Prove you're white

Prove you're white

Post your ancestry tests, let's see how white this board really is.

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This board is mostly self-hating mutts larping

>2% Jewish

no one here thinks im white so fuck you and suck my dick when i get you doxxed

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

>2% Jewish
Dios mio... Imagine unironically mixing with Jews.

Attached: 43A49DCD-B385-412F-8528-44B465005D13.jpg (567x1358, 177K)

>pays us to give us you genetic info goy

Post hapa ass

>Finland 6%

Do I still count as an Amerimutt

Attached: HuwhiteRace.jpg (1432x1841, 453K)