Pagan Hate General /phg/

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theyve all basically switched to hinduism or roman paganism now after finding out their norse larp was twisted around by christians, kek

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>be me
>reading Prose Edda, the LARPagan holy book
>read the prologue
>IN the beginning God created heaven and earth...

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All christkikes are cucks. It's not a single branch that is manly. Why? The whole basis of christianity is cuckoldry. Jewsus grew up to be a cuck too and married Miriam Magdelene, an actual prostitute. Hardly any surprise, as he was brithed by a mother with the same name, who cucked her 90 year old husband Yeoseph and spun a story that turned into the jewish folk legend now known as cuckstianity. Forgiveness, turning the other cheek, general cowardice in all things as a virtue in cuckstianity, all of this is meant to justify the whoring of jewsus' wife and mother, and justify his own weak cuckening. The religion picked up followers quick because there are a lot of cowardly bitches out there to like to hear that their weakness is a virtue.

Like all cowards though, deep down they subconsciously need to believe that somehow they will get revenge on their betters. Hence the doctrine of hell.

There is a reason why cuckstians always come across as low IQ, low T faggots. Why rabbi Yeshua is always depicted as a sissy with androgynous features. The religion was born, spread, and maintained through cuckery. No other major world religion is as pathetic. It was a total inversion of the old values of both Roman and Germanic Europe, who valued masculinity, war and nobility. Cuckstianity just values femininity, pathetic submission and worship of weakness, not to mention actual cuckoldry - which is why cuckstians so often adopt other mens children from apefrica, the third and even fourth world

>but but but christcuckery was based, think of the Templars!!
First of all, the templars were to a certain degree a break-out group, that rejected most of the cuckstian teaching that were hunted and executed by the true cucksitans themselves for it. Secondly, cuckstianity was only "based" while the bible was preached in latin - when people had no idea what the priests were actually saying - when the monarchs of Europe was just using cuckstianity as a tool to claim a divine right to rule

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Is that the best you can do? Refer to homo-theory pushed by a jewish homo? There wasn't even any mention of the norse gods in the segment you quoted, just disgust with your semite cuckoldry religion.

But that's all you have, isn't it? Zero argument, so you try to deflect and swap subject. That's fine, but at least push actual critique and not jewish lies.

>You cuckold kikelover.
This is a legit critique, as that is what you are
>Odin drank semen
Don't care if he did, don't believe in the old gods. Only care that you push a jewish lie that is only sourced by a single jewish faggot instead of even attempting to justify the cuckoldry in cuckstianity. It's sad really, but it's what Jow Forums has grown to expect from you NPChirstlings

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