrian
>.4% Sub-Saharan african
Am I a med?
What exactly does that even infer?
Funny how you use the greek language, that alexander used, instead of your slavic one. Weird.
Scratch that, even your modern language is derived from greek. Cyril and Methodius taught you mongrel slavs how to read. Grave mistake.
You only have 10% mediterranean blood in you
If we are slavs, you are too, we are both going to our ancestral ukrainian homeland, brother
Phylogenetic assays and basic haploid distributions beg to differ, mongrel.
baka subhuman med
>Cyril and Methodius
Sources say that everybody in solun spoke fluently slavic
cope you armenian mutt
Its actually pretty sad that all Ethnic gauls have disappeared from France. I wonder of theres still any ethnic Occitane roaming in Southern France
Based on halpogroups, you are an ethiopian
A true creatura
If you are going to even dispute that cyril and methodius were greeks, then I can only laugh.
>Fact, most of the scientific discovery needed to create the modern world happen around the North Sea.
>Fact, the Celto-Germanic master race (tm) went from swamp dwelling barbarians to the greatest scientific inventors and military conquerors in history.
>Fact, the Mediterranean people stand in the shadow of their ancestors, never to out do the glory of Rome. While the Celto-Germanic master race (tm) have surpassed their ancestors and the Romans in every conceivable way.
Cry harder frog, you're getting me stiff.
you have to go back. and you will, with good or bad, as you can easily understand from the last italian elections.
If you're mediterranean (white skin, dark hair or eyes) embrace the true religion of our people, the worship to the Sol Invictus/Mithra
they were greeks that spoke the slavic language, so they were pretty much modern day macedonians desu
I mean as long as Salvini doesnt make Apulians non-italians (which might happen) i will probably remain in Italy
>germano-celts(tm) sack rome and the byzantine empire
>germano-celts(tm) massacre 80000000 europeans in WW1 and WW2
>germano-celts(tm) continue to destroy europe with the 4th reich(EU)
I wonder why.
I dare you to look it up
You are a british sattelite and the only reason you are not part of turkey is because your anglo masters needed a few harbors to stop by on their way to egypt, you meme abomination
By that you mean greek macedonians. Ie greeks living in macedonia, I agree.
I have looked it up, mutt.
>father named leonidas
>mother named maria
>born in thessaloniki
Totally slavs, yo!
Ave Sol Invictus
You do realize that this shitpost you just wrote is thanks to Phoenician-derived alphabet, right?
Fucking retard.
The majory of modern greeks are semites mixed-up with mongoloids and blacks, the original greeks disappeared long time ago. In fact the Byzantine received a lot of slavs inmigrants so modern macedonoans are more near to the original greek than the modern semites that settle down in Greece and mixed-up with the population
>slavic tribes wuz greek
axaxxaxax what a cope
It's a 4D 200 IQ strat to make way for the Celto-Germanic (tm) ethno-state.