Its Working

Attached: Heil Hitler.png (583x475, 187K)


next up, someone makes a hashtag graffiti on a synagogue and its going to become national news

They don't know it yet. But by simply writing a story about our plan they have sealed their fate. The hashtag is now officially a Jow Forums "dogwhistle". And no amount of articles trying to take it back will work.

Someone please do this. The kvetching would be legendary.

Attached: fj3948yal.jpg (279x300, 22K)

What would the media spin be on that? "Right-wing anti-semites graffiti local Jewish Community Center with new code symbol. We contacted Twitter but received no comment.


If part of the text is "#" followed by something without space:
show the text with # at this part of text with %

If part of the text is "%" followed by something without space:
the % thing works as a hashtage

Next up is targeting 5G

Attached: 1559166444632 (1).png (2850x2740, 1.21M)

Attached: 1559164420713.png (2592x1707, 466K)

I hope it works. I've seen the research on 5G and it's not good.

so these faggots are just making threads so they can easily create a low effort article based on it, fucking pathetic hang journalists truly parasites

Not a bad idea...too bad I have so much to lose.
Yeah I know, a Jow Forumstard with something to lose. Hard to believe but its true.

>God above all
At the bottom of the list yet at the top.

look at me man

>I've seen the research on 5G and it's not good.

do you even know what 5G is

Attached: rabbi.jpg (904x1200, 358K)

brain melting microwave beams to sterilize white men of course

We now need to go full circle and take LGBTQ

Hmm yes my fellow white nationalists, let's commit nigger-tier crime (that will be charged with "hate" enhancements) against buildings covered in surveillance cameras, what could possibly go wrong with this great plan?

Ok pol
now you fuckers will only use this shit language forever in your jobs

Attached: learning-c_sharp.png (312x312, 8K)

>that will be charged with "hate" enhancements
But its just a hashtag bro, was just trying to tweet out the synagogue to get more people to pray there

> shit language

Attached: naziflag2.jpg (125x83, 2K)

Attached: naziflag.jpg (474x316, 23K)

Attached: naziwojak.jpg (403x403, 28K)

Attached: rudolf hess.jpg (474x566, 43K)

This doesn't even take that much balls to do. If you get caught claim you were making a political statement about the media jumping on every hoax and you chose a synagogue because you wanted to cause as much outrage as possible to point out the absurdity of the situation.

>dear diary
No one cares about your statement that you have tiny testicles.

Anyone up for a game of Tic tac jew?

i don't remember anyone on here calling it the "fashtag" when this idea was going around.

Attached: 1558814667922.jpg (192x253, 23K)

Attached: 1558814246406.png (1200x630, 102K)

you won't do anything you nigger


Attached: comment_XfMd6aJ42opXZUOgwZ7Zojs7sePhaezTw400.jpg (324x324, 31K)

Attached: smugpepe.jpg (500x667, 54K) is wimp
We live in a simulation

How long before someone does this? 2 days? 3 days?

Attached: annkkDkP_700w_0.jpg (280x280, 11K)

How do I get unplugged from this clown_world_simulation.exe?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Threads like these always make me feel like I'm one step away from being watched. Hello FBI!

Buddy, he lives in a country where you aren’t entitled to defend yourself if you’re white.


>c-can we keep hashtagging as normal???

RT are such concern trolls.

Attached: 1b29b19d4f210f81a798f132fbc2f50b4ff7bac2c41afb24202c8c906deb7ad7.gif (414x532, 438K)

It's the same symbol as the one used by the Roman Legion.

Might be a larp. Still funny.

Attached: curs.png (500x561, 643K)

Based Putin is browsing Jow Forums

>Print off paper with a hashtag in 300 point font
>tack it to the bulletin.
Please arrest me officer

Attached: 1555384001729.jpg (1024x1012, 89K)

RT browses Jow Forums 100% fact.


Attached: 1559171052713.png (583x475, 171K)

How Could we, as nazis, not love 5G. It will sterilize those in the cities, who are mostly blacks, liberals, and jews. It is, in essence, victory

Rt was always a shitposting network.

It's not just cities, they need to link that shit into the cities from the power sources.

