Black inventors

Black Inventors thread.

Attached: butteronastick.png (860x485, 438K)

Other urls found in this thread:

404 lol not found lol

Black invented flat earth

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Oh really wh*Te fuck

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Pretty sure they hold the rights to those security glasses surrounding the registers in the ghetto fast food places.

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rope bridge on a real bridge

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They call it "butter on a stick" despite the fact that it is clearly in a tube

post source

Nigger literally invented super soaker water gun because it was too hot....


Don't worry, whitey fixed it

Attached: Sebara_Dildiy_(Broken_Bridge)_on_Blue_Nile_River.jpg (920x690, 176K)

How does the last nigger get across?

No sweety. That bridge technology was stolen from their ancestors. Whites just returned what they didn't own to it's rightful people.

stay mad wh*te cucks. fear the BLACK BULL

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Yeah this is bugging me too.

It's a shame there's never a super-soaker around when you need one.

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Okay. So there's lots of bragging about how much he's paid, but what exactly has he accomplished? Just a diversity hire?

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did niggers invent necklacing?

And there are a bunch of trees around them.

>diversity hire
bingo. now some company gets to report to the EEOC that they pay their niggers on average more than everyone else.

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It's a toss-up between these two.

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they actually do this in china with americans too. my friend worked at this big company over there and they just paid him decent amount of money (equivalent to about 50k/year USD, which goes a long way there) to just go to meetings with them and be white.


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Lol wtf

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Shiiet. So they were lying about that bell curve?

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I wash myself with a butter on a stick

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And then the local niggers started charging tolls for people to cross, then some other local niggers took it apart and sold it for scrap. Now they're back to the rope bridge.
Niggers are hopeless when left to their own devices.

Literally how do these people manage to survive into adulthood?

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He's an entrepreneur but got a nice redistribution channel deal which will make him probably millions. Not sure why the text was "highest paid robotics engineer" though since he's an entrepreneur.


>bugs eat you
>you eat bugs
Circle of life.

Attached: african chiropractor.webm (1080x1920, 986K)

For fucks sake

They should have her try to solve a polynomial equation on live TV. I'd pay $100 to watch.


I like that gig, but I guess their stereotype is blond hair, blue eyes, so I wouldn't make the cut with just one of those

Elijah J. McCoy (May 2, 1844– October 10, 1929) was a Canadian-born African-American inventor and engineer who was notable for his 57 U.S. patents, most having to do with the lubrication of steam engines. Born free in Canada, he came to the United States as a young child when his family returned in 1847, becoming a U.S. resident and citizen.

Amazing real life iq test to put your black applicants though

Super soakers are pretty cool.


is that butter smashed into an old deodorant stick?

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You should have seen the reddit cope trying to explain blacks aren't stupid when someone posted this video

He took it like a champ.

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you think those turkey legs at the fair are huge check out this baller

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>still massive enough not to be phased by a charging nigger
too bad he sold out

In a way blacks invented commercial bulletproof glass

If only you picked that damn cotton by yourselves..

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How does the media get wind of this shit?

You just have to realize, that blacks will never not believe these fairytales.
Any semblance of a society they built, will now be heralded as, the greatest most technologically advanced society, in the history of mankind.
They are so insanely insecure, that they have to hold onto this shit.
Yet, they can't even come foward with a "kingdom" who had developed written word, let alone bookkeeping. They domesticated ZERO animals.
They built ZERO ships or boats.
NEVER developed the wheel.
God gifted them with the most fertile soils known to man, so rich in precious metals they could be skimmed off the top of the dirt.
Lands temming with wildlife and beasts of burden so great, they could have been used for anything!

They did nothing.
Put it in this context, and knowing how needlessly flashy shines are.
Picture, the most tricked out nigged up jalopy you've ever seen.

When Europeans set foot in Africa, they were probably amazed, "this place is beautiful" then they saw zebras. "Wow, these guys even have some styling rides!!"
Then they meet the people....
God gave them the most stylish pimp car known to man, because he knew it would fit them perfectly, and they never tamed it. There were no black ancient pimps riding zebras, and God tossed his hands in the air and said "well, that was a fuckin waste"
The native American
The Chinese
The Arab
The European
The Japanese
The Aztecs
The eskimo
The fuckin Irish
All had pushed their peoples to the limits of human ingenuity.
Domesticated animals.
Forged steel
Built unbreakable fortresses
Made ornate jewelry
Moon landings
Space travel
Tape decks
Mouse traps
Reverse osmosis
Light bulbs
Inferred scanners
Pulley systems
Cinnamon toast crunch.
What the fuck do they lay claim to?
Half a recipe for peanut butter and a fucking super soaker.
Great contributions

hoping this is real

priceless. not there are 10,000 you tube videos explaining this process in gross detail.


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Empire of Dust documentary

You need to watch the documentary

>mythical creatures thread
/x/ is thataway

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>invented the original robot



thanks lads. never heard of it before

filename had me a giggle

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That non-white brown eyed whore, do not belong there


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I fear the congoid simian and his powerful viral charge.

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anyone have the konosuba edit of this with aqua in the trunk?

>originally, black panther was about how isolationism and transferring knowledge from generations to generation (mystical ghost ancestors) help develop an African nation into the forefront of civilization. Vibrinum was only used sparingly.
>movie shows that Africans would rather reject their ancestors and isolationism. They are advance because of a rare space metal only they have access to
good god does that movie miss the mark

you fucking racists, look at this fine piece of technology my brothers in Botswana created

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Empire of dust. You're welcome it is gold.

looks like the tail mounted missile launched is aimed at the cockpit.

>literally tapes fireworks to front of it
>adds emergency suicide missile battery

Ok I'm thoroughly redpilled on nigger IQ but every once and awhile I have to ask because surely this can't be real..

>fires tale rockets directly into the back of the cockpit

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Nah. Philly just outlawed businesses from using those, because they're racist.