The reason whites will be replace in th country is because white Swedish males are not dangerous. Women unfortunately, want dangerous men. Immgrants are attractive t them because they dare to come into your lands and call it home. The fact that you sit there and take it signals to them that we must possess some kind of power that white males lack. The solution is unironically to just genocide every nigger and Arab you see. Though they might 'condemn' violence, it's merely just a shitpost and in reality white birth rates would skyrocket from women creaming themselves over the display of power.
But you won't. Because you're cucks. Which is why i'm fucking Elsa and not you.
Agreed, white men keep hiding behind morality and excuses as to why they can't use violence but that's what's needed.
Levi Brown
Wash your hands retard.
Brandon Richardson
reality is Elsa would not even look at you and you are walking in the street, alone.
Benjamin Richardson
>1st quality post on Jow Forums in months >made by a nigger What kind of KFC voodoo is that?
Carter Morgan
You're a lesser being and the only thing you're fucking is your right hand. kill. your. self. parasite
Nicholas Lee
You're not wrong in your diagnosis. Whites are too pussy these days to defend what used to come naturally to us. If you just open your doors to let foreigners take everything you own while singing praises to multiculturalism and feminism, whose fault is it really? If you're not willing to use violence when it's necessary, then don't be surprised when everyone else walks all over you.
They don't have to genocide every last one of them though, deporting them and taking women's rights and privileges away would do the job just fine. But it would still take a strong pimp hand, a willingness to use violence against people who resist, and an admission that "equality" is bullshit, and Swedes these days probably aren't up to the task.
Xavier Perez
Xavier Cruz
that woman you raped didn't want you, nigger.
Bentley Kelly
Hey nigger, I respect you for making this post. My race needs to wake the fuck up and stop being pussies calling every martyr a mossad agent. Earnests manifesto was right, fuck these cowards.
Chase Rogers
You're not the first black swede, you won't be the last.
I've never seen a white girl in public with a nigger in Scandinavia. And i stayed there half a year.
Adam Ross
>Swedish women love nigger dick.
white american woman love nigger dicks even more.
Lincoln Clark
mkay, what have you Amerimutts done about your nigger problem? remember, we're copying your liberal ideas since the end of WWII
Jordan Martinez
Black lives matter!!!!
Alexander Anderson
>mkay, what have you Amerimutts done about your nigger problem? remember, we're copying your liberal ideas since the end of WWII
None of you will do anything, we are taking your shit. because its what we do best.
Cooper Richardson
Swedish males too
Noah Edwards
based and redpilled, nigger. based and redpilled.
Oliver Cook
OP has a point.
Caleb King
>Swedish males too
poland, hungary & italy are the only white countries worth anything these days. we have tried hard to infultrate your countries but failed.
Aiden Scott
based and redpilled, nigger. based and redpilled.
Logan Johnson
Then you are lying I am seeing romanian women with niggers,gypsies,arabs,chinks you name it.If things are like this here then imagine how it is three.
Cameron Anderson
Enlist czechs also
Hunter Hill
Technically They are brainwashed but yeah... the Swedish are completely retards.
David Watson
I wish you weren't speaking the truth here.
Tyler Fisher
The nigger is right, until swedes start shooting at their govts their women will never respect them.
Hunter Bailey
>The nigger is right, until swedes start shooting at their govts their women will never respect them.
swedes still have tons of guns, so it really is up to them if they want to survive or not
Cameron Nguyen
based and redpilled
Carter Gray
Hahaha swedes getting blacked What you gonna do faggot ? Oh yeak I remember you won't do shit nigger
Noah Ward
>Romanian >white LOL
Lucas Morris
>Hahaha swedes getting blacked >What you gonna do faggot ? Oh yeak I remember you won't do shit nigger
ireland isnt far behind. we are taking over your tiny place.
Hunter Moore
>>Romanian >>white >LOL
this is why your race will die, and the world will be happy about it ;)
Nicholas Ross
>Canada >asian Pick both
Jack Barnes
He's whiter than you mohammed
Landon Brown
Based and BBC pilled.
