Was he right to commit suicide?

Or was that a panzy move?

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The trendsetter noone expected

if he didn´t he would be tortured to and humiliated

If Hitler was gay, then shouldn't the leftists worship the ground he walked on?

Well he probably would have had his last words on record and been able to face his charges directly

Attached: if only they knew.jpg (720x347, 45K)


Attached: declassified-fbi-files-adolf-hitler-did-not-commit-suicide-life-argentina.jpg (620x795, 130K)

Maybe if he was captured by the Americans. But had the Russians found him, he would likely have been tortured and mutilated after death. Folks have also assumed he has some sort of penile defect he did not want known as leader of the “Master Race.”

should have done it in 1890

I thought he escaped to Argentina and they only said he killed himself to make the conclusion of the war and all its propaganda final and undisputed.

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It's certainly preferable to what Stalin would have done to him if he caught him alive