Democrats are the party of Moloc-

>Democrats are the party of Moloc-

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>old people brainwashed on jew religious propaganda are passing laws that force women to behave according to fictional books
a faggot by any other name...


I feel like the uniparty is trying to blow this up into a bigger issue than it organically is in order to try and wrest the political debate back from "fascist or communist revolution?" into the neutered, curated space of sensational "hot button issues" that they're more familiar with

what race is it tho.

They’re right, they just mistakenly confuse niggers for humans.

Bring that internet atheist cringe back to 2006z

Christcucks will inevitably destroy this country with their civic nationalist shitskin loving ideology.

Great, more nigger babies
Just what we needed

Bring your abrahamic bullshit cultism back to 30CE

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This, expect Louisiana to become even more blacked than it already is. Any state that bans abortion will become South Africa.

>doing whatever it takes to keep your job
what is that called?

keen observation and checked

you get the rope soon

>le cringe
Fuck off back to plebbit you wastes of oxygen. All these laws do is ensure more dindus will be born.

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>hey everybody, we found a Democrat who doesn't want to kill babies!

This deserves more notice.

Low bar

That was hard

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They generally are. The LA Gov is a remnant of the old "Southern Democrat", very conservative.

In 20 years crime is going to skyrocket in Louisiana, people that are not meant to be born will be added to an already overcrowded prison system.

>no exception for unironic rape or incest

top retarded

this guy read freakonomics
based potato nigger

user, there was a time when Democrats didn't hate unborn children or white communities. Then Lyndon Johnson changed all that and a bunch of Democrats went to the Republican side. I doubt this single action indicates a party wide shift but it would be cool if it did.

That's why we need a selection process called eugenics to weed out the undesirables.

if I could murder all children I would

its like 1% or less of all abortions so it hardly matters

It's the south, and some important people might live there one day. Ohio, and Georgia did the same.

It's like a percent of cases of abortion, and they can still get one before a heartbeat is detected.

>sins of the father
Murder is murder. I'm OK with abortion. But if it is to be considered human, then it would be inconsistent to make those exceptions.

>tries to fight it
>forced because he wants to keep his job
Democrats are the party of Moloch.

He is up for reelection this year.

Yes, Democrats are the party of moloch. Why was it hard for you to complete the sentence?

when you are such a satanist you will dance with god to keep your ill gotten gains

social engineering by the superstitious.
what could go wrong

>in rape or incest, the baby did a crime worthy of the death sentence

the girls life should be sacrificed


it's the fetus's life that's important here. not the womb owner.

>implying crime can get any higher in Louisiana


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I feel as if compassion ought to be inflected into this issue considering a plethoric array of social issues can cause a rape/incest victim to hold the pregnancy later than what is good

yeh but the 'father' was an unironic rapist or practitioner of incest, he would most likely kill the mother and the kid and do life for the fact that he's an idiot

nah, that baby is better off being given a retry into a better womb, to let the infant be the potential death of the mother/family thru trauma, and then in turn the infant is fed to foster care/adoptive pedophiles, this trajects towards net inefficiency regarding the worth of the mother and child, considering the father is X


There's people who are rape and incest babies who argue against that exception. Why do we just automatically concede the "rape and incest" thing without hearing from both sides.

Expect the crime rates to almost treble.

yup, controlled opposition. Fake death due to no abortion inbound.

proud of my shithole

maybe the righteous are just sadistic assholes.

I can understand why anyone would want to force people to have kids no one wants

there isn't much evidence that they care at all about the fetuses after they're born

>Click here

Dumbass doesn't realize that the Governor of Louisiana is up for reelection in 2019. Louisiana is a strong CONSERVATIVE state. Only reason he is governor is b/c the Republican candidate former Senator Vitter was caught cheating on his wife with a prostitute in DC.

Funny part of the story, ABC leaked his name out weeks before the election. ABC had a list of over 400 names in the Prostitutes black book, but only leaked about 5 of them. ALL were conservatives. ABC, to this day, has refused to release even 1 of the other 400 names.....

maybe it's the hypocrisy. clinton didn't go on and on about the sanctity of marriage

You don't need to believe in a religion to believe that life starts at conception or at a heart beat and that killing something is wrong. People like you will have us killing grandma and grandpa when they become too inconvenient to care for.

he was probably one of the personal responsibility crew too

The real redpill is that the dem and republican party are based off of genetic inclinations that you can't fully control. around 50% of party ideology is due to genetics which affect personality traits, which affect party ideology. Sure the environment can have an influence, but it has as great of an influence as genetics does. For example, I'm a liberal. Genetically anyway. I have certain thought patterns that I've had all my life about varying issues. And if I never found Jow Forums, I would be a proud liberal who thinks all conservatives are bigot retards. But through lots of reading I found that my natural inclinations are infact negative for society as a whole, and despite having an urge to process what I feel as being correct, the facts simply don't agree with them.

