Is she right?

Are Latinos too no good and dumb to measure up in a merit based immigration system? I find it ironic coming from a Somali.

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>”merit based immigration is bad”
>only explanation as to why is “das raycis!”

I hate this cunt so much
I wish someone would just kill her
Every fag on Jow Forums says shes queenofpol
Shes a retarded inbred somali bitch

Latinx is the gayest pander word imaginable. The obvious gender-neutral adjective is simply Latin, but instead social activists have to continue the campaign of sex-erasure be created the castrated word pronounced “Latinks.” Sex expression is verboten because it might reinforce the idea that sex has essential characteristics. This is an old school communist dialect to force the idea that there are no differences between the people, and that the are on polity with the exact same set of self interests that is advocated for them on behalf of an establishment activist class

She's really the only One who's had the guts to call out AIPAC. But she's extremely anti-white and low iq. She would team up with the Jews to eradicate every white person and promote mass immigration if she could. She was dethroned as queen a long time ago. Only lefty anti-white shills call her queen of Jow Forums anymore

That stupid spic can suck a bag of dicks.

Merit based is the way togo.

The US needs less thots and dishwashers and more engineers and doctors.

Fuck stupid cunts like her.

She said one thing about jews and hasnt said since
Shes talked shit about whites more than she has jews
"No country for white people"
Only shill faggots like her

I always read it in my head as Latin X.

What is latinx now?

Yes, if they were any good they wouldn't try to flee from other latinos