How man people have been killed under communist rule?

How man people have been killed under communist rule?

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Other urls found in this thread: by Capitalism...NOT!!!

Just as many as American and British imperialism has killed.

Awww I'm blushing but you don't need to exaggerate. We unfortunately didn't do that well.

more than 100 million in Russia alone

who fucking cares, there hasnt even been communism in what, 100 years? Its honestly fucking hilarious that pol is so worried about something so old.

next thing you know youll be freaking out about the spanish flu

20 million people since 1945 you're right that isn't that many at all.

According to the The Black Book of Communism:
65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Ethiopia
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Eastern Bloc
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America
10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power"[6]:4
According to Courtois, the crimes by the Soviet Union included the following:

The execution of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners
The murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants from 1918 to 1922
The Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people
The Decossackization, a policy of systematic repression against the Don Cossacks between 1917 and 1933
The murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps in the period between 1918 and 1930
The Great Purge which killed almost 690,000 people
The deportation of 2 million so-called "kulaks" from 1930 to 1932
The death of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933
The deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Moldovans and people from the Baltic states from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945
The deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941
The deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943
Operation Lentil and deportation of the Ingush in 1944

Not as many as under plutocracy.

100 million people in five years to hunger, lack of water and preventable diseases. Oh wait it was capitalism.

23+ million under stalin. mao made stalin look like an amateur with the death toll under his rule.
in other words, a fuckload.,in the range of 100-200 million.

200 million of people - and counting: Venezuelan Famine right now.

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yeah but that wasnt real communism tho

Yup, we should try again and see how it will go.
Trust me comrade, now we will do it right.

stalin killed 200 million with his bare hands

> How many people have been killed under communist rule?

As much people as kills the capitalism each 5 years.

As much people as are killed by capitalism* each 5 years.

Don't hope that you live into a Marxist regime.

You would be crying if it would happen.

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Stalin teamed up with Mao and they together killed 200 millions in span of a year.

All the deaths are from capitalists jealous of the haven communism creates.

socialists are evil. They kill children by starvation - they expropriate properties to farmers, they're really evil. And you dare to praise these demons. Don't hope so much to your countries become into socialists regimes, because you're going to regret it.

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None. Real communism has never been tried.

>65 million in the People's Republic of China
it was an accident

>it was an accident
>Trust me comrade all natural causes

>None. Real communism has never been tried.
lol. How many times have been tried? Did you have read the Communist Manifesto? I guess not... Here, take a lesson...

Here, the 10 planks of Communist Manifiesto (by Karl Marx) - are you agree with these?: 1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. 7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. 8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture. 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.10. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

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who could know that without birds insect population will boom

Communists aren't people.

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Socialism works

You socialists are really shameful... And nasty.

No country has had all 10 of those at once and when they try to implement them capitalists come running with wars.


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Lots of russians and former ussr states want the ussr back.

>who could know that without birds insect population will boom
Yes who have had tought if you exterminate birds, stuff like that happens.

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When you was born? During Cold War the USSR were threatening to launch nukes to the US - the same technology that they never created, they just stole it.

And what about Chernobyl/Pripyat tragedy, caused by mismanagement of the nuclear plant... Of course - EQUAL PAY = MEDIOCRE WORK.

Socialism is lame and moronic. That's why the USSR was dissolved in 1992.

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>There hasn't Even been communism in what, 100 years?
Wrong you Canadian faggot, there's still communism today in venezuela, North Korea and Cuba. Honestly you filthy leftists should stop caring about Nazism because it hasn't been since 1945 according to your putrid logic.

Because the USSR was the most "prosperous socialist country" in that time. But it was a failure. In 90's they won't to implement INTERNET services in their country. They were very backwards... Now they're more prosperous, thanks to FREE MARKET - Capitalism. Also, today the CCP (Chinchon Communist Party) still ruling because they rejected the the Marxist Economical Model...

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You're misunderstanding what people say when they say "not real communism". It's a dumb argument, but it's technically true.
Communism is the Utopian end-goal where the state ceases to function and dissolves. The USSR was Socialist, but not Communist.

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Ah yes communist Venezuela

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Don't bother with him, he is just a shill.

It didn't fail. If socialism doesnt work then how did it become a superpower from a backwards peasant country in less than 100 years?

LET'S SUMMARIZE IT: Most part of Socialist IDEOLOGY it's a LIE. Their only goal they're looking to achieve, it's to BAN PRIVATE PROPERTY, BAN INHERITANCE, AND GOVT CONTROLLING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION.
That's all...