But I consider myself a rarity in that I enjoy spending hours everyday reading about biological/socially related things and can think critically about the broad implications and are able to weigh certain policies against what kind of result it will have. 95% of liberals don't do that. Hell, most conservatives don't either, but atleast more do than liberals. And since they don't do that, IMO, a breaking up of the united states is inevitable. Atleast with religion, being conservative, it was able to still unite those bioliberals into conforming to conservative culture. But religion is dying/already dead as being a backbone of culture. So theres nothing holding bioliberals back from expressing their genetic preferences.

We can't get along because we're too genetically different. You cannot have a country divided. Thus, in order to fix the problem, either religion needs to make a massive comeback, or the country needs to be split. Or another civil war.

What the fuck is happening? did the south decide enough is enough?

>naive zoomer that has no idea the abortion industry is a multi billion dollar industry (much like the climate change/alternative energy industry) that lobbies politicians.

Like you do realize an aborted fetus is like free cash for these people. The stems cells they get from it alone will make them mad profit, not to mention the other stuff they can sell. Of course they want this legal, it's free money.

I think our future is balkanized, and probably yours too.

Louisiana is full of niggers and they want more nigger and spic babies. Look at the demos of the places this is happening, you christfags are retarded.

yeah republicans thought experiments on the stuff you'd otherwise flush down the toilet was bad until reagan got alzheimer
they were against gay rights until chenney's daughter came out.
it's like republicans have to have first hand experience before they consider other people

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>no exceptions
The law doesn't go far enough.
God knows everyone before they are even formed in the womb.
St James wrote in his epistle that we are not to give respect to persons.
The lawmakers in Louisiana are giving more value to unborn children with heartbeats than those without.
We must work to abolish all abortion, regardless of heartbeats, rape, or incest.

but I'm sure republicans will take the cure for their fatal disease if it comes from research on aborted fetuses.

>another arbitrary compromise

lots of people don't feel any need to support israel but that doesn't matter.
we're all in this together on that

arrogance and hypocrisy

>Thank you Lord Jesus for gifting my daughter with a nigger rape baby. God is good!

Democrats keep using "muh rape" and "muh incest" because they're the only ones raping and incesting.

Bad goy! Dont say this stuff and don’t even THINK about sharing it with others

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uh oh I guess women will have to start being responsible and making good decisions

maybe the righteous feel a need to impose their hypocrisy on everyone.
maybe they're just testing to see if they can get away with it.
after all there's no down side for the personal responsibility crowd if their ideas turn into disasters

Doesn't matter if that's the result or rape or incest.

You’re being socially engineered by people who literally believe in moloch and Lucifer. You might not, but your leaders sure as hell do.
Would rather get socially engineered by Christians than faggot ass Freemasons

The last thing Louisiana needs is more Louisianans.

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a lot of my side doesn't believe in fairies

good for the governor

>personal responsibility
is there any bigger meme than """personal responsibility"""? What a joke! Why should I have to take care of myself and my own life? Why should I have to make decisions carefully lest I suffer negative consequences? Completely retarded.

The low level ones sure.
But the people who have real power and the ones who can influence entire populations to manifest their desired outcomes DO. That’s all that matters.
Me and you don’t matter.

thing is most people do without having to lecture everyone else

haha based
No if only Louisana could also ban niggers

or say they do

the abortion numbers say otherwise but honestly I really don't care, it's Louisiana so it's all nig babies, let them harvest the fetuses and sell them to the Jews. That's fucking BASED. REPEAL THE BILL NOW

reagan and gwbush was a big fan of personal responsibility

They'd probably just override it if the governor didn't

>a lot of my side doesn't believe in fairies
You gave them the right to get married retard


Considering that most abortions kill niglets and SJW spawn, we should be supporting it.

what? the left invented marriage?

I think the abortion issue is about the autonomy of half of the human race

I sure as fuck ain't gonna say no

I think the people who say no exceptions are really saying they aren't interested in the circumstances.

again arrogance. I don't give a shit about the girl's problems

I'm so wonderful I don't even wanna hear about it

Lets see... abortion kills one nigger ...but let that nigger grow amd he will kill more than one nigger ........maybe.........

that one leaf ID is schizoid as fuck

I agree, personal responsibility is a joke. Society definitely owes it to every whore who can't keep her legs shut to pay gibs for her crotch dropping for 18 years, and then to pay more to keep the waste of sperm incarcerated when the unwanted little shit follows in their dindu parents' footsteps.

maybe the righteous will demand control of their minds too. wasn't so long ago when religion did that. or control of political views either

the righteous should be free to shoot them if they break into their garage.
so what if you spent 18 years raising him. he was gonna steal my rake

It's all about consciousness and the entailing narrative ahead.

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I am not even religious, but I can tell right from wrong.

And I know that dismantling a fetus that 5 minutes earlier was yawning, sucking it's thumb and kicking around, and selling its parts to pharmaceutical companies on the tax payer's dime, which then gets funneled back into paying off politicians, and having media and liberal culture pat be super jazzed for it, is fucking wrong

>It's not murder if it's a nigger

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