Anyone else notice a surge in snarky leftists using this phrase? Did someone on the talmudvision start using it recently? Its their kneejerk reply to anyone that disagrees with them.
Anyone else notice a surge in snarky leftists using this phrase? Did someone on the talmudvision start using it recently? Its their kneejerk reply to anyone that disagrees with them.
Other urls found in this thread:
"Who hurt you?!"
>They make 13% population but...
oh sweety
oh sweet summer child
lets unpack this
I first heard it's like 8-10 months ago
Snark and smugness is all they've got.
Who hurt you?
Leddit users who like to think they are psychologists.
That is a great response actually
There is no such thing as a rational debate when it comes to arguing with left wingers. I've tried time and time again to get a genuine response out of them and they simply spout off one of the many preprogrammed responses they've been told. Just shitpost your brains out against them and you'll get the same results
You could say the same to them when they sperg out, take the man of fire for example. Either way just sticks and stones.
Yike. I give one yike to this.
ive seen that phrase here on /b/ in 2012
They are so self absorbed that they assume that anyone who disagrees with them is repressed somehow. The implication is that they're more emotionally mature than you.
They were always like this. It happens everytime they lose an argument.
I like how america went from being the greatest nation on the planet to being a nation full of faggots vying for the top slot of victimhood.
they themselves were hurt as children thats why theyre fucked up now
sometimes a guy's gotta make a choice...
Just reply to them, "your stupidity hurts me."
reddt, seriously
More projection.
These days I'm seeing a lot of
>have sex
A lot of anons are married with kids but I guess someone thinks they have us all figured out...
leftist like to think they are morally superior and that you are a racist Nazi white male. of course this would be a response I would expect from deranged psychopathic pre programmed baby killers when you preach traditional values.
Not only morally superior but also intellectually superior.
Classic projection.
They hold their views due to being "hurt" socially and afraid of being further socially excluded ("hurt") thus they follow a fake consensus as told them by the media.
They assume therefore everyone's elses views must be a result of being "hurt" by someone.
the other one is "why are you so afraid of x"?
That shit's been around since the Soviet Union
>disagree with the glorious Five Year Plan, comrade?
>since the Party is infallible and Communism is objectively the best system ever, you are clearly insane! Into the prison-hospital with you!
It works just as well in an argument. You characterize disagreement with you as mental illness, which is a) nearly impossible to defend against and b) immediately changes the topic from your shit assertion to the other person's mental state
It’s an attempt to pathologize any opinions they disagree with to make them seem out side of he status quo essentially trying to gaslight the opposition and any onlookers
Have sex
Lol adversity score cards !!!
>obsessing over imaginary *invasions* of his japanese cartoons forum
literally HAVE SEX
It seems to me to be a misreading of law of attraction. They believe if their intentions are good they can do wrong because that's totally how that works.
You pick one and make a demonstration of who's going to snap and start making statements in bad faith first. You won't convince the person you're talking to but others will see with their own eyes who is really controlling the conversation.
the "alt right" used this years ago and now they are just regurgitating it like they always do because they are fucking morons with no original ideas or thoughts.... hence why the left cant meme
Would be a real shame if they got out-snarked. Don't give them an opportunity to do it to you, do it to them first. Bait them, or more realistically wait for them, to start shrieking about some leftist pet peeve or another, and then give them the ole "who hurt you?" routine.
Based Dru
>teleports behind you
>taps you on shoulder
>you turn around
>i'm gone
>teleports behind you again
heh, nothing personal kid....
Eh, just a buzzword. What got me was "the Venn diagram of X and Y is just a circle" bon mot. There was a certain day when I'd never seen anyone say that, and then I saw 70 people say it, and then over the next month I saw 403, 585, 030 people saying it.
but they’re always the “aggrieved victims” anyway. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
It would be better to say “nobody has hurt me, but I can see you’re sure trying.”
They coordinate over mass email lists and twitter obviously
>who hurt me?
well, i got robbed one night and a nigger stabbed me in the face. that hurt a bit.
