How do we stop the (((Evangelical))) threat ?
We have to talk about this
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It is a dead end cult.
The jews will never convert to their brand of christianity....and so, in the end, they will eat each other alive.
Use this machine
Educated Christians who did their own research usually convert from evangelical protestants to Catholics.
The opposite trend comes from people who don't have a clue about their own religion and don't even know that it's the Catholic Church which assembled the books of the Bible, which is why we usually see it in poorly educated regions such as Brazil.
Literally who? And how is this political?
So they can join the pope Kissing Black Muslim feet probably!
Most Christians are niggers and chinks at this point desu
So what ?
Jesus wants to save every human, I don't care if the ones who are most worthy at some point are black.
The jews brought religion to a race (semits). The muslims brought religion to a race (arabs).
Christianity goes beyond that and wants the good of all humanity.
Daily reminder the SJW BS descends form Christianity
>The jews brought religion to a race (semits). The muslims brought religion to a race (arabs).
>Christianity goes beyond that and wants the good of all humanity.
Other ethnicity have converted to Islam btw so its a moot point
Based, break out of the Judaism 2.0 mindset of Christianity
thats bull shit. its very decreasing in germany. i also quit church.
Yes, many SJWs have no clue that what they see as "good" is influenced by their Christian culture, but because they are atheists they perverted it and now make it seem like what is good is bad and what is bad is good.
Without God, all wisdom is lost. The Pope warned about it.
"“When Christian words lack Christ, they begin to head down the road of madness”. "
"Pope Francis prayed that the Lord “might help us truly to have the humility we ought to have: always to speak Christian words in Jesus Christ, not without Jesus Christ”. "
SJWs are just some kind of christians who got mad, like what a cancer is to a cell: they lost their faith in God and they perverted all the good teachings to justify the unjustifiable. But it's their fault for being arrogant, stupid and unaware of where do their assumptions come from. It's not real christians fault.
Muslims convert other ethnicities, but they still thnik arabs are somewhat superiors. For example, the Quran is supposed to be read only in Arabic and they say their prayers in Arabic. All muslims are supposed to learn Arabic.
Death sentence for convicted pedophiles.
>Educated Christians
> bulgaria
You know that your country is the kind of country everyone makes fun of in western Europe when they want to take examples of shitholes full of retarded people right ?
I mean a Bulgarian making fun of "retarded" Africans is like eating a pizza because a burger is too fat.
The fastest growing sect of Christianity is "The Progressives" basically modern day puritans.
Actual amount of those who left Christianity is harder to measure as not all whop purport to be atheists abandoned the Puritan mentality
>Judaism 2.0 mindset of Christianity
>but they still thnik arabs are somewhat superiors. For example, the Quran is supposed to be read only in Arabic and they say their prayers in Arabic. All muslims are supposed to learn Arabic.
Historically the church made it illegal to print the bible in anything but Latin, you could be killed for translations.
Thats because they didn't want the common man to know what was even being preached
> All muslims are supposed to learn Arabic.
they are supposed to know the protocols what they are instructed to do, for the sake of propitiating their religion.
I dont agree with isis but they read the manual and followed the instructions.
>Pope Francis
actually taking this cuck seriously
> you could be killed for translations.
Good luck to find a source, because that's urban legends that everyone likes to spread but no one knows where it comes from.
Show your flag :^)
Here it is :-)
Israel obviously, hes there kissing the feet of "Gods chosen people"
Not thinking the same thing as you does not make me a jew.
You are doing the exact same shit as SJWs: not thinking the same as them make you a racist.
Use your fucking brain.
I joked about you worshiping Jews not of being a jew.
My bad.
And I am not worshipping jews, I am worshipping God.
Your post might've held more water if most of my friends werent from the UK. This was around my visit to the UK right around the vote.
Why are you so hateful.
If god both existed and was interested in humanity surely he would provide a line of contact that was not 100% controlled by mortals,
Furthermore could easily send down an angel every 70 years to inform what the correct religion is.
Seems either God(s) are indifferent/unaware of humanity
or they don't exist
I am not hateful, I am just showing you that you are the "nigger" of some other people.
I am actually denouncing what you posted by showing you how it feels to be considered retarded by others just because of where you're from. I know black people who are smarter than easily 80% of Jow Forums.
I honestly don't give a fuck personally where you're from. I think salvation is for everyone, bulgarians included.
