If you or someone in your close family have brown eyes you are NOT white

you are not part of the white race, you are a shitskin

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Why are nazis obsessed with poop?

gibs us all your brown eyed hwite womynz

Brunettes give birth to pure nordic aryans all the time though. Brunette is on the spectrum of blondness because the hair gets darker with age to varying degrees.

I think the key is in the word.

yes call me a nazi shitskin how typical
brunette is brown hair, we are talking about brown eyes here

My Grandmother has brown eyes. She was glamorous on her wedding day, all those years ago. She was a 16yo solitary immigrant from Bologna, Italy. My Grandfather was a golden-haired mick with silver/blue eyes. Everyone in my family besides my Grandmother has blue eyes.

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How about green mixed with brown? My mum's eyes are like that, while mine and dad's are blueish gray


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stop being a raging incel freak, have sex

>dad has blonde hair and blue eyes
>mom has black hair and brown eyes
>I have light brown hair and blue eyes
guess I’m a nigger now

Understand genetics a little better before saying something fucking retarded again.

your mom is a shitskin therefore ypu have shitskin admixture, not very hard to grasp

She hot, would fuck

>"let me tell you who's white" thread

>t. never passed 10th grade biology
Sure thing, retard LMAO

I would give you a pass simply because I don't consider grandparents to be "close family"
hazel eyes are questionable but not as bad as brown eyes
of course 56% shitskins can't handle the truth

bump for awareness

Kindly fuck off you kike

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lol this nigger is LARPing so fucking hard. Show flag, kike.

So you have brown eyes and all your close family has brown eyes.
Thanks OP.

Divide and conquer OP

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Imagine idolizing a literally recessive gene

Green/blue squad reporting in

wheres your source?

Not true. Some female nazis had brown eyes because they were Alpine Aryan. There's also Mediterranean Aryan.

>skull meme
wtf pooloos and mudslimes are white now