Get in here. BIG Events unfolding in June through July. Can't name sources

I won't tell you who I am or where I'm getting my information and much of this post is going to be vague. Your opinion won't matter, I'm just giving this information to your poor half-chans because I pity you having to sift through the blatant shill BLACKED threads to find something of substance on this forsaken board. To re-cap if you haven't been paying close attention:

>The past two years we have been in a clandestine war the likes of which the world has never seen. This war has been waged using top-secret techniques and equiment; classified technologies, telepathy, remote viewing, and yes, time travel (but not in the way you're probably thinking).
>We have essentially won. The path to victory is imminent. The end is in sight, it's just a matter of time now.
>All major apocalypse-level weapons have been neutralized/seized. This includes weather control systems, Omniscient AI systems, and Bio-Chemical weapons. Some DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) are still in (((their))) possession but this will be dealt with in the coming weeks.
>Human/Child trafficking has been dismantled, much of the sentencing has already been done in a hush-hush manner. Big players on a global scale (Not Just US.) have been dealt with. This will not come to light until later when public has a sense of how big the corruption went.

Now let's talk about what coming the next two months.

>FISA declassification coming first week of June confirmed.
>Mass arrests to take place throughout the Month of June. This includes Hollywood, Music Industry, Politics, Media, Banking, Corporate hierarchies, and the like.
>The only weapon still in (((their))) arsenal is the media behemoth they've created over the past 80 years. This is the propaganda machine that's been turning since the fucking 50s and it's not going to be gone over night. Nor should we want it to. These arrests and dismantlings have to happen in a timely manner otherwise it was cause civil unrest.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>time travel
ok i believe you

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This will be rocky. Your friends and family will need you in these trying times. Do not be "that guy" who tries to shove it in their face that you were right the whole time. Be caring, be loving. Understand that for some, this is all going to happen in a month, whereas most of you have been diving down rabbit holes for years. Their entire reality is going to be re-written in a matter of weeks. I can't stress this enough.

Be loving, answer questions, don't be a fucking asshole. The Light is on it's way.

On July 4th we will celebrate and a huge reveal will take place. One that will shock the world and bring us all together in a way NO ONE thought possible. I would tell you anons, and believe me, I want too. But if I told you, mods would take the thread down because Jow Forums is compromised. Anyway, that's all for now, I'll stick around a bit to answer questions.

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who r u trying to bait?

Do these guy make threads just to farm (you)s

i'll bite.

how many arrests will take place? (approximate)

who will try them?

what will happen to those arrested?

Once the dust settles, anything new and cool i can look forward too?

I use those terms in an overarching manner to describe much more complicated methods of using conscientiousness in ways you can't comprehend. To even begin to go into detail on it would take about an 8 hour lecture for you to understand the basics. It's complicated, user. If you want to learn more, you can find plenty of youtube videos that describe our fractal reality.

Gay Q tier LARP.

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