Ps: I am in the UK right now but I am originally from another country in western europe. I just shared my experience travelling around and meeting people for western europe.
You have to go back.
I am well aware of the shortcomings of our coutnry, brother. Are you aware of yours? Are you really trying to teach me about prejudice now? This is kindergarten level stuff, come on. You somehow inferred this from 1 post of mine. Seems you're the one with the prejudice.
>I know black people who are smarter than easily 80% of Jow Forums.
>Chery pick
>statistical outlier
You do understand these, right?
p.s. I dont need salvation. I'm fine on my own.
Jesus promised us that salvation is always possible.Matthew 16:17-19 " And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. " If we follow the Church dogmas, we won't go to hell, and Jesus gave the supervision of the Church to the first Pope, Saint Peter.
The Catholic Church has kept firm on dogmas since the start. Whatever is a dogma (e.g. God exists) has ever been and will ever be until the end of times. Follow the Catholic Church dogmas and you will follow God's will.
God does not send angels every 70 years, but He performs miracles. Look at things like what happened in Fatima in 1917 or Eucharistic miracles (Eucharist turning into flesh) or bodies of Saints that do not rot.
I will, I don't really like the UK.
You need Salvation.
>The Catholic Church has kept firm on dogmas since the start. Whatever is a dogma (e.g. God exists) has ever been and will ever be until the end of times. Follow the Catholic Church dogmas and you will follow God's will.
You haven't proven it is divine in origin
>but He performs miracles. Look at things like what happened in Fatima in 1917 or Eucharistic miracles (Eucharist turning into flesh) or bodies of Saints that do not rot.
So instead of something that could be withered by the entirety of humanity and be irrefutable
Some corpse doesn't decompose after it has dried up and you have to take somebody word for that, pay the Rabi to see the embal... incorrupt corpse Goyim
>I think salvation is for everyone,
You do realize that importing a fuckton of people with dissimilar values/ideas and giving them taxpayer money will result in those ideas displacing yours.
Christians cuck for Muslim import,
the only benefit of that is it reduces the percentage of Christians but sticks us with another POS Abrahamic religion
Christcuck countries have gay marriage and now almost half the children born in Christcuck countries are bastards. Your missionary efforts are a cruel joke on yourself. Fucking jew worshipping moron.
Oh, you, my God, my fair God,
who doesn't live in Heaven up,
but you, who are in me, my God,
into my soul and in my heart.
Not you to whom the monks and priests
make their bows and bend, not you
whom all the ortodoxal beasts
light up the sacred tapers to.
Not you who made of mud and dirt
the man, the woman, but forsakes
the human being on the Earth
to be its everlasting slave.
Not you who's consecrated kings,
the patriarchs and every Pope,
not you who's left in misery
my poor brothers in the woe.
Not you, who teaches slaves to pray,
to cry for mercy and to bear
the suffering until the grave
with their hopes in vain to cherish.
Not you, oh, God of liars, who
has blessed dishonest tyrants all,
not you, an idol of the fools,
an idol of the human foes.
But you, oh, God of sense and mind,
oh, God, defender of the slaves,
whose day the people and mankind
are going soon to celebrate.
Inspire everyone, oh, God
with love alive for freedom, then
each one will struggle as he could
with all the enemies of men.
And at the end support my arms,
when rises the revolt of slaves,
in rows of their fight at last
to find also my only grave.
Don't let abroad this vigour heart
lost in youth cool down at present.
Don't let my voice unlikely pass
silently as through the desert.
Proving the Divine origin can be done (I have been looking at it for a long time), but it can't be done in a Jow Forums thread. I would tell you to look at history, archeology, philosophy, theology, epistemology, and understanding of the Abrahamic religions. If you undertake an honest work with humility, I have no doubt God will lead you to see the Truth as He did for me.
Would you consider France a Christian country ? Since 1789, the free-masons took the power by killing the Catholic King and in 1905, the state of France officially cut off every relations with the Catholic Church.
Even though, when the laws on gay marriage were discussed, many Catholics (and ONLY Catholics :) ) went on the streets to protests it. You can look for it it was called "La manif pour tous".
Hell is real, and you don't want to go there for eternity for 10 mins of edgy glory.
These dumbasses will guarantee that the progressives(who hate their values) will win future elections based purely on demographic change .
>Black baby boon
>mass third world import
thus the most anti Cristian people will win based rely on this advantage.
