How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows and TrannyPoints? Reading the comments of some of those videos shows some really obvious signs of JIDF or other organizational shilling, and most of the videos that got me woke to the genetics questions were responses by Alt Hype to dumb shit Contrapoints says anyways. Who the hell is falling for this garbage?
How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows...
Other urls found in this thread:
people who watch jordan peterson and ben shapiro a few times and think they're alt-right
No one, it's just marketing
This, it’s nothing to do with us
Nobody knows who the fuck these people are. You fucking spam their dumbass YouTube channels everywhere. It’s so fucking obvious that you’re here trying to promote this retards channel by spamming their shit. Fuck off.
>I was deeply entrenched in the at-right, at the heart of the organization watching Molyneux videos up to two times a day. It was a very dark time in my life
I watched Peterson but never Shapiro. Peterson's religious takes or at least is analysis of Genesis and the Bible were rather interesting to me, and at the time left me feeling smug and satisfied. Now I want more and better interpretations, ones that are less "psychological" and more spiritual and metaphysical. I think some of the people who joined politics for the memes and to "trigger libs" are the only people who have really fallen prey to this gay "deconversion" shit.
>too autistic to even hold a conversation online
We'll find you help one day don't worry.
My favorite part of trannypoints is it takes a man pretending to be a woman to be both slightly logical and emotionally overinvested to the point of idiocy in a way that a regular woman could never accomplish.
The jokes in his videos make me want to kill myself, and its the worst ones that land so poorly that his fans think are the funniest.
Yeah actually talking to a tranny about politics was the only time I've heard somewhat rational opinions from a 'woman'. I mean I disagreed with the tranny because I'm basically natsoc, but she had actual arguments and could cite research and wasn't just shreeking about her fee-fees. We made out a little, no homo.
>making fun of autusts
>on Jow Forums
Youre definitely not from around here.
>Who the hell is falling for this garbage?
No one.
oh hey look, the mentally ill tranny is shilling it's channel again....
Literally nobody who was truly alt-right and actually had a grasp on the values or concepts, and wasn't just an NPC, has EVER been swung over by that retarded tranny.
The only type of people who get "deradicalized" by videos like this are alt-lite/alt-right LARPing retards, who never understood the foundational worldview behind NatSoc/Fascist ideology and only hold their beliefs because it's edgy and cool online.
You know, I visited leftypol for the first time a minute ago out of curiosity
>multiple stickies about what you're not allowed to say
>threads with boldtext rules like this
>the majority of posts in every thread are deleted
Doesn't that hugbox shit defeat the whole purpose of having a *chan?
I think you'll find that no matter how shit a community is there's a sub community of even more miserable, mentally ill homebound people hanging out during every waking hour in a niche of obsolete tech beneath the more common platform.
>how are they converting our people
I doubt that
This looks fucking awful. I've never visited leftypol but I really don't understand how a community like that could exist, let alone function. The mention of the suffix -chan makes people immediately think of the underground reactionary right, or of a lawless place where people can and will say literally anything. To put the concept of the left inside of a chan-type imageboard just seems like a project doomed to fail. All the do is shit up our boards with stuff like pic related, though luckily they mostly just attack Jow Forums on 8.
Maybe I'm retarded but I have a legitimate interest in actually hearing the opinions and reasoning of progressives. Unfortunately, they never have any interest in actually telling you about their views - it's all either "you stupid fucking fascist die now" screeching or just outright banning you "k bye :)"
Like I said, I got baste and redpilled off of Alt Hype and Sean Last. I don't know how someone could watch those guys dismember Contra and then still get scared and ditch serious conservatism. Makes me think its all manufactured or its just not our guys in the first place.
No one worth losing. Bandwaggoners or caved in head niggers.
So, Contrapoints thread?
Nobody is. Just the media running their regular propaganda
This. And leftists actually think those people are "alt right". That's literally what they classify every right to center person as
Has that ever been properly articulated? It seems like a general rule of Internet forums that the less moderated they are, the more right-wing they become - left wing discourse can only flourish under careful babysitting and moderation.
Guess not.
Well I suspect if they're actually converted away they likely didn't have a good grasp of their own positions to begin with. I recall in another thread where someone showed a quote of one of these people saying how a ashamed they were about slightly agreeing with Jared Taylor, which how they described their own position seemed they had a very shallow understanding of the race realist positions.
