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I'm glad I'm not on this list.
If you're not voting Trump then remember to vote for a write in candidate. The democratic nominee will be a legitimate threat and it will be your fault when Dems open the borders and take your guns.
Seems like I would be an oddity in the US two-party system.
Sanders for the lulz
you'll never be on any list. nothing to worry about.
You side with fags, spics and women, and a xuck. Nice you must be proud!
Is it even possible to get Trump in the #1 slot?
>you'll never be on any list. nothing to worry about.
I'm not worried. You seem to have a strong feeling. Sad.
Just answer like a boomerpede would
Ya'll are a bunch of pinko faggots.
>not #1 libertarian
>nearly half are Democrats
Wow you're so BASED and RED PILLED brah!
Here's mine. Show the check mark faggots
Well there is no nationalist constitutionalist party in America so this is what you get.
Pat Little isnt on the list. Pretty ghey. Closest I got was 60% agreement with the constitution party candidate
I didn't bother prioritizing the questions.
>John Delaney
Literally who?
>voting for a pedo
>Top one is Donald Trump
>At 57%
WTF burgers?
Don't you have a National Socialist running for office?
So many extreme left candidates. What a surprise.
Fairly moderate Maryland representative. Has to at least be some of moderate to keep his job since he covers of Western Maryland. Probably the best Democrat on the list but still socially Progressive
Too bad he's a zog puppet just like everyone else on that list
Pat Little Hulk Hogan 2020.
Let freedom ring and let traitors hang
You should genuinely kill yourself.
Wew lad...
Incorrect. The ACP.
>Gary Johnson
Again the Lolbergtarians prove themselves weak and inadequate despite McAfee (AnCap in human form).
>All three of those stances
>op choking on cock while drowning in cum
Woah you’re a fucking mess. You need to go back to tumblr ASAP
>N-NO how dare you try to limit the power of the government and keep our citizens from dying in a shithole half way around the world those things are DETRIMENTAL to Isra-I mean OUR nation, goy!
Magapede again with the cope
Deport all illegals, end welfare, end foreign aid
Jow Forums is a reddit colony now, it seems like.
Honestly, the average IQ of this place seems to have dropped by at least 20 points after the elections.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on this woman?
Is she an unironic commie or some shit?
I took the quiz - they want me to vote for a buttplug. Who the fuck writes this shit? I thought this was supposed to be a reputable political quiz, but I'm told that I most align with a sex toy! I want my money back.
She’s Amy Klobuchar, Hillary’s preferred candidate for president.
pretty accurate. i'm impressed. YangGang1000 and QTulsi were my first choices, but I wasn't like, nuts, about either of them.
Laugh my arse off you racist never cease to amaze me.
just a run of the mill neolib.
nothing interesting about her at all. very Clinton-esque, but embraces her boring, midwest Mom vibe, so she's a lot less offensive to me, even if i don't like what she stands for.
boomies spotted
Well, at least she's not b*den I guess
Look at all the kikes in here
Does this make me a commie?
Kill your enemies don’t vote
Whoever Gary is, tell him to literally fucking kill himself for being the max dumb.
Tulsi is mommy tier.
Lol. I thought the same. How can you be both?
>giving boomers more money
Fuck that you’ve lost my vote. We should senicide the boomers
Being a NatSoc is fucking weird for this kind of shit
>"What is your stance on abortion?"
>"Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?"
So, who are we voting for, Jow Forums?
>small government
Haha, yeah, maybe 100 years ago.
>extreme nationalism
pick one
Assimilation means you all race mix. Decentralization means you don't all race mix.
Too bad they didn't asked me why I was pro-choice.
If Tulsi managed to not get zogged out of the primaries like Bernie Sanders did I'd vote for her over Trump. I'm fucking sick of that pathetic Israeli shill. Any other candidate for Democrats and I'm stuck voting for Trump. My vote actually matters since I'm in Pennsylvania.
Globalization and Isolationism don't mean the same thing senpai.
Isolationism simply means that you stay out of international affairs like military intervention of alliances.
Globalization is free (but not uninvited)movement of goods/capital/people between nations. This is often misunderstood as a "let them in" policy, but again, only people who can actually bring marketable skills to the table could come in (as they would be the only ones invited by).
>small government
pick one
If you decentralize you have lots and lots of governments. Small government is for all people. Decentralization means each decentralized community has own government, so government is very big.
It's pretty obvious when you click on "other stances" that the site is run by leftists.
USA has tiny government, one president and billionaires. Hitler on other hand had big government, so did Mussolini, so does China.
