How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows...

How are all of these people "converting" away from the "alt-right" after watching such retarded videos fromThree Arrows and TrannyPoints? Reading the comments of some of those videos shows some really obvious signs of JIDF or other organizational shilling, and most of the videos that got me woke to the genetics questions were responses by Alt Hype to dumb shit Contrapoints says anyways. Who the hell is falling for this garbage?

Attached: retardpoints.jpg (1163x1080, 179K)

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people who watch jordan peterson and ben shapiro a few times and think they're alt-right

No one, it's just marketing

This, it’s nothing to do with us

Nobody knows who the fuck these people are. You fucking spam their dumbass YouTube channels everywhere. It’s so fucking obvious that you’re here trying to promote this retards channel by spamming their shit. Fuck off.

>I was deeply entrenched in the at-right, at the heart of the organization watching Molyneux videos up to two times a day. It was a very dark time in my life

I watched Peterson but never Shapiro. Peterson's religious takes or at least is analysis of Genesis and the Bible were rather interesting to me, and at the time left me feeling smug and satisfied. Now I want more and better interpretations, ones that are less "psychological" and more spiritual and metaphysical. I think some of the people who joined politics for the memes and to "trigger libs" are the only people who have really fallen prey to this gay "deconversion" shit.

>too autistic to even hold a conversation online
We'll find you help one day don't worry.

My favorite part of trannypoints is it takes a man pretending to be a woman to be both slightly logical and emotionally overinvested to the point of idiocy in a way that a regular woman could never accomplish.

The jokes in his videos make me want to kill myself, and its the worst ones that land so poorly that his fans think are the funniest.

Yeah actually talking to a tranny about politics was the only time I've heard somewhat rational opinions from a 'woman'. I mean I disagreed with the tranny because I'm basically natsoc, but she had actual arguments and could cite research and wasn't just shreeking about her fee-fees. We made out a little, no homo.