Is this peak American culture?
Is this peak American culture?
Don't you dare shit talk burgers. They are a staple of North American living, mexicants not included.
yeah... 5 guys is a burger you get if there's nothing else around and you'd like to take a shit in an hour. the best burgers you can find are at random hole in the wall bar-and-grill type places where there's old boomers still cooking back there
Nice pic. Too bad its fictional.
Five Guys is not peak American culture. In and Out is
consume product and get excited for next product
>nigger made burgers
Extremely inconsistent, too many niggers grilling that have no clue how to grill.
Under cooked fries cause to lazy to have them ready before they are ordered.
>you'd like to take a shit in an hour.
I hear everyone say this about them, doesn't happen to me. I must be blessed with a powerful gut.
Unfortunately, you are both wrong. Culver’s is the choice of patriotic, God-fearing Americans (Chick Fil-A is also acceptable)
Does this belong on Jow Forums?
stop posting things that make me hungry
No bacon
>too many niggers grilling that have no clue how to grill.
That depends on where you are, in the west coast there's not that many niggers really, it's mostly Mexicans and they're annoying but they make food alright usually
Aren't hamburgers German?
Dutch snacks are fresh and healthy.
For me, it's a Whopper.
>Get Whopper
>Eat half
>Have to shit immediately
>Pepper the fucking bowl
>Toss rest of whopper
FWD a year
>Forgot about last time I eat Whopper
>Order Whopper
Again and again. I just can't learned.
the double bacon cheeseburger is a shining symbol of freedom and american values
Having enjoyed all 3 I can say with certainty that In-N-Out has the best quality to price ratio.
Taking a real big shit right now lads
To be fair, my favorite dish is Asian. I love karjalanpaisti.
so i guess maybe a little bit perhaps could be that OP is right
what did he mean by this?
MOAR burger-food porn pl0x
Missing the point, favorite foods are great. Forced diversity is nigger shit
No, we peaked with the KFC 'Double Down.'
try this on for size
5 guys is good but you have to take a loan out just to eat there
to be honest it didn't do that to me years ago when i first tried them. now it fucks with me
>still believing this obvious hoax in 2019
Bread cheese with apricot confit?
Only reason the USA has had any blessings is because of the grace of GOD.
No that's Jack or BK. Five goys make good burgers and fries.
>Claiming shit is a hoax just for (You)s
In-n-out is better. Better quality. Their animal style fries are shit though.
what kinda fag food is this?
Leipäjuusto with cloudberry jam
Just how fucking worthlessly poor are you? You must be a nigger.
Squeaky cheese with lingonberry or cloudberry.
Real Juustö in America is a federal crime. Every time I get real juustö and take it across state lines, I risk a federal felony.
this, in-n-out is the best burger restaurant
>putting big slices of generic american genetically edited tomato on a burger
Not even grape-tomato, fine-cut heirloom tomatoes, or pear tomatoes.
Generic cheddar-based american cheese.
Raw onion.
No bacon.
5/10 burger
>lunar orbit rendezvous
>believing they did this in the 60's with the metal tinker toy tin foil covered hunk of shit you see in the photographs
face it retard they faked the whole thing
Now this is peak American Burger!
God bless German engineers
please, everybody knows Habit Burger is better than 5 guys.
I love burgers.
Wrong Dick's is the place
Why is Juustö banned here? Something to do with unpasteurised dairy? It looks delicious, and now I want to try some cloudberries.
Looks like a plain quiche.
You gotta get the fries extra crispy.
They stay crispy like picnic shoe string fries.
Then the burger needs to be animal style, double double, of course.
Smoked or salted? either way it looks fucking amazing
>mfw I get a triple triple and bring it home and add thick cut bacon
>hurr duurrr Canada culture maole syrups
Yes. Let's reduce an entire culture to cuisine. The fucking b8 is so low effort.
Hell no
Burger King
Jack in the box
Are all meme burgers made with carboard!
But that red onion detracts 50% freedom and values. It's Iranian and Pakistani.
He has an impressive dildo collection.
Get the double-double and get some Tommy's chili.
Seriously you guys, Habit burger master race!
Don't laugh about the one good thing in american cuisine
Burgers are really good. Americans know what tastes good they don't have fine cuisine but it does the job.
>middle eastern parts being absolutely mogged by beef cheese and bacon
sounds American to me
imagine the gravity around that mass
>has slop-cooked onion and dares to add pickles too with slop
Yes 5 guys rocks
Thats fucking disgusting. The burger itself is ok but why the fuck would you mix it with a chocolate milkshake and cheese nuggets unless you want diabetes
just put pickles and onions on the burger so you aren't eating like a little boy
>not eating based organic food like an ecofash
>not eating white fish skillet cooked with choice seasonings
a burger every now and then is fine though. i really hope you're all getting in shape for the ethnostate.
Not really. It's the essence of it. There is nothing more to American culture than consumption. It's a state with no soul.
Excuse me sir, if I may interject...
So many posting bad burgers claiming them to be "the best" that this might as well be a taco-thread.
it's the american boomer way.
Is this peak Leaf culture?
No, the second amendment is
Don't forget the mustard. Old-Fashioned master race reporting in
They griddle fried with butter or something?
Five guys is in canada to you faggot ass leaf.
Burgers are amazing. Ever had some with a light maple syrup and bacon.
I do that with pickled eggs and Walker's crisps
You guys got poutine burgers up there?
quads of truth
That legit sounds pretty good
>pics of burgers that don’t even have a fried egg on them
Get that pleb shit out of here.
Poutine burger
No, pic related is
I tried a wagyu beef burger at a high-end bar earlier in the year. I can honestly say those are the best, juciest burgers you'll ever have.
>egg on burger
>not putting it between the meat so it runs into your mouth as you bite
Something fit for a pig. Quintessentially American.
Kind of.
The griddle is usually covered with Wisconsin butter, and the burger is cooked in it. The buns have a layer of butter as well. It's something that needs to be tried.
I enjoy eating burger, not char with the juices pressed out
I always saw the moon (Lunar) landings as the peak of the US culture.
I hope the US can get back into that in the future, driving technology, colonizing space.
As a foreigner who visits Burgerland often
Culvers beats them all
also..Cheese Curds...
seriously.. if only they put nacho cheese on them and then parm cheese sprinkles it would violate the boundary of food physics.
One does not truly visit America without returning with excess cholesterol and diabetes