>USA has tiny government
lol imagine actually believing this
To government = to decide.
Who decides? President and billionaires who give money to big bosses, who then give to small bosses, who control all people. Very tiny government. You don't even have any unions. In Hitler's Germany every worker had to be in worker union. You as workers and citizens have 0 decisions how city looks like or what city will do, all in hands of 1 president and billionaires.
Where my Yangbros at!
I legit am all for having multiple Presidents instead of one. I rather have a circlejerk of Presidents with different ideas/vision/smarts hash it out and come together to find common ground to benefit us all.
America is too big for one President. We need 4-5!
Can't be right. Kasich makes me sick.
Fuck you're retarded. The size of a government denotes how much it CAN decide. Sure, in america (((big bosses))) and other lobbies have a huge influence, but only because they know that the government is big enough to get them what they want? Do you think an arms lobby would exist if the government was small?
Of course not because a small government wouldn't have the power to declare wars.
Also the US has plenty of labour unions I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
They also have plenty of power, given to them BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Do you think a small govt could give such powers to anyone?
Decentralization and assimilation, hurr durr. These people don't have basic logic. If you assimilate then you can't possibly be decentralized. You assimilate in centralized government. Assimilation is just a fancy word to describe freedom of movement aka interracial aka integration aka nobody gives a shit who they fuck or where.
Here are my results Jow Forums
About what I expected, though I thought I'd be a bit higher percent on Warren.
>The size of a government denotes how much it CAN decide.
Exactly. The government in USA decides nothing, president is puppet of market, everything is decided by money, even how government works, even where they wage war.
American government has no power at all, they do what billionaires aka bankers want, what market wants. Every mayor is slave to money. No people in any town are asked how city will look like, what they will build or who to fire, people have no power. Election for political party means you have no power, since you don't decide anything political party does, neither does political party decide anything, their money bosses tell them what to do, they don't even read the laws, they pass them based on money lawyers who created those laws.
When people govern then you get paper by post which asks you questions of decisions concerning your living space. In company who governs also decides by meeting in some room, obviously workers don't get asked, so they don't decide/govern. All demand is created by money injection, that in itself creates jobs, nothing else creates jobs. Where bankers or billionaires or government injects money, there you have jobs. That's why USA food is such garbage.
I got Kasich. Makes sense. I voted for him in the 2016 primary, and then TRUMP in the general.
Fucking hell.
Why do you think those corporations even turn to the government?
Because it is big enough to pass their decisions. The very fact that a government can wage offensive wars indicates how big is it.
Did you select the most retarded position on purpose?
Guess I'm ecofascist libertardian
>Why do you think those corporations even turn to the government?
Because obviously without government they can't control central distribution and usage of money they invented. Without central government the money is worthless, just a paper you can wipe your ass with. Nobody is going to use some paper to buy or employ unless you enforce it through government. Else John and Brian are going to create their own money without government around and then nobody will use money, since you will have many such people printing own money, money won't be needed any longer and people will go back to trade material for material, which is always valuable. Money is never valuable, unless you enforce it by police/army..etc. through government.
Is J-John Kasich b-based guys? Dunno who he is
/pol is a Kasich board now. GTFO
If by "retarded", you mean most intellectually informed and reasoned, then yes.
Was expecting completely different
I went to
very nice website
And again. The very fact that the govt controls money is a severe sign of it's size.
It just goes to show how uneducated you are both historically and politically if you think that the value of money can ONLY be enforced by the government.
>Money is never valuable, unless you enforce it by police/army..etc. through government.
Ever heard about the gold standard?
>And again. The very fact that the govt controls money is a severe sign of it's size.
Government or governing isn't money. It's the size of money in government, not size of government or size of government decisions.
When i want to eat an apple, i don't ask somebody else or bite into lemon. When government asks the money, then they aren't deciding, money is. If their logic is based on money, then it's not based on themselves aka people.
ONLY government can enforce the value of money. Money is nothing but pieces of colored paper with absolutely zero value, but we pretend that it has value because the government says we must.
You shot past my point like that asteroid shot past earth last weekend.
What about governmental control of the money supply leading to increased govt power don't you understand?
Let's get on even ground:
Your definition of big government seems to be how much a government relies on the flow of money to make decisions, right? If it relies heavily on it, then it's small.
If it doesn't then it's big.
Is this what you're trying to say?
Amazing list of consumers you have there
The state where one voter can have the most influence is New Hampshire. Can you guess what state I’m in?
If a democrat is on the top you need to leave.
what a fucking meme
I put intentionally radical and based answers to see what happens and, lo and behold how the american political apparatus delivers.