He's getting impeached


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it's finally over

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the unending hoard of niggers into my country isn't stopping either way. the fuck do i care if this goy bitch gets impeached?

What a loser.
Can’t even president.

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>Said nervous man for the 3446556th time before he set himself on fire

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You are here btw

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obviously he will win 2020, otherwise impeachmeant wouldn't matter.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter if he is. Most of Reddit probably thinks he’ll be led out of office in handcuffs by AOC and those other ugly shitheads she surrounds herself with. It might hit the stock market, the thought of which makes libshits cream their panties.

I want to send democrats to concentration camps

Trump will win 2020


Finally We Got Him

>He's getting impeached
no he's not

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the shitskins are going to get you eventually moshie

What could possibly go wrong by impeaching a sitting president based on a constant barrage of media propaganda from the left.

You're wrong.

2020 in the bag. Funny enough that its a Clinton that wants someone else impeached. It made Bill more popular than ever.

The maple roastie is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a slut, ditz, whore, cumdump, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But ask her how she pays her rent and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

No. He'll be killed as a martyr for the empire

Why do people constantly scream for impeachment?
He's got a year and a half left of this term.
A smart person throws all their energy into winning the election instead.

good one kiwi

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the jewish empire

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That's what they're doing. They're going to frame the election as the impeachment of Doland Drumpf. They're literally creating reality. It's all fake. This is all fake. None of this matters. Your country is being taken from you, every day, every hour. You can't beat demographics in a "democracy". While this garbage occupies the population, the criminals replace them, lessen them, until they are in control of a retarded mutt race biomass.

How much do you pay for milk and cheese leaf?

I'm thinking they're putting all their eggs in the watergate basket, i.e. long term play. He'll get impeached second term, which to them ideally means no Republican presidents for a considerable amount of time. If they impeach him this term, the overarching political consequences will be softer. However, like last time, they'll probably run another limp dick one-termer for President and some crisis will occur and they won't be able to get it up thus ruining Democrats chances for Presidency for a while. That's my two shekels anyways.