Pic related is from the Dem party, Christ cucks voted against all dems for but the Dems will gain new voters(that would otherwise prenatally be flushed down the toilet) based on them motion being rejected
Cease your coercion.
Christians in America are protestants.
I don't recognize them as being saved.
Faith is personal, and it is a grave Sin to threaten you to get faith. You believe in what you want at the end of the day, I am not in your brain.
I am just saying the Truth, what will happen to your soul if you are not Catholic. You will go to hell for ever. That's the Truth, and a warning, not a threat.
Is that a threat if I tell you "don't jump off the bridge or you will die" ?
Stop associating all prots with liberal Christianity. The RCC is more liberal than my denomination. Not to mention the heresies.
Can anyone stop this man?
Mexicans are Catholicuks yet when im America they vote for the party of abortion, Homosexuality and transgenderism for kids despite the fact you retards dont even allow condoms.
I don't want the state to take away kids give the a section 8, but christcucks make it an inevitability
What people do =/= what they are supposed to do
Not a lot of people reach heaven for sure.
Jesus literally tells you to love your enemies. That's why protestants are evil jewish pawns servants of Moloch
Protestants you follow Sola Scriptura, which means that only the Bible (Scripture) has to be followed, not the Tradition but ... the Sola Scriptura is NOT in the Scripture. Therefore, you justify to not follow the tradition ... by following the tradition.
Protestants are fucking retarded. It takes 5 mins to understand protestantitsm is fake.
i still see the same patterns alluded to here in the crap you wrote even
Replace protestants with christian
Mexicans have a lot of problems with pagan syncretism. Their brand of catholicism is mixed up with a fuck ton of half-aztec bullshit. Many have also been converting to evangelical denominations on account of shit heel billy bob burptists going down to mexico since the 70s to convert them.
Their way of life is broken because mexican religion is pretty broken. Additionally, catholic majority cultures tend to produce a fuckload of cultural catholics...much like how in prot nations, you end up with so many culturals that you straight up alter doctrine to become a joke as bad as the anglican church.
I dont play these games. When a ZOG country cucks for Jews you call them atheist zoglings. When a ZOG country is attacked by muslim terrorist or kills muslim you say “our christian brothers.” This game is for children not grown men.
Is it a threat if I say "give me all of your money or I will kill you"?
It is the truth, I will kill you if you dont give me your money.
It could also not be the truth, I may decide not to do it.
I may kill you if you give me your money, I dont give a fuck about you.
I am God.
Lutherans ruined Minnesota
Real Christianity has never been tried.
>you end up with so many culturals that you straight up alter doctrine to become a joke as bad as the anglican church.
All non-insular strains of Christianity in the 21st century are doomed to devolve into postmodern SJW bullshit
Scripture must be adhered to because it is the Word of God, and mere men cannot be trusted to dictate God's mind anymore (unless you're a pentecostal). By placing the authority of God in the hands of men, you are blasphemers. It should be evident by the corruption seen in your government.
only AO36Nydq's specific obscure insular literalist interpretation of Catholicism is the correct kind you noob.
the other six gorillion interpretations are all wrong
Evangeline Lilly
You're a sophist, you don't look for truth.
Sola Scriptura is a dogma which contradicts itself. Adhering to it is making God a fool and is blasphemy.
Also, if you love Sola Scriptura so much, Jesus says many times that you eat LITERALLY His Flish and His blood.
Here is the Truth:
Catholicism has got the real dogmas that God wants us to follow.
Hell exists. Paradise exists. And you have free will to do your own research or to think it's more important to watch youtube for your whole existence and miss out on the most important thing of human history.
I guess evangelicals in the US(or other countries) are different but from what I have seen they are conservative and extremely anti-homo, we elected one, almost
Basically everything in the modern West descends in some form from Christianity, genius. The West until a few centuries ago was Christendom.
unironically ally with Catholics
imagine my muslim ancestors hearing this lmao
Who wrote this
Men decided what text were God's Word though. Unless you mean specifically texts that quote Jesus. But you still have weird texts that do that but got thrown out like the gospels of Thomas or Phillip. So there is no divine determination of God's word without God giving us said sacred text.
That's right, so I believe that it is Christ's body & blood on the altar, but I do not believe God instituted the papacy.
This hey vote for degeneracy because Catholicism is nothing more than a social club for them and they hate whites
By importing niggers and Islam
Ok retard