NEET Attorney, Programmer here. Why am I hated?

I am a NEET attorney, and a programmer as well.

Half my (extended) family hates me and thinks I'm a "fucking idiot".

The educated side of the family does not hate me.

My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

(Not to mention the mapping, 3d modeling, textures, pixel art, and music I produce)
(A very small sample of the 100+ models I've made over the years: )

I also have marble floors in my domicile (because I cut and placed them down, with border vs 45 degree angle placement), finished 1/3rd of the house myself (the unfinished areas), I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!"). I'm also handy with the coping saw to make properly installed crown molding.

I reminded the LKML that non-exclusive free licenses are revocable since they are not supported by consideration (and obeying a pre-existing duty doesn't cut it), which triggered about 30 articles on the topic 6 months ago.

(and here's more recent:

You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
I think it might be because I do whatever I want, and study what I want, while they work 1 job for a boss all their days, learn nothing, and want others to join their misery.

Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

Attached: afghan_girl_and_marine.jpg (1000x658, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

> >NEET attorney
>So you passed the bar... and then proceeded to not do a damn thing with it?
Correct. All pro-bono work, including PSA's such as:,

Just like my opensource work.

>My guess is that this is because your family has to pay for your life nesessities, while your meme "jobs"are a child's play IRL.
They do not. The extended family that hates me does not pay a dime for me.

>Live on your own dime, and noone will give a fuck about you.
Indifference is worse than hatred.
>For how smart you claim to be, you're pretty fucking stupid.
>NEET means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training"
>If you make money being an attorney and programmer, you are self employed and not a NEET.
I fit the definition of NEET; I don't make money. All my legal work contributes to the destruction of unstable (incorrectly executed) edifices. I don't get anything from it, other than satisfaction.
>You might have achieved good things, but that doesn't mean you aren't a fucking idiot. Have you never once asked any of the family that feels that way why they do, or considered that while skilled in your field, you might be painfully ignorant of another that common people are familiar with? Don't ever let your achievements blind yourself to your weaknesses.

My fields include Programming, Law, Construction, Music, and Art.
I particularly like Construction and Programming.
> >I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!")
>Answering your question quite nicely there.
>Not being another beer-swilling fat idiot overtaxed with even following the plot of a TV show makes them look pretty bad in comparison.

Is this the reason?

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tell us who you actually work for

Have you ever been diagnosed with some form of autism? Because I am also an attorney, and have worked with many, none of whom spoke like this. You have to separate the mechanical legal analysis from social interaction, at least if you ever handle courtroom litigation. Just from your initials posts, I get a very robotic and impersonal perception of you. It’s entirely possible that does not adequately represent you as a person, but successful persuasion recognizes that other’s perceptions can sometimes be shaped by factors we personally deem to be inappropriate

Why do you repeatedly spam the boards with the same shit?

>Have you ever been diagnosed with some form of autism? Because I am also an attorney, and have worked with many, none of whom spoke like this. You have to separate the mechanical legal analysis from social interaction, at least if you ever handle courtroom litigation. Just from your initials posts, I get a very robotic and impersonal perception of you. It’s entirely possible that does not adequately represent you as a person, but successful persuasion recognizes that other’s perceptions can sometimes be shaped by factors we personally deem to be inappropriate

I don't speak in the same way as I write.

Writing is only for explanations and programming. Most of my writing is programming work, the other is analysis.

>Why do you repeatedly spam the boards with the same shit?

I want input from an expansive set.

maybe you're hated because you brag about yourself

keep us posted

for what purpose?

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This. Same Fucking thread over and over. This is why people hate you. You are Fucking girl who seeks attention. Do yourself a favor and neck yourself, kike.

Dude, 3/4's of the way through your post and I already hate you too.

You're just unlikeable man.
Judging by your picture, you finish off by asking something about women.. ??

Get yourself a young one, so you can mold her to your shitty personality. Because and older one will eventually tire of it and leave you, even if not for someone else.. they'll break up with you just to get away

What is your opinion regarding non-exclusive free software licenses and their revocability from free-takers?

The FSF and SFConservancy swear that the requirement for valid consideration to create a mutually binding agreement is out-moded and that the licensor cannot revoke because he has created a contract with the licensee: even though the licensee was not required to pay or do anything to receive the permissions the grantor gives under the license.

Furthurmore the licensee has no-preexisting legal right to distribute, modify, or make derivatives of the work; doing so is a violation of the owners copyright. Yet the FSF and SFConservancy swear that obeying the license (which permits limited but not universal permission regarding distribution, modification, etc) and not violating the owners copyright is valid consideration and not a pre-existing legal duty.

What is your opinion?

Attached: illusorypromise.png (640x640, 287K)

>Get yourself a young one, so you can mold her to your shitty personality. Because and older one will eventually tire of it and leave you, even if not for someone else.. they'll break up with you just to get away

White men do not allow this.


Because AN older one will leave you eventually.
And if you end up breeding somehow, you kids will no doubt hate you as well

Attached: preexistingduty.png (640x640, 571K)

Same thread yesterday faggot!
Fuck off already
Sage this shit

I'm actually the OP of this thread and this guy copypastad my thread from yesterday for some reason. Very odd.

Fuck white "men", those guys are cucks. Do what's best for you and your situation. A white women will surely divorce you, a younger foreign girl will give your annoying disposition the benefit of the doubt. She'll think it's due to cultural differences

>And if you end up breeding somehow, you kids will no doubt hate you as well
You sound like a white man

You leave out the part where the woman always leaves the white man and the kids always hate him.

Lying by omission.

/rk9 is down the hall bud. What does this have to do with politics?

>/rk9 is down the hall bud. What does this have to do with politics?

The politics of whiteness is radial to the worship of the "white woman" (MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUUUUMAN)

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I'm not but observing their lifestyle is unavoidable, all media is centered around them.
I thought you were white, I guess you're asian which makes alot of sense.
You're actually devoid of all personality, my recommendation stays the same: young and foreign or just impressionable. You make them think your soulessness is actually a plus. Your marriages usually last, I wouldn't stress out.

I've never seen an asian guy that was unable to get married and raise androids

Why are white men so controlled by the white woman? Why does he want such a society?

I don't know. What I do know is all men regardless of color pay the price for their stupidity

Shieeeeeeet. You're infinitely more useful than me, but of course being at walmart for 15+ years and spending 50+hours a week at thie place has made my job my second home. Amazing. Wish I could do the things you do. Not enough hours in the day. Whatever I would be capable of is squandered away and forever unused like a dyke's fallopian tubes.

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LARPing as a useful, aww.

You talk like a fag

Muhhhh domicile

Haha what the fuck dude

lel what a faggot

What the fuck that's a female?

Hey OP don't listen to these guys. They are too stupid too see how enslaved they are and they hate you for it because you break social norms and do whatever you want instead of working for a paycheck.

You are doing fine (except for the pedophile shit, you need to cut that out).

wtf are we reading here anons?

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nice blog, faggot.
this post has nothing to do with politics.