Attached: Truth is, game was rigged from the start.png (625x329, 42K)

If you wear full body clothing and go quickly you wont get caught. All the cowards crying about glowniggers are just jelly that somebody has the balls to shitpost IRL. Fucking kikes are genociding us and people are worried about spray painting

Attached: 1558859407721.png (400x394, 281K)

#oof #oof


Sieg #eil

#Kek wills it#


Attached: #heil#hitler#.png (1920x1080, 90K)

Attached: #flag.png (1600x960, 122K)

If you're not part of the official Jow Forums discord you should be, we're working on trying to keep this meme going. Get in and help us.
>no trannies
>no leftists
>no leafs
>no roasties

Attached: smuggie_1.jpg (739x566, 131K)

Attached: Hashtag_fingers.jpg (1620x1080, 553K)

this. you can see videos from 20 years ago where Trump is using the OK gesture but our prank has solidified this into a WP signal

Discord links are just glowies trying to dox Jow Forumsacks that come up with a good idea

Attached: 1558972335975.jpg (751x720, 54K)


Attached: #OK#.jpg (1280x1280, 370K)

Just don't use an identifiable username or picture. Or say anything about yourself that is identifiable. It's not hard.

Don't forget to label the Jew with the Ashtag

Attached: 1559150336010.png (477x415, 160K)

Is this evidence that all the weak forced memes that aren't kiked BLACKED bullshit and kiked "hurrr, you love nationalism, be a zionist too, goy," and aren't kiked "post JIDF girls, goy," and that also aren't FBI, "Post your guns for when the racewar starts, bonus points for sawed off shotguns and illegally converted automatics," are actually just forced Ruskie memes from Ruskie troll-farms? Did the Russians force this fashtag garbage?

Am I the only white guy on Jow Forums? Am I also the only one posting on here for free and not getting paid to force hebraic, fed, or russian memes?

Attached: 1559173637087.jpg (633x758, 63K)

I honestly didn’t think it would work. how far can we take it?

Attached: 88F562D5-63B0-4942-8FEB-560236B8506A.jpg (270x256, 20K)

C #
C # Run
Run # Run


Most of us do this for free


Attached: #pepe'.png (800x771, 112K)


Attached: 8CCF9397-402F-4197-8512-86642458AC5C.jpg (260x287, 18K)

Checked and Jews caught trying to do a false flag

The sad part is the press know they're being baited and will fall for it. Like the "OK" symbol they will soon begin to hunt people down for using "#" in any context.

Attached: 1558472217972.gif (393x443, 2.76M)


I fucking love this shit

>how far can we take it?
#nothing is beyond /our/ reach

/we/ do it for Keks (aka Lulz)

Attached: Nothing is Beyond Our Reach.jpg (1000x1000, 211K)

Twitter is a hotbed of systemic racism.

#ail #ortler

Attached: seig_heil_pony.jpg (1280x720, 59K)


Attached: #.jpg (847x874, 91K)

Can any bros ITT give me an idea for an edgy T shirt design? Would a Fashtag be too simple?
I already got pic related from etsy for something totally benign, I'm gonna go full fash in response.

Attached: fuckthisclownworld.jpg (635x579, 370K)


Attached: 82C16A2B-78A1-449D-8BA9-36AFD8C46334.gif (480x270, 337K)


Attached: #'event.png (1400x931, 3.16M)

Attached: 234242.jpg (125x124, 4K)

Attached: 1527698253125.png (629x350, 269K)


Attached: #'meetup.png (1024x640, 1.14M)

What font is that Fashtag written in lad?


Attached: #ailAnime.png (916x669, 570K)

Rabbi's wouldn't so often fake vandalism if they didn't have something to gain from it (becoming the "victim")

Lets not do this

I don't know. I didn't make it.
I'm just sharing (what I saved)

Attached: heil#anime.png (1999x1125, 991K)

Checked and also that is aesthetic af.

Oh fuck oh god I just posted a tweet using a hashtag and now I'm forced to come here for the local nazi town hall meetings

Just think...this symbol is EVERYWHERE.

It's on our phones, in our work, the Twitter's iconic symbol, in our books,'s literally EVERYONE.

This is one battle Liberals can't win. Good job Jow Forums!

this is correct
>But its just a hashtag bro
>implying it matters


Attached: #sun.png (1240x828, 1.1M)

Fuck me we got Rabbinical operatives working for us now

Attached: #ashBird.png (630x630, 90K)

they're the ones testing all these little psyops on here to see how well their propaganda is taking with zoomers

>thinking he can out Jew a jew


Attached: #ashTroop.jpg (1400x976, 321K)

So this is the power promised to me for becoming a wizard.

heh. Not bad.