What does Jow Forums think about efforts to ban bullfighting and animal cruelty laws in general?

What does Jow Forums think about efforts to ban bullfighting and animal cruelty laws in general?

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hurting animals for sport = lame

and that's the final word so buzz off chump

I think an animal dying in battle is preferable to having it’s balls cut off, getting shot in the head, and getting chopped up to be eaten. Or at the very least, it’s no more humiliating.

Who gives a fuck there are way more important things to worry about than stupid bulls

damn what happened to this guy
looks like a rough day at the office

So you look at this and think what...

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I sport wood every time these euro niggers get plowed. Childhood's End.

I don’t like the fact that they lose most of the time but the bulls do occasionally fuck up the matadors. I find this more humane than sitting in a blind shooting some defenseless deer. At least the bull had a opportunity to defend itself.

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Is that my boy Don jr?

I guess he bit more than he could chew

Why did that guy cut off the elephant's penis?

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Is he gonna be ok?

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Scotland just banned Circus animals and the UK Parliament has a similar bill going through the process just now i believe.

He collects penises, don't be such a judgmental faggot.

Is that not his tail?

It's a present for his wife, I'd say

Using animals for entertainment is primitive and nigger-tier, same goes for circuses and those Seaworld cunts

ban animal killing but reintroduce gladiatorial fights

Bullfighting is based.
One of the last custom of bravery in Europe.
They should rather turn their attention on the meat industry, notably the halal and industrial slaughterhouses.

Anyone who wants to stop it is a filthy kike for trying to destroy the Roman Empires legacy

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It's cool but we should bring back true gladiator combat.

>professional sports in the US

Might as well say rape is based, since you're basing the right of might over the right of anything else.

>stabbing a bull one sword at a time so it experiences a slow painful death
>omg so brave and based

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Against it.

Toradas kick ass.

Bull fighting was introduced to Spain by its Muslim conquerors. It’s nigger tier. Hurting animals for fun is the least white thing you can do.

Pretty based, hunting kicks ass

Daddy’s little spoiled rich boy playing big man shooter games to make himself feel like a man but unaware of how much of a fucking pussy he truly is.

>might of right

this is how the all nature works

Bullfighting would be more based if the bull got property rights of the deceased's home and wife.

I usually balk at graphic pictures but whenever it's a bullfighter or rodeo getting btfo I genuinely feel good.
Tormenting animals for sport is the gayest thing there is

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yep, owning a gun is for dicklet pussies who can't fight and take punches

Spain is currently the purest mediterranean country, ethnically and culturally. The sports related to the bulls were common in the ancient mediterranean cultures

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I don't care what other people choose to do with animals they own, its their business not mine.

Only using fists is for people who get shot by people who have a gun.

Rip his skin off him and let the bot fly maggots eat him alive.

you don't know what you're talking about

Do you really think anyone cares about your opinion of them when you're the one staring down the end of a barrel.

Humans have the capacity to be better than nature, which means we have the obligation to BE better.

His triceratops photo is better

Cannibalism was common in Papua New Guinea since ancient times and is still done by a some tribes there, wow they must be based

fuck you guy.
Franco protected the tradition of bullfighting by law. And I'm all for saluting El Caudillo.


Why do y'all care so much about a stupid bull? They live much better lives than the cows you eat

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I wonder why the european nationalists always use women as portrait of their movement when currently only the white mens are fighting for the future of the west and the white race while the womens are living roastie's life

>What does Jow Forums think about efforts to ban bullfighting
bullfighting isnt even fun to watch. its like 30min prep time for 2min bull running around
>animal cruelty laws in general?
animals should suffer from higher beings like us.
they are like loveable retards. any human with any sense of soul and moral will try to help them from suffering.
but since this board is full of kids who never had to suffer in their life, they will just do what they always do
post ignorance and be what they will always be, cowards, faggots and niggers.

I only got the joke now, kek

Because playing with a specie's life and torturing it for entertainment purposes is nog tier degeneracy

Bull slaying is an indo-european tradition, let's not expect a mutt to understand.

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This, a thousand times this.
Spain is probably the last greatest country to stand in Europe with everything that's going on today

shut the fuck up. You realize 99.99% of all species ever have gone extinct. What makes bulls so special?

>What does Jow Forums think about efforts to ban bullfighting and animal cruelty laws in general?
110% for banning this bullshit.

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Because sex sells, my urbanite friend

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Is that his tongue or is it a vomit blood cocktail?

looks like someone we'd see circling round that Desmond trans kid.

This. It's a nice tradition and people that want to ban it are a bunch of cosmopolitan cucks.

You should stop drugging the bull and all that stuff though. Make it a bit more interesting.

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>99.9% of species have gone extinct
>that gives the me right to torture some animals for entertainment because muh culture
There is a reason we banned degenerate shit like dog fighting

>This. It's a nice tradition and people that want to ban it are a bunch of cosmopolitan cucks.
you again, you fucking slut

i like beef

So the romans that built the foundations of modern civilisation and also watched animal fights in arenas for entertainment are niggers?