Dylan Miller
Yes this is what i have been telling people but they always bitch about muh morality and call me a kike when i say we need to kill all but the whites.
Julian Bell
For anyone thinking this is bullshit: Imagine being a woman. Now imagine raping and pillaging hordes of thirld world savages invading your country. Your man sits there and takes it up the ass, won't do shit about it. Would you feel protected by your man? Would you feel like he actually is a man? Or would you think "my man is more of a bitch than me"? Now imagine this on an international scale and you have women and "men" in 2019.
Lincoln Cruz
boer woman too
Jackson Carter
>ireland isnt far behind. we are taking over your tiny place. damn you guys are gona starve to death with all the famines. shieeeet
Jace Sanders
>boer woman too
boer woman are incredibly racist and shoot well. only way to get them is to rape them unfrotunately.
Robert Reyes
1 post by this ID. Fuck niggers fuck sweden and fuck jannies
Jack Hall
>damn you guys are gona starve to death with all the famines. shieeeet
You know you get a new ID for every thread, right?
Dylan Scott
while i agree, you are in no position to say anything
Sebastian Bennett
Nigger don't you have a starvation to fight?
Eli Mitchell
>na i mean in Ireland. look up potato famines
borders wont exist when we run the EU & USA. we dont have borders here, why would we keep them when we run the show?
Colton Price
>No self respecting white romanian girl will get wit a nigger even if he is from America or Europe. Bullshit and you know and gypsy men are swimming in ethnic romanian pussy since all of them want to date the next Velea.
Brayden Morales
you can bang as many white sluts as you want, you will never be white nor your children. you were cursed to be black, because you are evil and nothing you can do will change that fact. deal with it nigger.
99.99999999% of the world’s female population is disgusted by niggers. Even black chicks turn into goo the second a white guy takes any interest in them.
You’re watching too much porn/tv op.
David Gutierrez
ireland's border is a body of water. maybe you can pick up fishing next famine arrives
Ayden Parker
>you can bang as many white sluts as you want, you will never be white nor your children
we bang white girls just to spite white oppressors. we have no interest being white.
Adrian Kelly
If you show me one Romanian girl with a gypo i'll personally send you money.
Jordan Nelson
kek, you hate americans and say we have no culture while you hypocrites destroy your own way of life and adopt ours
Ayden Wood
>ireland's border is a body of water. maybe you can pick up fishing next famine arrives
we will have boats when we own the continent
Blake Cruz
>Relplacing you >Niggers trying to outbreed niggers
Lol good luck bud. Also how do you have a computer ? Shouldn't you be eating out of a trashcan or something ?
>kek, you hate americans and say we have no culture while you hypocrites destroy your own way of life and adopt ours
stealing is our culture. we will take yours thanks.
Luke Cruz
So if white men form death squads and start murdering niggers and coalburners, we'll be considered dangerous and white women will want to fuck us? Thanks for the idea.
Jeremiah Clark
The jews destroyed our culture is why, now post a pic of you with your post id on a piece of paper or you're a hasbara shill
Jack Sullivan
I didn't "fear" your bantz I simply gave it back
Eli Flores
>Based Provocative SwedNigger
Luis Evans
>Lol good luck bud. Also how do you have a computer ? Shouldn't you be eating out of a trashcan or something ?
oh boy, the intelligence from Europeans is fairly low it seems. yes im eating out a trashcan right now.. typing on sungoma holy keyboard while doing the raindance.
John Hughes
Romanians arent white and I consider all Canadians to be lower than dirt.
Dylan Davis
>1 post by this id Why pol is so dumb?
Noah Evans
>we will have boats when we own the continent blacks can build boats now. impressive im proud of you. got to be sneak-like boats though because youll have to fight off other starving black irishmen with all the rotten potatoes in the ground and stuff
Kayden Mitchell
>You do know that Belea's wife is also half a gypo right? >Same goes for that steroid fucker in the right >As for Mamaruta...didn't i say white Romanian woman? Andra is the gypo there.
Anthony Jackson
>blacks can build boats now.
Why would we build them when we will oppress our white minorites to do it for us? heard of aparthied and colonialisation? it will be like that, just reversed.