Leftism is a response to childhood trauma. They view all ideological views and opinions through the same lens, so if someone disagrees with them it must be a sign of childhood trauma
I always see you post user, what does wasp stand for?
That's exactly what Ben Shapiro does, and it's Jew. It's also a great way to D&C.
I only do that with people I know are provocateur.
This post is for you.
It's a common ridicule tactic. A non argument.
It originated with a silly yet frightening tweet from Netflix
This. Most of their lexicon is developed to patrol the perimeters of debate rather than actually argue anything. The focus is shifted from your evidence to why you’d even argue against what they’re trying to impose.
What if he got hurt having sex?
Good point, they're from an environment where you can shame people into silence.
then you must be fun at parties
The same guy that expanded your anus 10-30 years ago and traumatized you to the point of seeking castration, tranny kike.
who hurt you?
sweetie ;)
have sex
its almost as if
It's a way to make them feel like they are justified in their feelings while your totally not valid opinions must be based on hatred. They cannot fathom opposing viewpoints having any merit.
The wife found out she was pregnant last week. I'm gonna be a dad user! (for real) :)
Nigger still caked her face in makeup kek
It does seem like they get their faggy phrases from a centralized source simultaneously.
Congrats, user! Are you Viet or an expat?
based Grue
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Basically old money east coast elite.
>fuck of cunt
just named my new band, thanks
Expat. I've given up on the west. Authoritarian capitalist states are where its at.
Neat how you'll raise your kids outside the West, free from the violence and degeneracy here. I'll be joining you in SEA soon.
Who hurt you?
You did with this ignorant conversation
If it’s black sass try not to say niggers
Ah, a fuck of cunt...
I need to ask my neighbor if she can spare one of those!
Put it in the filter with "have sex" "psy-op" and "pro tip: you can't".
Then.....have sex.....or who hurt....have....who hurt.....(head explodes)
>Who hurt you
Niggers, pic related
That was an impressive response time.
We have all of your statistics our algorithms know you better than you know you.
Now post the reactions of the left when the smugness was thrown back in their face.
Liberals are like fucking children. Their counter-arguments have no sense or reason. So they resort to personal attacks out of desperation. WEAK!
No wonder why they are getting cucked by niggers.
>There is no such thing as a rational debate when it comes to arguing with left wingers. I've tried time and time again to get a genuine response out of them and they simply spout off one of the many preprogrammed responses they've been told. Just shitpost your brains out against them and you'll get the same results
Same with Christcucks.
East Coast WASPs get the rope right after the Jews you worthless blood traitors.
This. Listen when I say A.I. wont be a computer. It IS leftism.
13/52...gonna start making bumper stickers...
Congratulations user. Hope its a boy and he lives a happy and healthy life.
it's much older. i remember people saying since at least mid 90s
Once again, they can't even understand their own hypocrisy. When a terrorist act is committed, "that was just an outlier. Not all are like that." When crime statistics and observable reality are brought to their faces, they claim that the few outliers of good niggers and spics mean that it's acceptable to let the rest keep on murdering and raping. But when it comes to white people, there's no such thing as an outlier and all whites share collective guilt for things that happened centuries before they were born.
Yeah that gif makes perfect sense actually. Ever notice in a city the phenotypes converge? Take your average "white" hipster. Black hair, 5‘5-5´10,brown eyes. The women, FISH FACE ALWAYS (lips, brow, same dark hair/eyes) Thats not even getting into how similarly they acccessorize. Or how all niggers look the same. You literally need space (rural whites) to create the highest divergence of a population genetically.
nah bro that and other cringey shit has been on reddit for awhile now
>Who hurt you.
Alexa pearl
here ya go user
surprised that nobody has posted this yet
It’s part of their Marxist tactics to be as Infantile yet smug as possible with those who they view as less superior
Then you realize the person spouting semen in your direction is a blue haired tranny
Leftists in general are condescending as fuck on social media.
Gaslighting is a pretty common tactic used by leftists or rather I should say commies. I always immediately check out of the conversation whenever they start ranting about how crazy I am for simply holding a different opinon