kek the Tories really are determined to be out of the top 2 at the next general
Noah Cooper
Get comfy and accept that England, after a festival of excitement and activity over a millennia long, has finally entered its withdrawal and slowly the light fades into history, and its people go with it.
>two guys in their early 20s knocked the door >charity representatives with lanyards, etc >told me a bit about their mainstream charity >I said ok I'd sign up for £12 for a couple of months >it was raining so I invited them in >stood in the kitchen of the small place I'm renting >they asked me about my job, etc >felt like shit since I work from home and they had been trudging around in the rain >shook hands and wished them well >paranoid they will now google me and write negative things about me, or generally think negatively about me as a spoiled rich kid with too much money on his hands