Put som bbk for those burgers...

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Capitalism killed more and you idiots don't bring that up, how convenient

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>the nukes were launched
>nothing interfered with Chernobyl
The brainwashing works well I see.
What is foreign help with the anti ussr propaganda.

and more

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It’s called nostalgia, they remember back when they lived in a super power, and they want that feeling of pride again.

False, niggers don’t count

Very SIMPLE - because there are FOREIGN CORPORATIONS who invest in those countries. But let them alone, never invest infrastructure and let them by their own... In XXth Century, US was an completely independent country - it developed their electronics, their automobiles, their food... They were very self-sufficient.

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>If socialism doesnt work then how did it become a superpower from a backwards peasant country in less than 100 years?
Through economic reforms and massive population.

About fifty million


None of that is relevant to anything I said, lad. Talking about how Socialism as an ideology is used by people to get power has nothing to do with my point that Socialism and Communism aren't the same thing.

You do realise that image is bait, right? It's made by commies to mock the over-inflated figures of "deaths by communism" pics

>become a superpower from a backwards peasant country in less than 100 years?

Russia was already a Great Power, so this is completely false

God, this behaivor is on the same level as 12 year olds.
>muh you do it to by Capitalism...NOT!!!

lol. Maybe you studied in those liberation history, where most of their teachings are purely lies...

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>1931 Famine
>Capitalism’s fault

Nigger please, that was literally Stalin’s doing

Please, the next time you want to discuss about socialism, please, read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, and then you'll know the truth about those jerks...

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By practically enslaving people, and keeping them in line using terror, and threats to get them to work harder, and faster in order to industrialise quicker, it cost the life’s of millions, but they got their factories I suppose.

100+ million.

That’s not how the Communist death toll was ever counted, but if we decided to play your game Achmed, then you’d notice that socialist regimes and other economically unfree states have the lions share of famine and preventable disease

You're all over the place, retard. Communism and Socialism isn't the same thing, they're both stages in Marxism.

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Are fucking retarded? How the fuck is Africans having 9 kids when they can’t even feed themselves supposed to be capitalism’s fault? How the fuck are natural disasters, and disease capitalism’s fault? This is possibly the most retarded thing I have ever seen on here, and the fact that it’s posted by a Brit user makes it even worse.

Be careful dude: Socialism it's a way to deceive a country to amend their constitution, to remove your constitutional rights such as private property, inheritance, bear arms, and then... You can say good bye to your good neighborhoods, good bye to your traditional cuisine, good buy to your holidays, BYE BYE TO YOUR SAVINGS... Socialism is a CANCER. SOCIALISM KILLS.

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Tsarist Russia was already in the process of industrialisation under Stolypin and Witte. A huge reason why Germany pushed for war in 1914 was the belief that if Russia continued on that path then Russia would outstrip Germany, but Nicky II entered WW1 and decided it would be a better idea to fuck up his entire nation because he's the world's biggest retard.

Also this, collectivisation and industrialisation under Stalin was impressive. It just took a huge amount of innocent lives to get there

quite easy they were lab rats for the "grand utopia" by (((them)))

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The Communist Manifiesto states two PHASES - PHASE 1: SOCIALISM. PHASE 2: COMMUNISM.

And Phase 1 the govt must achieve these goals:

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. 7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. 8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture. 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.10. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.


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Not enough.

Germany didn’t push for war with Russia in 1914, Germany didn’t even start the war, and Russia was only brought in when Austria-Hungary went to war with Serbia, Germany joined as they were allied with the Austro-Hungarians.

Do you think the holocaust is still important?

gorillions at least

>>The Communist Manifiesto states two PHASES - PHASE 1: SOCIALISM. PHASE 2: COMMUNISM
You just posted something that supports what I'm saying
Socialism and Communism aren't the same thing. They're two separate stages.
I haven't praised Socialism once.

Many people in Germany accepted the war I mean, because if they waited longer they would have to fight a more modernised industrialised Russia. Not trying to lay the blame at the feet of Germany

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How can something that never happened over 70 years ago still be important?

Many people tend to think that the holocaust is still important, but other events, like communist starvation etc. are not.

>never happened



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Then that makes it a dictatorship not communism retard.

>Then that makes it a dictatorship not communism
Do I need to repeat it again? Socialism principal goals are the govt owns the means of production - the govt owns everything - even your souls. That's socialism.


Guess what else is in socialism? capitalism.