>all of these people
This just isn't happening, though. Have the discord trannies really gotten into your head that deep?
I literally do not believe anyone can be "deradicalized" there is absolutely nothing on this earth that could possibly convince me to stop acknowledging the reality of human biodiversity and its importance short of a literal miracle, as in race is no longer heritable but random. I dont care how you split the hairs, there are humans on this earth that I am closer related to, and humans I am more distantly related to. I dont care if you call them social constructs, or races or subspecies or species. I know what an ancestry tree looks like, I know what cladistics are, and 99.999% of the time people who look like me are closer related to me, and thus I have a biological justification for how to economically divide my resources, both financial and emotional.
>ever been properly articulated
Is this biting sarcasm directed towards me? I'm not trying to shit on you here user but the whole "less moderation equal more right wing views" is a pretty old take. It's not that it isn't true, but is something we would have been saying back even in 2015.
No, I was legitimately wondering if anyone had ever done anything from a full thesis to a snappy one-liner because I can only type in unsure, meandering sentences. No offense intended.
it is a shit meme and obviously it has a fetish for 'converting' things
Just kill yourself. Your eternal reward awaits, but it's a lot like that burning nigger you saw earlier today, so I can understand the hesitation. In any event, enjoy.
Letting ideas, arguments and facts flow free = board becomes right-wing. Heavily moderating and censoring = left-wing. Should be the ultimate proof that the right is right.
I don't know if that's the way to articulate it. The left would say "well look at all this illogical vitriol that is clearly the result of the impulses of the human brain and as we all know impulses are illogical so we must moderate the discussion in order to only include the truest facts and the truest logic" and on and on. It's a marketable argument for the ideas of the right, but we should be wary that it can backfire and put normalfags against us again.
I actually just saw a screenshot of exactly what you're looking for yesterday. It was a little text perfectly explaining this left to right phenomenon. Didn't save it though (dumbass).
>I used to believe that jews used nepotism to take control of the media, education, and government by looking up who ran these
>I used to believe that race had a significant correlation with intelligence from genetic causes by looking at stats
>I used to believe multiculturalism causes problems with social cohesion and generally degrades society
>now I realize that is all ridiculous, race isn't real, jews just work hard, and diversity is our strength
Honestly I don't think this ever happened.
Emotional reasons yeah, someone that was just annoyed at loud black kids might become a lefty after hearing "dey wouldn't do dat if they wuznt oppressed".
But I can't see someone really looking at the stats, believing them, not just rejecting them instinctively, and then just saying "yup, it's all bullshit" a year later.
Facts have a right wing bias. It's one of the reasons leftists are so against free speech. All left wing boards need to be heavily moderated and censored to protect their feelings from those pesky uncomfortable facts.
They'd likely pull the.
>you just make shit up faster than it can be debunked
>you just shout down anyone that tries to explain why you're wrong
Any organization not explicitly right-wing will become left-wing.
Any uncensored forum will become right-wing.
Nobody has ever gone from right to left. It just simply isn't possible. Once you're right, you're right. From there on it only goes further right.
Except the leftists control the universities, labs, and research institutes that hand out grants, and decide which studies are conducted. Even if your research proposal gets greenlit with grant money, you still have to go through (((peer review))).
>Nobody has ever gone from right to left
I don't think anyone has gone redpill to bluepill.
But people are statistically more likely to go left than right.
This is because theleft runs the education system and media.
Any disagreement that isn't basic bitch cuckservatism, which is fucking dumb and can be outdebated easily, gets censored by any means possible.
There's a reason why their channels are so heavily's quite obvious.
>How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows and TrannyPoints?
Not one person has actually changed their minds watching this hideous deformed meatsack, all this thing has done is make everyone hate disgusting-ass trannyfaggots more than ever.
Dilate, then kill yourself, bro (cuz you're not a girl, never have been, never will be, faggot)
Not so much that people move as their first, formative opinions are left-wing. You start hearing left-wing shit in kindergarten, so a normal person who doesn't particularly give a shit about politics can stay a "nice liberal" their entire life.