I wonder why despite Spain is a leftists country have bravest men than the nordic countries,,,,, ouch our traditions are to virile

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That's the rest of the bull's horn mang

While the nordic childrens are bullied by moors and negros, our childrens are playing and running around angry steers

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Bullfighting is shit anyway
It's about as manly as fighting a legless toddler while you have machine gun and squad of guys ready to pull you out at first sign of trouble

The bull just gets stabbed by one sword. The one that kills it. Failing it and letting the bull die alone its a dishonour for the bullfighter. What they stab to the bull previous to the sword are the ''Banderillas'' Which are not deadly and pretend to anger and tire the bull.

Fuck you! That's what I think. Neggirs kill far more for their woodoo bullshit.

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The Bull is metaphorical and represents civilisations conquest of man's animal nature.

Bloodsports = Based

what if you get jumped by a feral pack of cultural enrichers? using a gun in the proper situation is not unmanly. using it to kill beautiful exotic animals that he probably doesn't even know how to cook, that is unmanly i'd agree.

fuck off perogi nigger.

>the romans were perfect
They had degenerate shit like normalising homosexuality and pedophilia on a cultural level, and owning slaves as well

>thats not a knoife

>owning slaves is bad

Eh, atleast the bull dies fighting, instead of just being slaughtered. I would like to go see bullfighting atleast once.

There's no drugging involved

>those banderillas are totally harmless to the bull man, its does nothing
kys, lets see you get stabbed by one of those things then, you sadistic degenerates

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This. Fuck spanish cowards, they will be punished by reincarnating as an animal that gets tortured.

The point is that The bullfighter has the possibility of dying. While it is obviously controlled to the point that today almost any of the bullfighters will die in a fight, Serious injuries will kill him in the end. Also, check out how the bulls are raised and how they live. Might be one of the only animals that doesnt born and die in a factory nowadays

the hindu street shitter that thinks he's a "brit m8" is getting mad over dead steers.

>Bull given every life luxury available
>Given food, cows, pastures, training
>Spends 15 minutes getting killed by a matador
>EVERY part of the bull is put to use afterward
What's the problem here? Do you know how cows die in the wild?

>check out how the bulls are raised and how they live.

these bulls live like royalty. Far better than the fucking cows we have here in the states that go through the meat factory.

>torturing animals for fun is okay as long as they are fed and happy
I hope you get invaded by the moors again

Fucking retard i said they are not deadly not that dont hurt. Its the fucking purpose of it

Bullfighting predates islam(and christianity)

This is a bullfighting, their porpoise in life is to live freely, reproduce and die in battle, if our traditions hurt your sensible anglo feelings, then go to other countries with other traditions

The best steakhouses on the planet are beside bullfighting rings.

Definitely beaner’s ancestors

Le 29%

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> " thank you master Israel"

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I'd be fine with it, but the battle isn't fair. You stack the odds against the bull too much.

Belive me that i think the same thing, the battle should be 1vs1 in the same conditions

how about you go fight a bull leaf nigger, then tell us the odds were stacked against the bull.


This is why the West is weak, manly bloodsports have been banned.

If your too squemish to see an animal killed you will run from any conflict with Abdullah.

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All modern Animal Cruelty Laws are negative utilitarianism garbage*. Basic cartoon villain level bullish. Now laws like the Nazis pioneered, and most other nations in general followed suit back in the mid 1900s are in general good. Animals should be protected from assault and poor living conditions just like children are.

Cockfighting, Bull fighting, dog fighting is complicated. Laws outlawing them would have very much the same negative effect as other cucked modern animal cruelty laws, the genocide of breeds. While this is undoubtedly not nearly as bad as the genocide of entire species like vegetarians are aiming for, it is presumably undesirable.

The Bull fighting scenario is perhaps workable, they just need to use none lethal methods and everyone benefits. Bulls with more experience fighting is a better match and more fair anyways.

I would probably lean towards the outlawing of lethal animal fighting. If only because I would not consider it a healthy or productive thing for people to be watching (and because I don't want to watch it). But not because I think it is necessarily bad for the bulls, assuming the bull is eaten, I would way that is a better way to have lived than a factory farmed cow. This reasoning does not really really work for dogs for example, as they probably won't be eaten, are not efficient meat producing animals, would probably have to be abused to all their lives to fight like that, and will be killed far less cleanly than bulls (I am making an assumption here that the bulls are not treated too badly in the ring or before).

If the populous wants a blood sport, bring back gladiatorial combat.

Hunting is basically always good. I know of no situation that calls for more hunting laws.

* youtube.com/watch?v=35P_9MgxlQU

Does that mean that playing fetch with my dog is nigger-tier?

>Might as well say rape is based
he should, he's french, and france is a muslim country.

The bulls almost have no contact with human beeings till they go to the bullfighting pit. They reproduce and grow alone in an incredibly large amount of space. Also when it comes to cockfighting an dogfighting, the animals are tortured and trained to kill from their conception, Whitch is in my opinion worse
