Man who set himself on fire near the White House burned 85% of his body and has been transported to the hospital for...

Man who set himself on fire near the White House burned 85% of his body and has been transported to the hospital for life-threatening injuries.

Attached: fuckdrumpf.png (580x541, 317K)

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trump Btfo

Someone post the webm


poor dude, I hope he is granted asylum

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Holy shit. No way he survives that.

Fake news

What makes you say that, Nostradamus?

>orange man bad
>makes self orange man
>feels really bad

but gotta admit it was fucking badass how he keeps walking so casually while completely on fire.
a shame it was only filmed with a potato.


That dude was walking around like the Terminator, I thought he had a fireproof suit on or some shit.

too soon

He's gonna love the dermabrasion scrub downs for the next year of his life!!!! hahahahahahahaha, thanks for saving me mr. police man!!! the absolute state of this retarded country.

>putting him out
>make him suffer more
I'm fine with this

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Fucking loser can’t even get self-immolation right

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What did he mean by this?

This... seriously how do they not just let him die, which was very clearly his intention. Now we're gonna waste a whole bunch of money, deny him his perceived martyrdom, and cause immense pain to all persons involved

>a lifetime of painful suffering

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>cause immense pain to all persons involved

hope he lives lmao

Extinguishing the flames was a violation of this person's first amendment right to freedom of speech.

This guy gets it.

He's fugggggeed.
He's going to wish he died. He'll be in a shitload of pain until he slips into a coma then dies. I bet his skin is slipping off and charred.

Typical Bern victim.

This man IS a hero. I may be an always Trumper but I can respect my opponents when they stand tall and string conviction for what they believe is right. Truly is a sad day but this Patriot shone so very brightly so that we all may see in these dark times..

Ever heard of negligence? At least in our country if you see a car crash and just walk away, you're going to jail or at least get fined. This would have been the same case. I mean, sure this was probably a suicide attempt so that might work as an attenuating circumstance.

those scrub downs will make him wish he died

You'd be surprised user...

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Best pic available

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lmao he looks like a final boss and the fire fighter is a player

Nice one less nig

that'll show drumpf!


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You guys are horrible, I'm with CNN and we are about to go live with the footage and you are all going to be in it for making fun of such a selfless act. This man has gave everything show the world just how horrible this president has been.

We have already lodged a notice with the owner of this website and alerted the authorities, you are all going to be exposed. You're rude and disrespectful actions will not be allowed to fly by unnoticed anymore. We are putting a stop to this. We are shutting this down.

To think any of you would laugh about such a brave act is despicable, you Nazi's will learn one day that no one likes you and this isn't what America stands for because when you open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur.

85% burns. Dude will almost definitely die in the hospital. Probably less than a week.
>t. MDanon


ha ha ha ha ha
>I was pissed off this morning
this made my day

>twitter meme found on SS feed

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And that mans name... was Ron

even with a poorly utilized stunt suit, by his third or fourth step, his lungs are a mass of scar tissue.
a bullet to the head would have been a mercy.

Putting out the fire was a violation of his first amendment rights

Hopefully he dies


Lel underarrated

You can't become the orange man mister poo

>global warming isn't re-

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>burn myself becuase I don’t like the president for vague or false reasons

Kek I wish he got others to join him

nice LARP
>mfw this is what CNN would actually say

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this is all drumpfs fault

Possibly was full of heroin

I can't wait for more of this when Trump wins again in 2020. I don't even care about anything else anymore. As long as leftists are crying everyday and lighting themselves on fire then Trump will have my vote. I will spend every second of my time making leftists lives 100000× more miserable than they have been for the past 3 years. I will rub it in their faces everyday and do everything in my power to cause more of this.

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fucking kek

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We need to meme liberals into setting themselves on fire to protest drumpf

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And here I thought lefty white dudes were the flamers.

>To think any of you would laugh about such a brave act
gas yourself, kike

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top kek

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He’s the one who burned down notre dame


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Wait, is he a brother? Can't tell if his skin is just dark because of the charring.

reminds me of that San Andreas mission in a burning house

You stole my joke and made it better

If you ruin me, I will dedicate my life to ruin you

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His nose survived. Nice.

Don't worry the law offices of Leibowitz and feinstein I'll make sure that he gets in.

Mfw satans minions rise.....

Hey Pajeet, this is not the designated burning street.

Mortal Kombat 7: Stryker vs. The Subhuman Torch


There needs to be a CNN larp in every breaking news topic.

Based....Same !

Man, Ron Perlman really went off the deep end.

That looks sore. He'd better rub that with an ice cube.



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Why did he do it?

About time

Someone please make a pic of unhinged Ron pearlman on fire

greater than 50% burn coverage is typically a death sentence, you drown on pus


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good job maintaining the power stance under duress.

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stop resisting

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Just Powerful!

God damn youre fucking delusional. MOST of the country thinks EXACTLY like this board ,privately, youve obviously sucked way to much cock working for cnn & all. Hopefully your mother leaves the lawn mower gas can next to your bed in the basement tonight and a bright shiny Zippo. Remember as soon as you pour the gasoline over your head open the Zippo and spin the wheel , then run around outside to fan the flames screaming .. Repeat these words...
Thats epic CNN Cock breath

has trump even done anything worth this kind of retardation? Hes been a pretty average president, who shitposts on twitter.

Not in the U.S. There is no legal obligation for a citizen to help another. Very common for people to watch others drown. Courts have said so. Heck, the Supreme Court even said that the police have no obligation to protect anyone. As for EMS workers, their off-duty obligations vary state-by-state. That's why it's highly discouraged to put any EMS decal on a personal vehicle, so that you can drive right by without someone knowing you are off-duty EMS.

t.former firefighter

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tfw niggers are literally ovening themselves

Brings life to BURNING MAN !

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>why the long face

>that grammar
you next, chucklefucker... tomorrow?

>IRL Boss fights