That's not an actual *change* in opinion. So you have plenty of people who are left-wing because they were always left-wing, and you have plenty of people who are right-wing now but used to be left-wing, but you never really find anybody who is left-wing now but used to be right-wing.
I mean Morpheus said it himself, once you've taken the red pill, there's no turning back.
I hope you're joking about that last part, traps are gay
>did you hate me when I was a part of that cult?
It's a psyop, and Youtube probably pushes left wing content artificially (along with controlled opposition like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc.) and hides nationalists and "conspiracy theorists" as much as they can.
>theleft runs the education system and media.
It's the other way around, our institutions push social justice on us for their own hidden motives.
People who got swept up in the feeling of momentum we had in 2016 and revealed their power level but now see Trump is kiked, the deplatformings have been effective, this is going nowhere. They're now being offered a chance to publicly disavow and self-flagellate so they can maybe be allowed a wagecucking position.
>How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows and TrannyPoints?
because theyre not.
nobody is
its the deranged faggot and his tranny discord squat shilling his channel for (you)s
I'll just leave this here.
>Contra Contra Points on Race
>Contra Points: Still Stupid
They don't. It's just another liberal lie to make their npc legions think they're winning
Pro tip
>they are not
the alt-right is dying because it is a hedonistic, fleshly ideology --- literally "muh ancestors"
most of the alt-right has found Jesus, and understood that the problems in the world are the result of SIN, not race. That's what Common Filth was trying to tell you faggots years ago.
Even the most minor, basic bitch 15-viewer radical left antifa streamers get donations in excess of $500 per hour. I'm fucking serious. If you can find an antifa streamers just look at it for about ten minutes, 100% chance at least one person will give them a donation in excess of $100. And it's always in that range-- they never get piddly little $5 or $10 donations. Their sugar daddies are as generous as your local thot's.
Any political commentator even slightly less radical than antifa is making like $20 per hour, even with ten to fifty times their viewers. And they think that's GOOD.
It's absolutely bizarre.
I used to think white people should continue existing and all that but after watching a retarded ugly tranny with cool lighting make no good arguments on YouTube I want to be replaced now and also fuck Trump and fuck white people. Let them in!
3 arrows can only think in 1 dimension.
I think Natalie Wynn is pretty hot if I'm honest. I watch her videos largely for that reason because I'm shallow
>Now I want more and better interpretations, ones that are less "psychological" and more spiritual and metaphysical.
I would recommend Guenon and then Evola for religion and metaphysics in general. This template attached also recommends a book by father seraphim rose who is orthodox and I have heard good things about.
The object of study in metaphysics is the same and does not change although the form of understanding that object does based on the people and culture doing the study, that is what Guenon argues. Once you get that you can pick your system and study but both authors I find are great for helping to understand Tradition, religion, and where I am in the world with respect to time and space.
All that aside people will sometimes say Evola is a bit of a meme but I loved what I have read and his focus on the path of the warrior as compared to the contemplative/priest is great for those who desire action.
>>I mean Morpheus said it himself, once you've taken the red pill, there's no turning back.
Yes, but Morpheus was pulling the protagonist away from the his wagecuck job and the status quo construed as reality, what Marxists call ideology. Don't you remember that the writers of that movie are trannies themselves who pulled material from all sort of places including Baudrillard, who is most famous for his critiques against capitalist culture?
People are realizing that hating people based on gender identity or race is stupid and pointless.
lol would love to hear what you think the alt right believes in or hopes to achieve
"we hate all non-whites and non-straights and want to genocide them all!!!"
is that it?
>cool lighting
CP's lighting is bad. He just floods the scene, washes things out things so that everything just blends together, looks muddy and flat. Nothing pops, nothing has contrast. He has ZERO sense of framing and composition.
>no homo
fucking sweden
More like who is posting this over and over?
You get fifteen guesses.
Sean Last is the smartest fucker on the dissident right and no one really knows about him.
Loved the video where he said biological differences between races don't exist and that right-wing incels cling to skull shape because skulls are permanent and they want to trick you into thinking the shape and size of a persons skull influences how they behave.
He has a personal army of actual incels who donate their shekels to him so he get botox. Kind of funny.
>Washes things out things so that everything just blends together, looks muddy and flat. Nothing pops, nothing has contrast.
