Should Russia invade Ukraine?

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Other urls found in this thread:Поклонская,_Наталья_Владимировна#Семья_и_личная_жизнь

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You should stop making this thread all day, every day. I'm sick of looking at that crippled cunt.

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make me.

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i'd suck it

Her Jewishness is revealed.

oh, for fucks sakes you Jew...

Sage sage sage sage sage sage sage for incredible amounts of faggotry!!


It would be a major bloodbath for both Russia and Ukraine, and it would be a brother war between slavs and would ultimately be to the detriment of both nations
That being said the happeningfag in me wants to see a major war in Europe, the destabilization of the continent, and slavshit-on-slavshit action, so if you faggots actually shut up and do it I'll be entertained

Russia has already invaded my heart.

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No, because that's shortsighted. Learn from Hitler's mistakes vis-a-vis Poland. Play the long game.

she's looking at bbc

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based italybro

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It's a matter of time, I'm afraid. They'll strike exactly when USA attacks Iran.

fug, she's beautiful. Is she really 40?

not in that webm, here shes 39. shes 39 currently.

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Poklonskaya is a retarded monarchist btw.

Daily dose

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based and redpilled monarchist. democracy is a jewish trick slavbro.

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Blyat, you don't have a clue HOW BADLY she is retarded.



Ukraine should invade Russia.

redpill me on her retardation slavbro, i only know that shes beautiful and loves nikolai II.

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Why not, it's long overdue.

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based schweizbruder

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rare and scary, you got more?

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She got a bf? ;)

she hates commies. That's enough for me to like her

don't think i have rares sorry
and don't listen this bydlo has nothing of value to say

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Why 4ch tards force this corrupted bitch?

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Бpaтишки! Бpaтишки! я вaм пoкyшaть пpинёc!

You guys are seriously retarded for worshiping this used up roastie single mom. She hasn't achieved anything on her own. Just got appointed as eyecandy and rode the wave ever since.

Also this is now a зeлeный cлoник thread.

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>She hasn't achieved anything on her own. Just got appointed as eyecandy and rode the wave ever since.
redpill me on that shit and ill stop worshipping her. shes not a roastie and not a single mom jakub fuck you

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>Also this is now a зeлeный cлoник thread.

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Russia should invade Poland

> shes not a roastie and not a single mom
Beeing this delusional. Here you go:Поклонская,_Наталья_Владимировна#Семья_и_личная_жизнь
>B июнe 2017 гoдa Пoклoнcкaя зaявлялa, чтo в бpaкe нe cocтoит (oтвepгнyв пpeжниe cвoи yтвepждeния o зaмyжecтвe). Пoклoнcкaя вocпитывaeт дoчь Aнacтacию (poд. 2005).

Retard, who knows nothing about the subject matter. Just use goggle translate:

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russia should just conquer all of europe and bring tsardom back to free us from the jew

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Whoa, it is nothing!

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ok i hate mummy now, fuck this bitch.

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All hail Russian army! The greatest in the world!

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This right here is why i ashamed of having german blood.


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just joking. you have german blood? are you descendant of volga germans?

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Post more buzzfeed links liberashka.

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>having german blood
And yet still you're acting like some die-hard delusional vatnik.

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Well it seems like she loves him with a yandere-ish zeal.
Also from my personal experience - high rank military officials\officers in Russia (and being from crimea she is basically one of them) in general live in sorta their own little world. Idk how to explain this properly but a lot of them look and act like russian empire never stopped being a thing.
Specific bloodlines i'd say.

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>are you descendant of volga germans?
I guess, Stalin gave grandfather with family ride from Odessa to Siberia back in 41.

Boy, do I have news for you!

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based, my ancestors were volga germans too. good chance some of our ancestors knew each other
redpill on odessa


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Before war Odessa had one of the highest jewish populations in Russian Empire and USSR. It was also an important centre of diaspora culture and main hub of jewish mafia.

Thanks to influences of klezmer music - russian chanson was born (and out of this the based blatnyak's emerged).

After Barbarossa in 1941 many of it's jewish inhabitants were evacuated (for obvious reasons) - those who remained were exterminated by hohols and germans (only 1 Jew - from several thousand inhabitants - survived the massacre)

Of course under new Ukrainian rule things are returning to how it used to be:

It has enormous amount of kikes, and always has.

there is no such thing

You wont make it go away with positive thinking, unfortunately.

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I'm not big on blondes, but god, she's perfect

Yes. Just so the EU and the US rams your FSB slavshit ass with sanctions.

>thin lips
>round ass face
This board is fucking tasteless as fuck.

>Implying at this point there are any sanctions left unimplemented that would hurt us more then ones sanctioning us.
>Implying EU or US need legit cause to sanction someone's ass if doing so is in (((their))) interests.

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>Other people don't find what I find attractive
>These people must be retarded
Reported for being underage and a fucking nigger

Russia already owned Ukraine like very few countries have ever been owned before. It annexed Crimea without firing a single shot then it literally incited a revolt in East Ukraine had the kokholes invade a part of their own territory with aircraft and missiles kill thousands of civilians back and forth for months and then as the kokhole armies where about to destroy the separatist rebels Putin sent tank brigades that owned the Ukranian army and encircled it put it on the brink of destroying it entirely and then withdrew quickly with nobody having enough time to conclusively prove it was there which forced the kokholes into signing Minsk 2 which put them in a severe disadvantage because they could never fulfill the terms by granting the seperatist regions autonomy and having Ukraine become a federation which was impossible creating a stalemate that laste for years and years as Ukraine went to shit economically to African tier status with 15 million people either fled or displaced as refugees to other countries completely de-industrialized with agriculture accounting for a bigger share of the economy than manufacturing like in the third world they can't even support the infrastructure they have since it was designed with a country of 50 million in mind as time passed Poroshenko became more unpopular because he's a corrupt shithead oligarch and since in reality the Ukranian language is a meme village dialect that can't express complex thoughts doesn't have any scientific work interesting content or books published in it and is basically ebonics that varies from region to region with either more or less Polish or Russian thrown into the mix since this is the case and since Kokholes aren't the brightest white people 90% of them speak Russian and ebonics but not any other language they became bombarded with Russian online psyops and demoralization that mindfucked them

in like 4 years resulting in them electing a jewish clown with zero experience who is de-facto a pro Russian president who is shilling for negotiations who isn't backed by the EU and Trump doesn't even like UKraine especially since all the election interference and Biden oppo research will become a factor in the next election which forces Ukraine back into Putin's sphere of influence

No, it's the other way around:
UKr should invade rUSA

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Your taste in women is unrefined. You act like average ass women are dropdead gorgeous all the time. I find it laughable.

Ever heard of puncuation, grammar, and formatting nigga? Use them!

>average ass woman
39 years old btw

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No, because Russia will bring its millions of muslims to Christian Ukraine and destroy the white slavic population

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Should Finland invade Russia like in winter war?

Rule 34 on Mummy and Putin?

Should we invade Russia?

I did but I have zero respect for anyone who would read these posts anyway so it's not worth it

based leaf