Maybe it's intentional to reflect his left wing politics?
Id fuck that tranny
Even then there’s only that one beta faggot and that lady who worked for breitbart who needed a job for her insulin who “reconverted”
>the smartest fucker
Come now have you even read any of the articles published at places like arktos? Sean Last does makes great youtube videos but that is a far cry from smartest.
These two are one of my favorite articles they published
or take this one that helps one understand the yellow vest in relation to the left and the events of 1968 in france
There is plenty to read so get to it.
Protip: Trannies are even more autistic than Jow Forums and devote their lives to internet warfare and astroturfing. Nobody is being "deradicalized" into an anti-white communist tranny.
I was deradicalized by contrapoints.
Trust me Jow Forums, it’s worth it to watch a few videos. Once her arguments hit you and you really think about what you’ve become you will deradicalize as well.
There is literally no arguments against this new wave of YouTube leftists. Destiny wins every debate, three arrows has converted millions as well. Once you realize these people are winning in influence for a reason you begin to wonder how you ever believed the alt right in the first place.
This isn’t really true though. Look at climate change denial. Uncensored forums with a conservative tilt have that kind of content all the time and there’s no scientific basis for it at all.
I think conservative answers are more appealing due to their (usually but not always) unambiguous nature.
EG: “Gender and biological sex are the same concept and pronouns refer to biology” is the simple position but it isn’t any more (or less) intelligent than “gender and sex are related but distinct concepts and they don’t always align”. Intelligent ppl can think either of these things largely based on their aesthetic preference for simplicity vs nuance and/or a desire to maintain traditional gender norms.
The simpler position is more appealing to normies because it takes less mental steps to get there.
I was actually somewhat pink pilled on trans issues and capitalism by Contra. Her takes on racism are less good. She does have the alt right pegged in terms of their tactics though.
Clearly she’s spent a lot of time lurking Jow Forums
The climate change thing is unique because the problem itself may in fact be real but the solution is bullshit. I can sum it up this easily:
>Carbon emissions are disrupting the environment!
>That's terrible, what can we do to stop it?
>Give $100 billion to China and Africa
>How... how is that going to help the environment?
I think a lot of people just short-circuit the whole thing and go "fuck it I don't believe in any of it." Because environmentalists themselves act like they don't believe in climate change, it's just their version of The Four Horsemen coming to kill everybody for violating their morality.
algorithms and view throttling. type in race realism some time, see what you ((get)). Trannypoints, Vasectomy etc exist because there's s bunch of fags screaming on leddit who need an outlet. Gullible kids get taken by the groupthink and out comes the honk
Contra never said biological differences between races don’t exist. She said the majority of variation was within groups (which is true) and that “race” is best thought of a set of arbitrary clusters. The continuum of traits that race refers to is a biological reality, but our taxonomies are influenced by culture and occasionally don’t fully make sense from a genetic POV.
For example, an Ashkenazi Jew and a Southern Med have near complete genetic overlap, but culture makes the former non white and the latter white (at least to white nationalists).
The jewpill is the only true red pill
It's called "astroturfing". Jewish organizations like the (((ADL))) and (((SPLC))) fund these bluepillers to throw goyim off the trail.
Oh my god fuck off with your shilling attempts, nobody here is ever going to take life advice from a eunuch who can't even figure out what gender they are.
I think there is something to what you’re saying about the flawed reaction on the part of leftists to climate change. Many treat it as an outright extinction event which it isn’t. The rational response to that is to clear up what the actual risks are (and they’re significant) and to propose solutions that amount to more than just virtue signaling.
Creepy faggot that tries to cruise incels.
Go make trap porn with Cantwell. He's a lolbertarian and needs some cash.
We're overdue for an extinction event anyway. 13000 year cycle. The next cataclysm, a reset for humanity and history will repeat almost exactly the same way up again, with humans thinking they're the first to do x or have y.
I find this fascinating. Even something explicitly right-wing eventually will soften. But networks or communities totally without restrictions? These end up right-wing naturally and always remain that way. They do not soften. By nature, the emotional shit gets beaten into submission. As it should. Emotions are to be controlled, not to control.
you know what they say,
25% of the population,
60% of the rapes.